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Environmental campaign to prevent

the pathway to extinction in species

Karen Lorena Vargas Marmolejo

Laura Villa Londoño
The problem
These are some of the problems related to the

previously established topic.

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One of the main threats would be the Habitat loss; invasive
illegal trade in skin and offspring, sport species; Pollution;
hunting, predator control and Overpopulation;
Excessive capture of wild
overexploitation of their prey. Also, the
loss of habitat due to deforestation of 2 species. All these causes,
together or separately,
forest areas for forestry and mining
The exploitation of the soil, give rise to situations of
purposes or for their transformation danger or at least alert in
the hunting of animals,
into agricultural and livestock areas. the environment of all
climate change, pollution and
invasive species are the five species.
causes of an unprecedented
decline in our diversity of
flora and fauna.
That this causes in our ecosystem

Endangered species affect us all and are everyone's business. Taking care

of the Planet so that it is a better place for them, where they can take

flight, is in our hands and in our consumption and day-to-day decisions.

Radical changes in the distribution of ecosystems and species, rise in sea

level, disappearance of glaciers and large extensions of corals,

unpredictable and extreme climates such as droughts and storms.

Deforestation, the growth of the agricultural frontier, the change in land use,

the contamination of rivers, and other added activities are causing the loss

of many forests, loss of habitat, that is, it is reducing the inhabitable

ecosystems of all species.

Learn and raise awareness

about the extinction of

The first step in fighting a problem is knowing

about it and becoming aware of its importance
and its consequences.

THE PROBLEM Avoid and report illegal

activities with endangered

Biodiversity offers us much more than beautiful animals:
it gives us life The smuggling of species (especially in
Spain, where it is estimated that 30% of the entire world
market circulates), in addition to being illegal, puts the
survival of many living beings in a delicate situation.

Consume sustainably with

Taking care of biodiversity and endangered species is

not only done in nature, but also at home, at work, in

everyday life. An unsustainable way of consuming

endangers the survival of all.


- Avoiding deforestation of forests is as important as recycling
since this way we help keep the ecosystem where animals live

- We can help restore ecosystems, both by planting trees and

picking up trash on a beach, in order to improve the conditions of
this place so that it can be inhabited.

- Commercial fishing threatens not only the fish that are eaten,
but also many other marine animals. It is better to think twice
before eating fish.

- That your palate or stomach is not an excuse to spill the blood of

any animal, whether you pay or let someone else kill it.

- In case we do not take care of the species that we now have left,
the environment could suffer serious damage, we still have time
- If we help with climate protection, numerous species will be
saved from becoming extinct

- -If we avoid pollution we can protect the natural habitats and

species that live there

- If we continue to use pesticides it will cause an ecological

armageddon, since when insects disappear they also affect other

- If we do not take care of the environment, especially plants, we

will not avoid environmental pollution.

- If we plant more trees in our ecosystem, we will have more



Completion of work on

environmental campaign in favor

of reducing the route of

extension in the species.

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