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hobbies and interests for your CV

why should you include hobbies and interest in your CV?

Including an interest or hobby related to the job you want to pursue can make you look like a
more attractive candidate to them.

1. Yoga: This will reflect that you are a person who can stay calm and in control, so you can
probably handle working in a pressured environment.

2. Extreme sports: Mountain biking, skydiving, etc. Including this can make the person who reads
your CV think that you are someone without fear, who likes to explore new things.

3. Endurance sports: marathons, running, mountaineering, etc. these sports require tenacity and
dedication. These qualities can make you an ideal person for some companies that have vacancies
in management, sales.

4. Videos: Making videos as a hobby can be interesting for the person who needs someone for
event planning, production or social networks.

5. Captain or leader of something: this means that you have developed interpersonal skills of
good leadership, something that is required in a job for boss.

6. Write a blog: this will help you if you are applying for vacancies in the area of communication
and marketing.

7. Photography: it will help you for a position in the digital or marketing industry. Photography
implies creativity, patience and improvisation.

8. Play an instrument: classical guitar, violin or piano. It will be useful for vacancies where they are
looking for someone with focus, dedication and discipline.

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