Diass Culminating

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This task was given to us in the first day of the 2nd quarter. We were tasked to make a news and become a news caster for the topic

“Social welfare” and we had also discussed about the importance of social welfare in a community.

Learning Reflected Goals

I’ve learned about the importance of social welfare in a community and how we interact with each other. I also understand the situations of people living

in a community especially the farmers and indigenous people. I believe if the government will give equal access and equal treatment to the people then we will rise

and be as beautiful as Rainbows up in the sky.

A body of persons or nations having a common history or common social, economic, and political interests. A community will never be a community

without its people. Growing up I always wondered why there is a feeding program, seminars in Barangays, and education. Not until I realized that it’s about Social

welfare, it’s about taking good care and helping the community and lives living in the community. Given this task was a little nerve racking and exciting moment for
me because being a news caster is one of my greatest dream So, I was thrilled when our Teacher gave this part. I think we may not change the world by helping others

but it’ll change the whole world for others.

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