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Once upon a time in Bandarangin Kingdom in the west of Wilis Mountain lived
a king, who was called Prabu Kelana Suwandana. He was so handsome, many
women want to get married with him. He was wise, smart, and good king, so
people in Bandarangin Kingdom lived happily, peaceful, and pleasant. Their
harvest and livestock were abundant because people treated them well.

One day Daha Kingdom provided a contest to seek a husband for Dewi
Songgolangit, the princess of Daha. The news spread to all Java Island because
Dewi Songgolangit was very beautiful princess and everyone wanted to be her

Everyone was exited about that. The next morning, her father invited princess,
he wanted one of them would be his son in law. He was wondering his son in
law would continue his responsibility as the king of Daha.

The King : “ Oh my people, I will give an announcement there will be a fight to

seek a husband for my Daughter Dewi Songgolangit. Everyone can join this
contest and the winner will be Songgolangit’s husband “

There were many contestants who fought and fought for Dewi Songgolangit.
When Prabu Kelana was fighting with Singobarong, Singobarong made a chaos
to fail Prabu Kelana.

Singobarong : “ Hey you Kelana, you will be lost and knelt in front of me,
because I am the only who deserve for Dewi Songgolangit “

Prabu Kelana : “ Don’t be arrogant, I am here and ready to deal with you “

But Dewi Songgolangit saw the war. She was very confused and sad. If it was
continue, there will be a lot of victim. She thought how to choose one of them
without a fight, so she asked to The God by meditating.

Dewi Songgolangit : “ How can I choose one of the contestants that would be
my husband? Oh my God help me “
Suddenly the place of Dewi Songgolangit was vibrated violently and there
were a lot of monkeys, exactly at the same time she got clue to resolve her
problem. After that she told it to father, The King thought and finally agree it.

Dewi Songgolangit : “ Whoever which can create an interesting spectacle such

as dancing and accompanied by gamelan and sound that can make me love it,
with 144 twin horses and give me an animal that has two head which also able
to dance, he will be my husband “

Day by day, all the contestants compete to create the best spectacle for Dewi
Songgolangit. But one by one they were lost, yeah the requirements were
difficult. There were only two contestants, they were Prabu Kelana Suwanda
from Bandarangin and Singobarong from Lodaya.

The contest was very challenging, because both of them had a magical power.
But Singobarong always made fault in their competition, when the Prabu
Kelana troops arrived in the forest. Sudennly a lion went berserk, he is
Singobarong who transforms into a lion using his power.

And one by one the Prabu Kelana troops fell, but Prabu Kelana did not run out
of ideas. He quickly released his favorite peacock to peck the fleas on
Singobarong’s neck so that he was caught off guard. Sure enough,
Siongobarong was caught off guard. When he saw his peacock and
Singobarong, Prabu Kelana was like seeing a two headed animal, with alacrity
he released his magical power called Cementhi Sumandiman

Prabu Kelana : “ Okay take it Singobarong, I will prove that I am the only one
who deserve for my beloved Dewi Songgolangit. HIAAAT SPLASH

Singobarong changed into an animal and has two heads and his head there
was peacock with it beautiful feathers, because of that it was completed Dewi
Songgolangit requirements

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