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Escuela Secundaria General Héroe

Antonio Reyes

Teacher's name: Margarita Garcia

student's name: laura Graciela Pérez

Matter: Ingles

project number: 2

issue: la independencia de

degree and group: 3 “L”

of México

The United States of Mexico, better known as "Mexico" is now a free, independent
country (relatively since it has not been able to separate itself from dependence on
other countries, mainly the United States of America, in the economic sphere, for
example) and in development.
It took more than a decade for Mexico to see itself realized as an independent
State. From the beginning of the War of Independence, headed by Miguel Hidalgo
y Costilla in September 1810, several leaders would continue the work.
Undoubtedly, the independence of any nation cannot be conceived in a short
period of time, or "overnight" since it is a generally exhaustive process, full of
agreements and disagreements, which lead to battles and conflicts that They even
involve other countries. So every historical fact is part of another, it is part of a
process and as such, part of a change that needs to be gradual.
By 1820 various insurgent leaders had been defeated and/or shot; However, in
various provinces, others who maintained the resistance survived, such as
Guadalupe Victoria and Vicente Guerrero.
The causes of that resistance and the independence revolution were all too
evident. The social, economic and political situation that was lived gave rise to
such a magnitude of pressure that it was understandable that the people affected
opted for the armed uprising as an escape valve. The existence of castes and
inequality, the new liberating ideas of the Enlightenment from Europe, the
independence of neighboring countries, among other premises that generated
social discontent were only the beginning. In the words of Lucas Alamán, "the
independence revolution was an uprising of the proletarian class, against property
and civilization.
In September 1821 and thanks to the Plan of Iguala between Agustín de Iturbide
and Vicente Guerrero, and the Treaties of Córdoba between Juan O'Donojú and
Agustín de Iturbide, the Act of Independence from the Empire was signed,
establishing a Constitutional Monarchy. Due to some kind of "hunger for power",
Iturbide proclaimed himself Emperor of Mexico, which earned him the ignorance of
those who once sympathized with him after a brief and unstable period of the
Empire, and with the label of traitor. (and paradoxically consummating
independence at the same time), being shot. A Congress was convened to
redefine the governmental identity of Mexico and after a meeting of opinions
between centralists and republicans, in October 1824 the first set of laws of
Independent Mexico was promulgated, in which the republican, representative,
popular system was established. and federal.
The constitution of 1824 consummates the freedom and independence of Mexico
forever; he maintains his absolute belonging to Catholicism; adopts a federal
popular representative republic-type government; recognizes 19 states and 4
territories as part of the federation; divides the supreme power into legislative,
executive and judicial, organizes them in a broad and detailed way; it deposits the
legislative power in two chambers, one of deputies and another of senators; gives
greater importance to the legislative power, in this sense, in the third title called On
the Legislative Power, it is made up of seven sections and 76 articles; it
establishes the particular government of the free and sovereign States, equally
divided into legislative, executive and judicial; and defines the restrictions on the
powers of States.
The first constitution, due to the context in which it was erected, is mostly focused
on the structuring and foundation of the country, the limitation of its territory and
division of powers. It was important and necessary to support the foundations of a
new country that had the full intention of starting well and from scratch.
Rather than merit comparison, the 1917 Constitution came to complement its
predecessor. An extremely vital complement for the reorganization and restoration
of peace in the country, indispensable in that other stage of riots and social uproar,
caused by the seemingly endless permanence of Porfirio Díaz in power. This
constitution was promoted by Venustiano Carranza and is a "legitimate daughter"
of the Mexican Revolution. Promulgated on February 5, 1917 at the Teatro de la
República in the city of Querétaro, the new constitution included a large part of the
regulations of the 1857 one, especially those referring to human rights, although
categorized this time as "individual guarantees ". The form of government
continued to be republican, representative, democratic and federal; the division of
powers into Executive, Judicial and Legislative was endorsed, although the latter
adopted the division into Chambers of Deputies and Senators.
The system of direct elections was ratified and non-reelection was decreed,
abolishing the vice-presidency and giving greater autonomy to the Judiciary and
more sovereignty to the federative entities. Within this framework, the free
municipality was created, and an agrarian order was established in the country
regarding land ownership. Among other guarantees, the current constitution
determines freedom of worship, secular and free education, the maximum working
day of 8 hours, the recognition of social rights such as freedom of association, of
expression, the right to strike, the right to education and the regulation of property
according to the interests of the community. All this included and specified in what
are considered the main articles, article 3, article 27 and article 123.
It is clear that getting to where we are now as a nation has not been easy. In
certain aspects, there has been little or no progress thanks to major obstacles that
accompany us and even identify us in other places, such as corruption. However,
there are people willing to stop for a moment and look back to avoid tripping over
the same stone and avoid falling, which, like a "domino effect", sometimes causes
the fall of others.

the independence of Mexico were many. For example, in the ideas of the
Enlightenment when people based themselves on the fact that everything around
them was created by nature and thus they realized that all people were equal
before the law and should have the same rights and obligations that those who had
the highest positions in the government discriminated against those with less
economic resources.
About what life was like before the independence of Mexico and what it would be
like if it had not happened.
Also reflect on all the characters who fought for all of us and for Mexico to be a free
and sovereign country. About all the people who sacrificed their lives to have a
better country, the expenses that the country had, among other things.
All those wars, where people disagreed with their rulers and demanded a fairer
In reality, Mexico was not an independent country, with freedom, etc.
Part of Spanish American Wars of Independence
bibliografía: cia-mexico/independencia-mexico2.shtml#ixzz3WT1Q7rrw

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