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❖ Román said bullying was a cross-cutting phenomenon that affected children from all
socioeconomic levels and in all kinds of schools.
❖ “Antonia would come home with bruises on her arms,” Velázquez told IPS.
❖ In general, half of the children admitted to having been a victim of bullying – a
proportion that rises when you ask if they have witnessed bullying.
❖ Don’t ever raise your hand to me again, you brat! he furiously warned the bully.
❖ What can parents and the school authorities do about bullying?

Say: especially used for direct and indirect speech; no object or TO sb.
e.g. “Thank you,” he said.

Tell: always followed by an indirect object.

e.g. He told me the whole story again.

Speak: especially used for a single utterance, for knowledge of languages,

when referring to the ability itself.
e.g. I haven’t spoken to her since our last argument.
He speaks several languages.

Talk: more conversational than speak, refers to a longer activity.

e.g. What are you talking about?

1. The kid was ___________________ to re-do the exercise.

2. They ____________________on the phone for hours on end yesterday.

3. “Happy birthday!” she __________________ to her boyfriend.
4. You really _________________ Swahili?
5. Most of my 4th graders cannot _____________ the time. Can you believe it?
6. English _________________ here.
7. We ask visitors to the church not to __________________ while services are in progress.
8. John was so excited about the trip he couldn’t stop _________________about it.
9. A: “Hello. 762504.”
B: “Could I _________________to Janet please?”
A: “Yes, ___________________”
10. Let’s meet early in the evening, _________________ at 7 o’clock.
11. When my cousin ________________ jokes, it’s impossible to stop laughing.
12. After the accident, Sally was so shocked that for three months she couldn’t ___________ .
13. What do you ___________ to the idea of going on holiday to England, the four of us?
14. What did your dad _______________ when you _______________ him what had happened?
15. Don’t believe a word she ________________. She is always ________________ lies. ( not __________ the
16. There is nothing else to be _________________ on the subject.
17. You could ____________________ that the students were bored to death.
18. “I’m overworked.” “_____________________ me about it!”


move something upwards/ cause sth. to grow or appear /collect
e.g. He raised his hand because he knew the answer.


move upwards / stand up
e.g. The sun rises in the East.


occur (of a problem, a difficulty, a need, etc)
e.g. Lots of problems arose as we put the project into practice.


cause mental or emotional states / wake sb.
e.g. His comments aroused our curiosity.

1. Our hopes _____________ as we saw the rescuers coming forward.

2. We need to _____________ $ 1,000,000 for this project.
3. A column of thick black smoke could be seen _____________ from the town.
4. The banging on the door _______________ his fear, but he immediately dispelled it.
5. Prices have _____________ by 25% this year.
6. The river _____________ again and caused serious damage in the town.
7. The grocer’s going to lose many customers if he keeps on ______________ prices the way he’s doing
8. An opportunity has _____________in our Singapore office. Are you interested?
9. He was sexually _______________ by the mere sound of her voice.
10. “What time do you ______________ in the morning?” the old man asked the kid.
11. I’ll _____________ this matter at the next meeting.
12. I was _________________by the ringing of a bell.
13. The bread won’t _______________. There must be something wrong with the yeast.
14. All of us _______________ our glasses to the newlyweds.
15. We can have another meeting if the need ___________________.
16. I wonder how they managed to _________________ a family of eight, take my hat off to them!
17. Has the Moon __________________ yet?
18. Does anybody have any questions to ________________?
19. He’s a ___________________ young politician, it seems he means well.
20. Difficulties are ________________ again and again with the new computers.


place something down in a gentle way (on a surface)
e.g. She laid her head on the pillow and went to sleep.


to be in a horizontal position
e.g. Lots of people were lying on the beach


not to tell the truth
e.g. She lied to me again!

1. There’s nothing more relaxing than ____________________ on a sofa, reading a good book or watching
an exciting movie.
2. How long have the fossils ____________________ down here?
3. My sister was furious when she discovered her boyfriend had been __________________ to her.
4. The moment you ____________________ a hand on me, I will report you to the police.
5. The bricks were ____________________ one on top of the other.
6. She felt so tired that she __________________down for a while, before making dinner.
7. The prisoner was forced to ____________________in order to protect his family.
8. The businessman was accused of _________________ to the investigating committee.
9. Don’t spend the afternoon ____________________ around doing nothing - do something constructive.
10.The hen has ____________________ three eggs.
11. My children always ____________________ the table for lunch and dinner.
12.“Hush, hush,” he whispered __________________ a finger on his lips.

Make: it usually conveys the idea of creating or producing

something new.
e.g. make a cake, make a noise

Do: it is generally used with obligations, work, general

e.g. do homework, do military service

Complete the sentences with the correct form of MAKE or DO

1. Obama ______________history when he 2. The bank_________________a lot of

became President. business.
3. My mother likes to______________the 4. Don’t _________a scene in front of
shopping for the family. people.
5. The bridge is _____________________ of 6. You_______________ a fuss over nothing.
steel. It’s just a little mouse.
7. She always_______________the dishes at 8. He________________a lot of money as a
night. lawyer.
9. Please_____________ an effort to do your 10. I ______________a good dessert last
best. night.

11. Stop __________________faces at me. 12. Drugs will___________________ you harm.

13. My father_______________exercise every
14. You have to_______________a choice.
15. Are you going to _________ a cake for
16. A chemist ___________________drugs.
the party?
17. He has ____________several mistakes in 18. The jury will___________ a decision
his exam. shortly.
20. She_____________all the arrangements
19. Paul ___________a mess in the kitchen.
for the party.
21. ___________me a favour and take out 22. I always like to_____________new
the garbage, please. friends.

23. She _____________me happy when she 24. I will_____________an exception this
sings. time.
26. Try and___________time for your
25. I must ____________a phone call.
27. I ____________________my hair every 28. What will you______________for
week at Giordano’s. breakfast?
29. Please don’t __________ this more 30. John Lennon believed in ______________
difficult for me. peace.
32. These words just don’t ___________
31. I always_________________my best.
33. A magician knows how 34. He is _______________ three subjects at
to_____________tricks. the moment.
35. We will ________________that journey to
36. He ____________the housework today.
the south one day.
37. I need to _______________ a request. 38. ______________sure you clean the house.
39. Could I _______________ a suggestion? 40. Please ___________coffee for us.
41. I will have to ___________ repairs to my 42. I______________my homework after
new car. school.
44. I____________my part by cleaning the
43. Will you ________________ the exam?
45. Nobody wants to ______________ 46. Interesting research is being _________
military service. at the University of Newcastle.
48. Sue____________the laundry once a
47. I’m _______________ a new course.
49. The meal was bad and I_____________a
50. He_____________a promise to his friend.
51. He is just _______________ his duty. 52. I_________________the ironing today.
53. He ___________a fool of himself at the 54. ___________you________________the
party. cooking?

56. She_________________a good

55. The President __________a good speech.
57. IBM _____________ a big profit last year. 58. They are____________________a fortune.
59. He________________a really good job. 60. I__________________lunch for the family.
62. The carpenter_________________the
61. He___________a great success.
63. Colombus _____________a great
64. He will________________a great attorney.
66. Suzanne ____________a deal with her
65. He__________________use of all the parts.
68. The student ______________ a good
67. He can___________________no wrong.
impression on the board of teachers.
69. Please_____________room for the other
70. They have never _________ love.

71. She always ______________the right 72. A thief broke into our house but
fortunately he didn’t ____________ any
thing. damage.

73. Dad always says that _____________ a 74. I need to _______________ an

crossword relaxes him a lot. appointment with the dentist.

75. You are always arguing and fighting.

You should __________________amends.

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