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The madness of destruction

Level: 14
Category: Between Worlds, Elemental 35
Life Points: 9000 Damage Resistance
Class: Warlock
Str: 17 Dex: 10 Agi: 6 Con: 17 Pow: 15 Int: 12 Wp: 13 Per: 13
PhR 145 MR 160 PsR 120 VR 145 DR 145
Initiative: 85 Natural

Attack Ability: 260 blood Claws + 240 Bite, 210 Tail, 260
Defense Ability: Damage Resistance
Damage: 170 Blood Claws (Cut), 210 Bite (Thrust), 150 Tail
(Impact), Breath (Special)
AT: Natural + blood Scales Cut 10 Impact 10 Thrust 10
Heat 10 Electricity 10 Cold 10 Energy 10

MA: 110 blood, 90 Destruction

Zeon: 955
Magic Projection: 230 Offensive
Level of Magic: 90 Blood. 80 Destruction.

Essential Abilities: Divine Physical Characteristics,

Supernatural Spiritual Characteristics, Gift, Zen, Natural
Immunity to an Element (Complete Blood, half Destruction), Gestureless
Casting, Unspoken Casting, Vulnerability to Light/creation

Powers: Natural Weapons: BloodClaws, (PhR 150 or character is in pain and cannot act until a VD
whistand pain check is done.
Bite (Additional Attack at –20, absorb 10% of dealt DMG ), Tail, ( Area Attack acrobatic check D)
Breath of blood (Range 1 mile, Area 150
feet, Strength 16 The breath of Blood bane is special instead of damaging the character it damage theirs
protection, destroying 1 AT permanently (magic or not) per 10 pts of failure ( PhR 150 ),
Damage Energy,
See the Supernatural, Extrasensory Vision
Zemial corrupted (80 elan with Zemial )

Size: 34 Colossal
Movement Value: 9/12
Regeneration: 10
Fatigue: 17
Secondary Abilities: Notice 210, Search 60, History 120, Memorize
150, Occult 250, Magic Appraisal 175, Feats of Strength 150, Withstand
Pain 120, Persuasion 200.

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