Past Simple Vs Progressive

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GRAMMAR (Past continuous statements)

a. I was having lunch in a café yesterday when the server accidentally spilled tomato
sauce on my shirt. I guess he wasn’t paying attention. I was upset, but I got my
lunch for free.
b. My friend and I were at a barbecue last week. When we were walking around the
yard, she tripped and fell into the pond.
c. I damaged my parents’ car last week I was trying to park, and my friend was
talking to me, and I hit a wall, Now I have to pay for the repairs.
d. I was in a chemistry class recently, and a classmate and I were doing an experiment
when something went wrong. I burned my hand.
e. Last week I was on the bus, and I was talking to my girlfriend on my cell phone.
Well, actually, we were having a long argument. We weren’t getting along at the
time. When I ended the call, I realized that everyone on the bus was listening. How


1. I was in class last week, and the teacher was explaining something, and I just fell asleep.
When I woke up, I realized that everyone was looking at me.
2. Yesterday I was walking down the street, and I was texting a friend when I walked
right into a lamppost. I guess I wasn’t paying attention.
3. My sister and her husband were carrying some dishes into the kitchen when they doth
tripped over a rug. They dropped and broke all their new dishes!
4. Last week a friend of mine invited me over for dinner. In the afternoon, when she was
cooking, she picked up a heavy pot and hurt her back. When I arrived, she was lying
on the sofa, so I made dinner for us!
5. The other day, a friend and I were at my house. We weren’t doing anything special, so
I said, ‘’Come on. Let’s go out for coffee. It’s in me’’ While I was waiting in line to
order, I realized I didn’t have my wallet. So, my friend paid for everything. I was really

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