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Day Seven
Arianna was so excited! She was old enough to help light one of the Kwanzaa
candles. Her brothers and sisters had been helping for as long as she could remember.
Tonight it was her turn! Every member of her family was around the table. The candles
were in the stand on the mkeka, or place mat. The six from earlier in the week were
already burning brightly in the dim room. Granny reminded us that this is important
because it is part of our culture.

Arianna remembered the first night. Daddy lit the unity candle and spoke about
everyone being together. Rashad got to light the next two candles, since he was the
oldest. He even talked about having self-determination his first night. He talked about
working together on his second night.

Kenyon lit the next two. Granny helped him talk about opening stores in our
community on his first night. He said his favorite was the ice cream shop up the street!
On his second night, Momma helped with the candle. They talked about having a
purpose, although Arianna couldnÕt remember what that meant.

Ebony, just one year older than Arianna, lit one on the sixth night. Rashad helped her.
He talked about being creative and making things beautiful.

Daddy picked up Arianna and held her up to the table. Momma helped her light her
candle. She said it was about faith Ñ that meant to believe with all our hearts. Because
it was the final night, Rashad began playing a drum. Granny sang an old song from
when she was a little girl. AriannaÕs insides were burning as brightly as the candles!

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Joshua and Rebecca listened as Papa told them all about the candles in front of
them. He explained that they would celebrate and remember for the next eight nights.
Over 2,000 years ago, the Jewish people living in Judea were told they could not
practice their religion. They were told to begin worshipping other gods, and their temple
was taken over.

After many years, the Jewish people won back control of their temple and they
went in to light the menorah (candle holder). They were to light all seven candles. The
candles stood for knowledge and creation and were to burn brightly. There was a big
problem, though. There was only enough oil for one night. The people lit the candles
and a miracle happened. The candles burned for eight nights! This was long enough to
find more oil.

Papa said that, in memory of this time, the eight candles on the holder would be lit.
Mama would be making potato pancakes. After dinner, there would be a game with
the wooden dreidel. Then, before bed, the first nightÕs gifts would be given.

Rebecca jumped up and down in excitement. Joshua asked his papa if he could
help light the candles. Papa agreed, but told him that they only light one candle on the
first night. Tomorrow, they would light another candle and Rebecca would help. Joshua
was ready for Hanukkah to begin!

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Answer the questions.

1. What is the main idea of ÒDay SevenÓ?



2. What is the importance of the candles in ÒDay SevenÓ?



3. How was Arianna feeling at the end of ÒDay SevenÓ? How do you know?




4. What is the main idea of ÒHanukkah!Ó?



5. What is the importance of the candles in ÒHanukkah!Ó?



6. What do you think will happen on day three of Hanukkah? Explain your thinking.






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Name ___________________________________________________

7. Think about Kwanzaa and Hanukkah. How are they similar? How are they
different? Complete the organizer below.

Kwanzaa Hanukkah

8. Use the information from the organizer to summarize both holidays.







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