Paragraph About A Team Work

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Paragraph about a team work

Eight years ago I was in the high school. I remember when I was in the final exam for my
graduation I had to do an interview about The Cenepa War. The teacher told us to investigate
the event, prepare a questionnarie and present him the questions. First, I asked my classmate
to meet in his house to do the activity togheter. In his house we investigate about the war, We
asked his parents to tell aboout the topic, they didn´t know about the Cenepa. The next day
we asked our teacher to recomen an documentary or a movie about this war, he
recommended an interesting documentary. After the school my classmate an I went to my
house to watch the docummentary, we expected to understand the topic and can do the
activity. I suggest to my friend to take notes about the principal information in our notebook.
The documental motivate us to make an excelent interview because we had a lot of
information about the Cenepa´s war. The rest of the day we made the questionnarie with ten
questions. In this we ask about the origin of the event, the causes and the impaqt in the
ecuadorian society. The day after In the class we presented the activity to to the teacher. He
convinced us to do an excelent activity, and he hope to graduate with an excelent grades.

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