Assignment 3

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Date of Submission: 11/21/2022

Finals – Assignment No. 3

Group Members: (BSN 2M)

• Alcopra, Apryl Delmarie (Slogan & Poster)

• Alcuizar, Heather (Slogan, Question 1)

• Almacin, Britney Finn (Slogan, Question 3)

• Amad, Alana Bea (Slogan, Question 2)

• Anino, Camille Fe (Slogan, Digital Art)

I. Information Data Analysis
A. In relation to your Assignment No. 2, create a graphic poster depicting the Philippine Family Planning Program in the Philippines.
B. Formulate your own slogan.
C. Be guided on the following questions:
1. What should the family know about Family Planning?
2. What are the recommended methods in Family Planning?
3. What are the benefits of family planning?

II. Instructions
A. Use an A3 size of paper.
B. Indicate the complete names (family name first) of the group, year and section and the date of submission.
C. Write down the task contributions of the members to the assignment.
D. The deadline of submission of the hard copies will be on:
Cluster 1 November 21, 2022
Cluster 2 November 24, 2022
E. Please include a copy of the rubrics during submission.

III. Output
1. What should the family know about Family Planning?
➢ Family planning is essential knowledge in starting a family. In the Philippines, where topics like the use of contraceptives are
considered taboo, family planning, or modern methods of contraception, should be a topic openly discussed within the family.
This is important to impart knowledge to protect the mothers and/or teenagers from the physical, emotional, and financial burden
of unplanned, ill-timed, or too closely-spaced pregnancy, which may affect not only the mother’s health but also the child’s.
The DOH established a program wherein the government supports Filipinos in planning their family by providing proper
establishments related to the goals of the program, i.e., to increase the use of modern contraceptives and reduce unmet needs
for modern family planning. Family planning is an important topic to be educated about in a family. This is to reduce the
risks/dangers associated with ill-timed pregnancies and avoid other unwanted burdens.

2. What are the recommended methods in Family Planning?

➢ The recommended methods of family planning are, the use of contraceptives is the most recommended method in family
planning. Contraceptive implants, intrauterine systems, IUDs, and male/female sterilization, are one of the most recommended
contraceptives. Modern methods of contraception are considered to have high efficacy.

3. What are the benefits of Family Planning?

➢ These are some of the benefits of family planning, Pregnancy complications can be minimized, Infant mortality rates can be
cut down, Sexually-transmitted infections can be prevented and People get educated and empowered.

➢ Pregnancy complications can be minimized

- Family planning aids in defending women against any health hazards that can arise before, during, or following
childbirth. Infections, high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, miscarriage, and stillbirth are a few. Studies have shown
that women with more than four children are more likely to experience maternal mortality. Thus, they should make
appropriate plans. Because they are more susceptible to health hazards, women who become pregnant after age 35 should
also be carefully planned for. Family planning also eliminates the possibility of unsafe abortion by lowering unplanned

➢ Infant mortality rates can be cut down

- Unplanned, inappropriate, or tightly spaced pregnancies impact the mother's health, affecting her unborn child's well-
being and security. In addition, if the mother passes away during childbirth, the newborn will be more vulnerable to dying
and having poor health.

➢ Sexually-transmitted infections can be prevented

- A person is protected against unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV, AIDS,
gonorrhea, and chlamydia, using male and female condoms correctly and consistently.

➢ People get educated and empowered

- A couple or person may make wise judgments when informed of their rights and options. A couple or person can
select what is best for their sexual and reproductive health with family planning. A couple can achieve financial
security and establish a family they can adequately support by strategically spacing their pregnancies. A healthy
family is the cornerstone of a healthy community, and a healthy family receives the proper care.
Rubrics for Poster Making

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