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•'IZ9! · This Is only an Of der acknowledgmentand Is nota bUI
Thaiks lor yoLr order
\'1sil us on the \Aeb al
Thaik you for dloosing 1/erizon Wreless! To a::tivate your new�e. ptease refer to lhe endosed yellowbordered
instruclons. If you pu-dlased a wreless modem, refer fo lhe instruclons induded wth lhe device to ,r,uvate a,d p-ogran
it. To viewor dowilooo 1/erlzon \Mreless CUSlomec Agreement Terms a,d COn<filons. Relurn Policy, or trodlures
desalting our p-oructs aid services, ptease visil wwwverizonv,,!)etlngstated. If you have a,y concerns
regading your order. visit \WNJ.verlzonvJreless.comSJpport. S:gn-up tor My Venzon a,d ma,�e your a:xx:,u,t online! O
cal customer service al 1-800-922-0204 or '611 trom your wreless, Mon<fay lhru SJnday 6 AM to 11 PM.

Older No: 473125475999

5111p To:
ATTN JOHN sa.LIMAN LocaUon Code: 0725521
144 JEFFERSON BVAD order date : 2020/03/21
CA 90291-2561 Ship date : 2020/03/21
Whs Oder No:100786

Item Item Description Retail Prlce/ 511fp lkllt Prlce

lnventory Coat· aty
IPHONE IPHONE 11 PRO MAX 512 GB GOLD $1449.99 1 $1449
NO. G6TCD049N70P
Mobile No:
ESNIMEID: • NO 353893107830318

Oder SJbfofa
SaesTax $105.05
Oder Tola $1554.05

• In Caifornia saes lax is caoulated on the tull relai !l'ice of the, not lhe discounled !l'ice you pay, In Nevooa
saes tax is caoulated on lhe inventorycost of the del1ce. YoLr saes tax was bases on :l!J28.98
verison Wretess SIM mayonIy be usect wth devices certified for use on Verlzon Wreless·netv.ork. Youcaiehed< Il yoLr
device is certitied atœrtiliedde\o1çe

Return/Exchange Pollcy: Newaid CerlfIed Pre-Owied merdlaidise may only be refurned or exct,a,ged wthln 14
days of purehase. You ae permitled to make on excha,ge. A restod<ing lee ol $35 ($70 lor netbooks aid latiets) appties
to a,y return or excha,ge of a Wreless del.Ace (exducing HaWcii). see verlzonwlreless.comheturnpollcy !or compete
To reœlve a credit for lhe a::tivfilon tee, caicetlaûons must ocrur Wlhln 3 days of a::tivaûon of service. Returning
equip-nent does not terminale your service - ptease cal OJstomer Service al lhe rombec above. If you recelved a
replacement devlce Lrlder the Certified Uke-New Replacement p-ogran, you must return your orignat devlce v,lhin 10
days. BUSINESS AND GOVERNMENT CUSTOMERS: The lerms a,d conditions for relurn a,d exdla,ge, inducing lhe
return perlod, may vay by contra::!. Please conta::t yoLr 1/erizon Wreless Account Maia,er or refer to yourcontra::t to
determine the terms Md conditions or yot..r Vefizon Wreless contr�

Return lnsttucuons: (1) Place atl contents aid copy receipl in sllippng box. (2)comptete lhe return-sllipptng label aid
atfix to lhe oulSlde of the box. keepcoptes of recel pt aid la bel (3) ara,ge ptd<up wth orlgnat Shlppng carier, (4)
conta::! us at lhe J1)one rombec on lhe reœipt for device exdla,ge or caicet service

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