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1.) Capitalize the first word of any new sentence

Example: Not everyone knows these simple rules of capitalization.

Explanation: Because not is the first word of the sentence, it must be capitalized.

2.) Capitalize abbreviations that are connected to someone’s name.

Example: From a jail cell in Birmingham, Alabama, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote an insightful letter
to a group of clergymen who had questioned his involvement in local Civil Rights affairs.

Explanation: Birmingham, Alabama is capitalized because it is a specific location; Dr. and Jr. are
capitalized because they are connected to someone’s name; and Civil Rights is capitalized because it is
the name of a specific movement.

3.) Capitalize acronyms and initializations.

Example: Most students are very concerned about their GPAs, especially as they close in on their
junior year.

Explanation: GPA is capitalized because it is an acronym for grade point average.

4.) Capitalize proper nouns, including specific names, titles, groups,

languages, technological terms, and religious terms.

Example: I would be happy to drive to Dallas from Austin to see a concert at the American Airlines

Explanation: Dallas and Austin are capitalized because they are named cities, and American Airlines
Center is capitalized because it is a specifically named arena.

Example: I have often heard that French and German are easier to learn than English.

Explanation: French, German, and English are capitalized because they are languages.

Example: There are DVDs you can rent or purchase that will distinguish for you the differences
between and among the deities of varying religions, from Christianity, to Buddhism, to Hinduism.

Explanation: DVDs is capitalized because it is a tech term, and Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism are
capitalized because they are religious terms.

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