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Which online platform/s or application/s is/are most useful to your chosen

strand? How will this/ these online platform/s and application/s help you in

your chosen career?

● The most useful internet tools for me to work with in my chosen field

are Google Docs, Microsoft Word, Canva, Prezi, Slide share, YouTube,

and Coursera. These platforms are helpful to me with my schoolwork,

particularly when I need to perform research because I am not familiar

with the subject or topic. These online platforms also help me with

my projects and pt's, such as Microsoft Word and Google Docs, which

make it simpler for me to create letters and academic papers, as well

as Canva, Prezi, and Powerpoint, which help me in the creation of my

presentations, especially considering how much easier it is to use a

powerpoint presentation while presenting in my chosen strand or

even in every other strand these days. SlideShare and Coursera are

both helpful to me as a student in the STEM fields because they offer a

large quantity of ready-to-read content as well as topics that are

relevant to my strand. There are numerous platforms available today,

but these are the ones I use the most, which have been the most
helpful to me, and which will continue to be helpful to me with my

current and future career.

2. Is there a single superior online platform or application? Justify your answer

● Although my answer to this question may change depending on the

situation, as a current student, Canva is the most capable and easy to

use internet platform that is currently available. It has a user-friendly

interface, and users have a wide variety of design options and

ready-to-use themes from which to choose. You may create

educational materials with it, such as posters and slide shows, as well

as edit films, create invitations, and write messages. As a student, I

discovered that this software was not only helpful but also saved me a

significant amount of time. Canva is a lot more helpful to me when

compared to other online platforms, despite the fact that there are

many other platforms today.

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