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Profesor Titular del Curso : FIGUEROA LUQUE ELVA ROSA

Nombre de la actividad : WORK AND STUDY

Semana : 04

Código de la Clase : 23801


APELLIDOS Y NOMBRES (1) : Salas Alpaca Santiago

CÓDIGO (1) : U21202921

APELLIDOS Y NOMBRES (2) : Salas Ramos Tania Libertad

CÓDIGO (2) : U20226380

APELLIDOS Y NOMBRES (3) : Diaz Nuñez Axel Javier

CÓDIGO (3) : U20203206

 Leer las indicaciones antes de realizar tu trabajo.
 Revisar las penalidades para evitar inconvenientes.
Nowadays studying and working has become a common decision among us young people.

The reasons are diverse depending on economic or personal need.

This activity requires a lot of dedication, some of the advantages are economic solvency, work

experience and skills development. As there are advantages, there are also disadvantages,

for example, less time for leisure or having emotional instability.

In conclusion, working and studying simultaneously is a difficult task, but not impossible to

achieve. Therefore, it is recommended that you take care of your physical and emotional

health, manage your time, and all this effort will be worth it.

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