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Book Thief:

A Critical Thinking “Post-It” Approach

1. Each student receives 10 post-it notes

2. As they read through the book, students should mark passages that strike them for
various reasons. Discuss reasons why passages might stand out (list on board)
 Descriptive
 Funny
 Foreshadowing
 Striking
 Interesting
 Connection

3. Use the post-its liberally at first until 10 passages are marked

4. Once 10 passages are marked, the critical thinking begins. When an eleventh
passage catches the students attention, he/she has to go back, look at the 10 prior
passages and decide which one is expendable. ONLY 10 post-its may be used for
the entire novel.

5. Once the reading is complete, students will with a partner compare their passages
and narrow the selection from 20 (10 each) to 5.

6. That pair will then join another pairing and they will narrow their selections from
10 (5 each) to 3.

7. The final 3 passages will be written on large paper and posted around the room.
Duplicates are permissible.

8. Students will then each receive 3 star stickers (symbolic I suppose) and they will
put the stickers on the passages that they feel hold the most significance.

9. We will tally the results, and as a class discuss the top 3 – 5 passages in terms of
significance within the novel. What is it about those particular passages that
struck such a chord with so many people?

10. Student will then respond in writing – journal format with regards to their
thoughts of the lesson. What did they learn? Was it an effective way to approach
the novel?

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