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for the stories we tell about Jesus, are not very compelling

there are certainly a lot of things that are plausible ,where we can get into
trouble, is deciding what questionable factual information ,goes into a
story ,when we read the Bible, we certainly imagine scenes ,and characters in a
way that maybe no one else does ,when we watch the story ,as someone else
has imagined it ,it has the potential ,to affect our thinking, and that can be a
slippery slope, we have to be very careful with the motives and beliefs ,of those
who are crafting the story ,

Matthew Nelson is an interesting guy, he has a lot of Buddhist ideas ,on his
website, you can see from his Instagram page, he's very into Buddhism ,so on
Matthew Nelson's website, he has a quote from Alan Watts, and it says,

the Zen Gardener is not interfering with nature, because he is nature , and
cultivates as if not cultivating. thus the garden is at once highly artificial and
extremely natural,


I think the irony here is that Buddhism is a religion of works ,you essentially
earn your salvation, by your behavior, but that idea is completely at odds with
Christianity ,you see Jesus is the only one ,who can offer salvatio,n you can't
earn that, you can't pay for that, only the perfect Son of God, can offer that

on his Instagram page you can see, him posting a picture of a martini glass full
of vodka, and he says the Holy Spirit you are welcome here ,that's quite
Blasphemous in my book,

so I think it's worthy of mentioning that, in this chosen series, we have the same
message that Hollywood pushes over and over and over again, the follow your
heart message ,


it's the kingdom of God really coming?

what does your heart tell you?

what does your heart tell you?

but see the Bible actually warns us against following our heart ,in Jeremiah 17
9, it says ,the heart is deceitful above all things ,and desperately wicked ,who
can know it, this is a feel-good way of saying ,do it thou Wilt, follow your heart,
that was Aleister Crowley's number one and only law of Satanism,

there are some serious subtle things that get put into the dialogue, and if you're
not paying attention, it seems like it could sound like it's coming straight from
the Bible ,but here's an example of that


a kingdom
that is coming soon
oh yes
sorrow and sighing
will flee away
I make a way for people to access that Kingdom

I make a way
for people to access that Kingdom

so to say that Jesus, is making a way, instead of the way, because that's what
the Bible says ,I am the way the truth and the life ,no man can come to the
father except through me

that is the way, the only way, when you say a way, that leaves the door open for
it well can it be Buddhis,t can it be any of these other Faith religions,

I think it's a really exciting time for faith-based media, particularly film and
television ,this is I think it's getting ready to explode, I think we're kind of like, at
the beginning of a movement,
let that be your warning

the fact that time put on the cover of their magazine in 1966, Is God dead, tells
me, that the pendulum had swung all the way to the left ,people are doing drugs
homosexuality is Raging, and nobody cares about God, and that time ,people
are ripe for a Revival ,and then just a few years later in 1971, the pendulum
swings all the way the other side ,with a Jesus Revolution ,and all of a sudden
they put Jesus on the cover of Time Magazine, and they're equating that to
what's going on today, people are swinging all the way to the left ,forgetting God
,be living their lives however they want to, and they're primed and ready, to
literally accept a form of godliness, I don't think it is by chance, that Jonathan
roomie was asked to play Lonnie frisbee in the movie called Jesus Revolution,

what is a revolution?
it is a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favor of a new
system ,combining the terms Jesus and Revolution together ,is an oxymoron,
and Jesus didn't come to overthrow government ,he said my kingdom is not of
this world, he didn't come to overthrow social order in favor of a new System,
he already created the correct system ,and he came to restore that, the mission
of Jesus is best described in the gospels ,and she will bring forth a son ,and you
will call his name Jesus, for he will save his people, from their sins, the only one,
who started a Revolution ,was God's enemy, Satan

Lonnie frisbee was an actual mes in life ,

this guy that he's portraying in the movie, Lonnie ,he was a open homosexual, he
died of AIDS, he was he was using LSD smoking marijuana, and there was no
message of repentance

in fact he did drugs even when he was preaching, he never left the
homosexuality movement, his marriage was constantly in trouble, so it's
strange that they're taking the picture, of what's being stamped in everybody's
mind Jesus, and then now all of a sudden he's playing this character that that
has some really bad behaviors ,and characteristics in his life, this movie is
being, shared around in a lot of Christian circles, and people are excited about,
there being a Revival ,which I think is is a great thing, there there literally is uh
people who need Jesus right now, and I hope that everybody has a chance to
come to Jesus, image of a Revival ,in everybody's mind that has nothing to do
with your obedience, that's going to be a problem, we know that there is going
to be a great religious Awakening in the end of the world, but the Bible tells us in
second Thessalonians 2 9 ,that right before that huge Awakening happens ,that
there is a false Awakening that happens, listen to what the verse says, even him
whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying
wonders ,and with all deceivableness and unrighteousness in them that perish,
because they received not the love of the truth ,that they might be saved, and for
this cause God shall send them a strong delusion that they should believe a lie,
that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in
unrighteousness ,the Bible tells us that, there will be a lie, a deception that's
coming, and that deception is going to be of a religious order ,and how do we
know how to distinguish between whether that's of God or whether that's
of Satan, is literally this, it's the coming of the Lawless one ,someone that
doesn't follow the law ,someone that Delights in wickedness, someone that
says it doesn't matter what you do in your life ,all you got to do is believe in
Jesus, and you will be saved ,that's it

in Revelation we see a beast, which in Bible prophecy represents a king or a
kingdom, but there is something different about this king or Kingdom, it's of a
religious order, how do we know, well it has a name, of blasphemy, it speaks
things in blasphemies and it opens its mouth in blasphemy against God ,his
name his Tabernacle ,his people what is, blasphemy ,it's the actor offense of
speaking sacrilegiously, about God ,or sacred things, it's profane talk ,and we
see that in a process of time ,there is a kingdom ,that will try to forcé, or cause
people to Worshi,p in a particular way, this power uses signs ,and wonders to
deceive people on the Earth ,and validate, its theology ,the interesting thing
about this sign, is that it's described ,as fire from heaven, this is the same sign
that was used by Elijah, to confirm that God was with him on Mount Carmel ,you
can see the logic, if God Answers by fire, whatever is being said ,must be true,
but listen to the words ,of Deuteronomy 13 1-5,

if there arises among you a prophet ,or a dreamer of dreams ,and he gives you
a sign ,or a wonder ,and the sign or wonder comes to pass of which he spoke
to you saying, let us go after other gods ,which you have not known, and let us
serve them, you shall not listen to the words of that Prophet, or that dreamer of
dreams ,for the Lord your God is testing you, to know whether you love the Lord
your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, you shall walk after the Lord
your God, and fear Him, and keep his Commandments, and obey his voice ,you
shall serve him ,and hold fast to him, but that Prophet, or that dreamer of
Dreams, shall be put to death, cause, he has spoken in order to turn you away
from the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt ,and
redeemed you from the house of bondage, to entice you, from the way in which
the Lord your God, commanded you to walk ,so shall you put away the evil, from
your midst

so how do you not get deceived ,you fall in love with the truth, the truth of the
Bible, because the Lawless one, somebody that doesn't care about the
Commandments ,somebody that doesn't follow the laws of God, is going to
come and deceive people, and the people that are going to get deceived, will
have been the people that Delight in wickedness, you remember the verse in
Matthew 7 22 and 23 ,Jesus says ,many will say to me in that day, Lord Lord
have we not prophesied in your name ,cast out demons in your name ,have done
many wonders in your name ,and then I will declare to them, I never knew
you ,depart from me ,you who practiced lawlessness ,

I think that stamping an image of Jesus into everybody's mind, that does not
care about your behavior, is setting people up for the false Christ, they will be a
class of people that think they're doing God's will ,Lord didn't we prophesy didn't
we do all these amazing things, in your name, that's a class of people that
believe in God, but they delighted in wickedness and lawlessness, do not let this
movie ,put an image in your mind, that Jesus does not care about your behavior

when the Bible talks about a time of lawlessness, they have a form of godliness
but denying the power thereof ,the power to have freedom and victory over sin,
that's what Jesus does in our life ,he can set us free, but if you just have a form
of godliness ,and you say hey I got I'm wearing a cross I hold a Bible I go to
church every week, I'm a Christian ,but you don't see the fruit ,you don't see that
transformation the renewing of the mind, then that's just a form of godliness,

in Luke 5 32 it says, I have not come to call the righteous but the Sinners to
repentance ,repentance and turning away from sin, is a theme that runs
throughout the Bible ,when the woman was caught in adultery ,Jesus said go
and sin no more ,turn away from that, don't just keep continuing it doesn't
matter what you do ,the Bible tells us we need to cease from sin ,turn away from
it ,and turn our hearts back to God,
listen to what it says in Luke 15 7, I say unto you likewise that there Will be
much joy in heaven over one sinner ,who repents then over 99 persons who
need no repentance ,in Luke 24 47 it says ,in Repentance and remission of sins
should be preached in his name ,to All Nations, beginning at
Jerusalem ,repentance and a turning away from sin, is literally what Jesus was
wanting us to preach, the very stamp of Heaven, is obedience ,those that follow
what God is asking them to do ,

doing what God asks you to do ,has always been the test,

could the world potentially be watching something, that is in sheep's clothing

opening the door, for a false Christ

according to the creators ,the point of reference isn't biblical, the characters are
from the Bible, but the storyline is fiction ,

trying to appeal to everyone all at once in this ecumenical movement ,in a
loose watered-down version of The Gospel

the fact that Jesus downplays the rules ,and if we know where this thing is
actually going prophetically, the end of the world, we see a group and a class of
people that follow the rules,

sin ruined this world, because someone believed, the lie, that God would not
take their behavior, into account

so with all these things and and probably more, what does that leave us with,
entertainment ,all right well fair enough ,but I can assure you that, the book is

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