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Forgotten Criy's Forgotten Memories



Disclaimer:I cannot guarantee the com-

plete accuracy of this translation


CV: Morita Noriaki (森田則昭)

Track 1: Prologue – Dad Seems to Have

Gotten a Girlfriend


I’m home!

Huh? You’re still awake?

You could’ve slept, you didn’t have to wait

until your father got home.

The meeting went on for so long today, I

didn’t even get the chance to contact you
to say that I’ll be late. Sorry about that.

Your father is so lucky to have such a kind

daughter like you there to give him words
of encouragement.

Seriously, thank you for everything.

After your mom passed away soon after

you were born, you’ve been living alone
with your father, no? I thought that being a
girl your age, you’d rebel against your fa-
ther, but…

I mean, isn’t that what you often hear? Like

insisting that laundry has to be separate or
saying “Dad, you reek!”


Is that so? That’s totally fine too.

On that note, what’s on the menu for

tonight’s dinner, I wonder? I smell some-
thing really good, so I’m eager to know.

Oh! Hamburg steak? And it’s topped with

your father’s favorite demi-glace sauce at

It’s just a guess, but is there cheese inside?

You really are your father’s daughter, you

know me well.

Oh, you’re going to grab beer?

What more could I ask for, even?

Time to dig in then!


Mmm. Delicious! Ahh…this tastes so good!

You truly are skilled at cooking. You even

make boxed lunches for me every day! I’m
always looking forward to the meals you
make, to the point it’s almost embarrassing.

You’ll make a good bride for sure.

Oh, but when you get married, it’ll be lone-

ly inside this house.


Let me stop myself there. It’s still too early

to think about those things.

Oh right! Is there any boy that you’re dat-

ing? At your age, it’s normal to have a rela-
tionship or two, no? Or are you saying that
your school was strict?

Eh? You don’t?!

As your father, I’m not one to say this, but I

can’t believe a girl as cute as you still don’t
have a boyfriend.

Do you possibly have a boy you like but

aren’t able to bring yourself to confess to

Hmm, that there was suspicious.

As I thought, you have a boy you like, don’t


No, wait, this isn’t something you’d want to

discuss with your father, is it? Sorry, sorry.


There’s something I’d like to have a little

talk with you about, actually.

No, it’s nothing to be alarmed about or



To tell you the truth, your father has some-

one he’d like you to meet.


Uh, uh, was it too early for me to bring up

the subject?

Learning that your, umm, father has gotten

a girlfriend must’ve been a shock. Sorry for
bringing it up.

After your mom passed away, I feared that

deep down you were lonely. Not to men-
tion, you’re currently handling all the

With a new mother, you’ll be free of all that,


Many years have passed since the death of

your mother, and your father too has been

It’s not that I haven’t considered you!

It’s true. You’re always at the top of my


Oh, well would you look at the time.


Come on, it’s late, so go to bed. Let’s talk

about this matter another time.


Good night.

Track 2: I Enticed Dad in the Tub


I’m home∼ I got o! early today.

I’m covered in sweat, so I’ll take a bath be-

fore we eat.


Ahh, the hot water’s so nice.


Eh!? What?!! Youーー

Why are you in here?! And why are you


To take a bath with your father, you say?

You’re way past the age to be taking baths
with your father, aren’t you?

Is it that you haven’t taken a bath yet? Your

father will get out, so-

No, it’s fine, you don’t have to wash my


Alright, alright! I’ll get out of the tub right


I’ve never heard of a daughter that old who

still tries to take baths with their father…


I understand. Your father will, uh, turn

around then. I’ll let you wash my back now
and then.

Jeez, that tickles.

I don’t mind if you, you know, scrub harder.



Uh, umm, your breasts are… Your breasts

are pressing against me!


Eh? What are you trying to do? You, are

you washing my back using your breasts?

You can’t be doing that!

No, uh, this is not what it looks like. I-It’s

upright because, uh, how to say it…umm, it’s
a physiological response of men.

No, that’s not what I’m saying! You’re a

charming young lady, I guarantee it.


Hey! Don’t start touching it!

No, uh, I’m fine. I’ll do something about it,

so just leave the room already.

What? You’ll help me…? With what?

What are you-

Stop, your father will seriously get angry! I

told you to stop!

Of course, it gets me aroused! Your breasts

are pressing against my back, and then
you’re also…stroking me.

Stop. Cease your hands. This kind of thing

is wrong!

You start going that fast, I-


No more, if you stroke it that hard, I…I’ll cum!

I don’t want you to see me ejaculate.

Stop, if you do that, I, I’ll… I’m already…

I’m about to cum. Oh my god, I’m going to

cum from my own daughter’s hands…



Why did you…? To do this kind of thing…

Huh!? What the hell are you saying?!! You,

being in love with your own father? That’s,
there’s no way that’s possible!

Your breasts are pressing up against me,

so stop clinging to me!

I guess there’s no getting to you.


Erm, right, yes.

First, umm, I guess I should say “thank


You love your father, right? We’re a family

of just us, so I understand why you feel that

Love for one’s family as they call it, right?

So, thank you.

Still! Your father and you are actual biologi-

cal father and daughter. Even if, let’s say,
your father was to accept you, I’m sure
there’d be a point where it just can’t be sus-
tained. Therefore, I can’t reciprocate your

As your father, your father can’t make a de-

cision that will lead to your unhappiness.
Please understand, alright?

If you do, then please leave the room.


I’m at a loss for words.

Being confessed to by my own daughter……

Track 3: I Gave Dad My First Time



W-What happened? Are you unable to

sleep? Because to sneak into your father’s

You had a scary nightmare?

And so you’re saying that you want to

sleep together with your father?

Not happening.

Please return back to your own room.

You’re not a kid anymore. You can sleep on
your own, can’t you?


Hey! No, umm, your breasts are pressed

against my back.

You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?

Considering what happened in the bath-
room earlier, are you trying to make fun of
your father?

Even if you say that, there’s no way I could

believe it. Your father and you are biologi-
cal father and daughter.

Please don’t get so emotional…

For now, please settle down.


That, erm, umm, that was because you

had your breasts pressed up against me!

Enough! Take your hands away from your

father’s crotch!



Kissing is way o! limits!

“Why,” you ask? Isn’t the answer obvious?!

I told you already earlier, didn’t I? We’re bio-

logical father and daughter.

You, shoving my hands onto your breasts…

No! I’m not going to rub them! There’s no

way I could fondle my own daughter’s


A kiss…?

Pouncing on me like that, that’s a cowardly

move, you know!? We can’t be doing this,
and yet…

Ah! Wait, wait!


Your lips are so incredibly soft, and it’s dri-

ving me crazy.

Is your father dreaming, I wonder? Even

though I’m fondling your breasts, I can’t
stop. Ah, I want to kiss you more.


“Fellatio”…? Where did you learn that word


Hey! Wait! What in the world are you-

Nuzzling against my penis…

Stop that.

My member is, against my daughter’s face…

Your cheeks are so soft, and it’s making me
feel weird.

Enough already, stop, come over this way.


Your tongue is…brushing against the tip.

We can’t, we can’t be doing this. But, but I

can’t resist the urge.

Yes, it feels good. It’s so warm inside your

mouth… And the slow movements of your
tongue feel unbearably good.


No! I can’t possibly ejaculate inside your


More importantly, turn this way for me.

Come on top of your father. Your father will

make you feel good.


Jeez, just where did you learn about fella-


What a troublesome girl you are. I must’ve

raised you wrong or something.

Your father is going to give you a proper

lesson on how adults have sex.

First, I’ll start with the ears…


Do you like having your ears licked?

The other ear as well…

Your nape too.


I’m going to take o! your pajama top.

Your breasts have grown so much. It

must’ve been a long time since I last saw
you naked.

Your nipples are hard, huh.

I’ll lick them for you. I want to make you

feel good with my tongue.


Does it feel good?

Are you weak against your nipples, I won-


Can I touch you down there too?

Then, I’ll take o! your pants and panties



You’re super wet…

Did you want me that badly? Your clitoris is

already erect and wet with your juices.

You enjoy being touched here, right?

I don’t mind, I’ll rub it for you.


I can’t control myself any longer. Can I lick


Of course, I’m referring to your clitoris. I

want to lick this precious place of yours.

Yes, it’s fine. I’m the one who wants to lick it.

It must feel good, huh? You’re letting out

such cute moans. I honestly can’t get
enough of that. You truly are adorable.

Are you about to cum?

I’ll keep licking until you cum.


I… What on earth did I-? I licked up my own

daughter’s juices. How could this be?
Temptation got the better of me

No! No chance I’m putting it in. We’re father

and daughter, penetration is the one thing
we cannot do.

Fellatio and cunnilingus are plenty enough,



There are no words to describe you.


You’re truly fine with this, I see. There’s no

going back after this. This will become a
mark that we can’t erase.

I get it, I’ll return your feelings.

But still, gosh, you’re such a hopeless girl.

Oh, but, we don’t have any condoms.

What are you…? Just because it’s a “safe

day”, doesn’t mean we can do it raw-

Don’t tempt me with those eyes…

Your father is going to lose his sense of



You’re truly fine with this, huh?

I’m putting it in then.


You… Don’t tell me…

Y-You were a virgin?

Nevermind, I can’t do this after all! I can’t let

myself be the one to take your virginity.

You want to give me your first time? Is that

how much you…

For you to love me that deeply…

Alright, then let me insert a finger in to

loosen you up first.


I’m putting in my finger…

Does this also hurt?

It seems like it’s fine. Should I try inserting

my finger while giving you cunnilingus? It
might feel good that way.


How is that?

Since you’re leaking sweet moans, it must

feel good, right?

Go ahead and cum.


You came.

Your body’s trembling and shaking so

much. You really are adorable. It would be
nice if this could make it hurt a little less,

Your father is going to put his penis in,



Can you feel it going inside you?

Taking my daughter’s virginity makes me a

failure of a father, doesn’t it? Oh, uh, sorry!
It hurts, right?

That’s right, why don’t we kiss as I insert it?

It hurts only in the beginning, so hang in

there. I’ll move slowly.


Your insides are so tight.

For it to feel this good… You’re squeezing

down more than I could’ve ever imagined.
It’s incredible.

I can’t hold back any longer.

I’m going to increase the pace a little.


I’ve gone and made you mine, huh.

I’m sorry, but…I want you so badly that I

can’t help it.

Does it hurt? I’m sorry that I’m the only one

consumed by pleasure.


Ah, I’m about to cum… I’m about to cum in

my own daughter’s virgin pussy!

Even though you’re in pain, I can’t stop

moving my hips!

I love you too!

Come, kiss me.

I’m cumming, I’m going to cum! I’m going to

cum inside you!

Cumming, I’m cumming-!


Let’s keep embracing each other like this.

It came as such a shock, to think you’d say

that you’re in love with your own father…


During the middle of sex, your father said I

do too? I don’t have any recollection of it.
Maybe because I was so riled up and
caught up in the moment?


Haha, I can’t breathe if you hug me so tight.

Yeah, I’ll kiss you as many times as you


However! This is where it ends.

I told you, didn’t I? We’re father and daugh-

ter. Plus, you’re still young. These aren’t real
feelings of romantic love, you’re just feeling
lonely because your father’s found a lover,

You did this in a moment of shock

Before long, you’ll meet a man you gen-

uinely love.


Oh, please don’t cry.

Your father’s at a loss for what to do when

you cry. I know it’s one-sided of me to say
this, but this relationship is wrong. You
know that, right?


Tonight, you can sleep in your father’s fu-


There, there. Good girl.

I’ll hold you, so don’t cry anymore.

However, tomorrow, we’ll return to being

normal father and daughter. It’s a promise.

Track 4: I Seduced Dad with Naked Apron


Welcome. Come on in.

Please come this way.

I’ll introduce you to my daughter.

This here is erm, your father’s…the person

your father is seeing. And this here is my

Come on now, say hello.

Hey, wait-! Where are you going!?

Oh, uh, sorry daughter’s kind of in her re-

bellious stage.

Please make yourself comfortable here. I’ll

go bring my daughter back from the
kitchen. And while I’m at it, why don’t I go
brew us some tea?


Hey, what’s with that attitude? Your father’s

girlfriend came all the way to our house to
visit, you shouldn’t just ignore her.

I wanted you to at least greet her.

Why don’t you cook up a simple meal? She

was really looking forward to meeting you,
you know?

You’ll do it, right?

Don’t say that.

What do I have to do to get you to listen-

Was that a kiss just now?


Didn’t I already tell you? We’re going back

to being normal father and daughter.

Are you telling the truth?

If I kiss you, will you greet her properly?



It’s enough, right?

Not yet? Haven’t I already done more than

enough? I want you to greet her, but going
any further is…


How about now? Are you satisfied?

Why are you taking o! your clothes!?

“Naked apron”? What are you trying to

achieve with that? Even if you tell me to
touch you… What am I to do?

Is your body hot?

I get it! Only briefly, okay?

Certainly, I can see your nipples sticking

out from the apron.

Do you want me to lick your nipples?

No, but, this is definitely not good. Are you

trying to threaten your father?

Since you’re that insistent…


It seems like even your father’s body’s be-

come hot too.

Still, my girlfriend is in the next room over.

We can’t be doing this. No! It’s not like that!
You’re more precious to me than them.

I’m telling, this is wrong.

You’re such a naughty girl.

Do you want your father that badly?

You’re truly fine with this, huh? I won’t go

easy on you. Your father will become a full-
on man.


Kiss me.

You’re very sexy in just an apron. Now

what’s it like down here, I wonder?

I’ll roll up the apron.

Oh my, you’re this wet already. I guess you

weren’t lying when you said your body is

I’ll tease your clitoris with my fingers while I

lick your nipples.


What’s the matter? Are you about to cum


Keep your voice down, my girlfriend is go-

ing to find out.

Did you cum?

You’ve got quite the sensitive body, huh?

Of course not, there’s no way I’d hate you

for that. If anything, I find it so cute that it
makes me want to kiss you more.


I’m going to put it in while you’re standing. I

don’t think it should hurt, but if it does, don’t
hesitate to tell me.

As always, your insides are tight and hot

and clamping down on me hard.

Does it hurt?

I see, that’s a relief. I’ll start thrusting my

hips while massaging your breasts.

I can’t help it. I love your breasts.


Oh damn, even though I was telling you to

keep it down, it feels like I’m the one who’s
about to be louder.

Let’s both try to hold in our voice, alright?


Amazing! When I rub against you inside…

Can you feel me inside? As a man, I have

plunged all the way inside this place of
yours that no one else has touched.

That’s right, all the way, deep enough to

reach your womb.

Hey, we can’t have you leaking moans.

I’m already about to cum. I want to cum

while kissing you.

Grab onto me and kiss me.



That felt good.

Okay, now, put your clothes back on.

Still not enough…? What do you mean? I

keep telling you, we have to stop this, my
girlfriend’s going to notice.

Don’t say that! If anyone were to find out,

it’ll spell the end for your father. If people
learned that a father was doing this with his
biological daughter…

But your father still hasn’t had enough of

you either.

Kiss me.


Turn around. I’ll insert it from behind.

Grab onto the sink.

Alright, I’m putting it in.

When doing it from the back, your inside

clamp down even harder. It’s amazing. I
never even imagined it could feel this

I feel like I’m going to drown in this. Being

able to see your anus and ass cheeks is
incredibly hot.

Your insides are such a pretty pink, and in-

side is my penis.

We are doing something so shameful, but I

can’t stop myself anymore.


It’s fully inside. I’m going to start moving.

Well? It’s starting to feel good, right?

How does it feel when I fondle your

breasts from behind all the while thrusting
my hips into you?

Listen, you can’t let out your voice, okay?

That’s my girl.

Your breasts are so soft and supple, and

when I rub them lewdly like this, your nip-
ples get hard.


I’m about to cum again. To cum this quickly

from my own daughter’s vagina…

I’m at my limit. I can’t hold out any last. Your

voice is leaking out too.

Our only choice right now is to kiss and

seal our lips.
Can I cum?

I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum inside you!


You’re the one I love more.

Now put on your clothes and cook the

meal. Let’s quickly get my girlfriend out of

Track 5: I Have Captured Dad


It’s been a long time since I last watched

TV with you, hasn’t it? Seeing that I got o!
work early today.

Oh, it’s a kiss scene.

Scenes like these are embarrassing to

watch, aren’t they?

But your father here has kind of gotten

riled up. I’m now wanting to kiss you.

Can I?

You’re so good at kissing… Are you saying

that your father’s your first kiss?

Are you sure you’re fine with having it be

your father?


I’m so lucky to be able to savor my daugh-

ter’s lips like this.


Oh dear, after kissing, it’s gotten all big.

Will you stroke it for me?

I’ll take o! my pants and boxers, then.

Look, it’s full of energy, right? Recently,

whenever I think of you, I get hard. …Even to
the point of getting turned on in the o"ce.

Can you give me fellatio?

Then why don’t we 69?


First, take o! your clothes.

Your father will lie on his back on the sofa,

and you’ll position yourself on top of your

This way I can give you cunnilingus and

you can give me fellatio.

When your cute and naughty pussy is right

in front of my eyes, I get aroused even if I
don’t want to.

Does my cunnilingus feel so good that you

can’t concentrate on the fellatio?

You’re so cute.

I want to make you feel even better.


Your butt is trembling, are you about to


Go ahead, cum.

Letting out such sweet moans… Make sure

that it’s only ever me that gets to hear

Is it fine if I insert it today too?

I’ve been cumming inside you for the past

while because of just how good it feels,
but today, I’ll cum outside.

Let’s have sex missionary style.


This feeling of making my way inside you is

something I’m unable to forget.

So, have you begun to understand the

pleasures of sex?

Your father might not be able to remain

gentle anymore. I’m scared that I might de-
sire you too fiercely.

Is it really alright?

Then I won’t refrain. I’ll start moving.


It feels like I’m going to break you.

I have a request. Please, could you call

your father by his name?


That’s it. Good girl.

Are you embarrassed? How adorable.

Try shaking your hips too.

Can you tell? My penis kissing your vagina-

I’m about to cum! I’m cumming…! I’m cum-

ming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming!!!


Oh, sorry, I wasn’t trying to get it all over

your breasts…it even splurted onto your

You don’t have to lick it. Isn’t it bitter?

When I see that erotic face of yours, I get

intensely erect.

I want to stick it in again.

Let’s do it face-to-face with you on my lap.


I’m going to thrust it in all in one go.

And it feels good having it grind up against

you, no?

Hmm? What do you mean by a weird feel-


Yes, that’s right, that’s what an orgasm is.

Cum together with me. I can’t stop my hips

anymore. It just feels too good, my entire
vision’s gone blank.

Let’s cum.

It’s alright, no need to be scared.

Here I go. I’m cumming, I’m cumming!!


Sorry, I came inside again.

Let’s kiss.

Were you able to cum?

Is that so? That’s a relief. I’ll make you cum

countless times more from here on.

I’m happy that you let out your feelings to-

ward me.

How do I put it? I feel incredibly fulfilled.


Come on, come here.

I’ll let you use my arm as a pillow, so lay

down on the carpet. One of the joys in life
is enjoying the afterglows of sex like this.

But even so…

I was hoping to show you what a grown

man can do, but you’ve thrown me for a far
greater loop than I expected.


Good grief, I can’t win against you.

But still, what a predicament. You were se-

rious when you said you were in love with
your father, huh?


I’ve said this before, but if your father were

to accept your feelings for real, there’ll
come a point where it just isn’t sustainable.

There’s a di!erence in our ages for one

thing, and since we can’t reveal our rela-
tionship to others, there’s no one for us to
confide in either.

Plus, if we were to have arguments as cou-

ples do, distancing ourselves or breaking
up, we don’t have easy options like that.
We’re a father and daughter who are living
under the same roof.

Also, there’s a ton of risks we have to con-

sider that aren’t even a factor to normal

Are you saying that despite that, you’ll still

choose your father?

So you truly love your father, huh?

So you’re 100% serious.


Alright, your father will accept your feel-


As a father and as a man, there’s no way I

could ignore those passionate feelings of

The urge to kiss you is constant.

Track 6: Epilogue – Dad is My Captive


Come here.

Why don’t we watch TV together again to-

day? …All while making out with you.



Oh, I broke up with her. I told her that I had

fallen in love with someone else.

And naturally, it’s you.

I didn’t tell her who it was, but…

It’s frustrating, but there’s no going around

it. After all, this is the path we chose.


Oh, that reminds me…

Can you stop sending me those naughty

photos through your phone during the

How could I not be taken aback?

Sending photos of you in your underwear

or even directly of your breasts… Not only
will I be surprised, but my heart rate will
shoot right up.

Eh? How did you know? …That I was, uh

masturbating to photos of you in the o"ce

If you send photos that lewd, obviously I’ll

get turned on.

We live together and I’m seeing your face

every day, so there’s no need for you to go
that far.

Though, because of you, I’m able to perse-

vere at work.


I’ve got an idea. Why don’t we go on a date

next time?

I haven’t gone out with you anywhere re-

cently, right?

We made trips to amusement parks and

zoos when you were a kid, but why don’t
we visit those places again together?

It’s you and your father’s first date as a cou-


You, umm…have you gone on a date with a

boy from your school before?

I’ll overlook everything that’s happened up

to now, but you now belong to your father,
so I forbid dates with any other man. Even
without mentioning it, your father gets anx-
ious about whether he’s the only one re-
flected in your eyes.

Isn’t it a given? Since you’re a beautiful

young lady, I worry that other men will try
to steal you from me.

I’m on the verge of locking you up inside

the house and confining you because of
just how adorable you are.

I don’t want anyone else to lay eyes on you.


Your father’s No.1?

I’m glad.

There, there. Your father loves you too.


!- "- #-












Anonymous REPLY

Wtf was thaat wtf send help someone. Yea

I read it all.

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Crystal Feng REPLY

I’m so traumatized why would anyone want

to listen to this

! Like

toji cum REPLY

Yes, I agree

! Like


…o que diabos eu li?! E PORQUE EU NÃO


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