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Friendly High School

Viña del Mar

English Test Unit 2: My Body


Subject: English Grade : 1st

Teacher: Felipe Gonzalez Soto Date : May the 9th, 2023

Unit 2: My Body Objective:

- Identify different body parts.

Name :

Total Score: 24 ptos. Score Obtained _______ Mark ________

General Instructions:
- Keep in silence during the Test.
- Raise your hand in case of doubts.
- Use graphite pencil only.

1) Listen and tick the parts of the body. ( T.19) ( 6 points)

2) Read and colour the picture. ( 6 points)

3) Read and complete. ( 5 points)

4) Read and colour. ( 4 points)

5) Draw and colour. ( 3 points)

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