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ISWAR MAN AMATYA, 1 sn020 TUTORIAL 1 ‘The catchment area of city is 200 hectares. Assuming the surface on which rain fall is classified as follows SNe. | Type of surface % Area Run off coefficient, © 1 | Roof 20 09 2 _| Pavement and yards 15 08 3_| Lawns and garden 30 O15 4 | Roads 20 04 3 _ | Vacant plots 5 ol Calculate the impervious factor, if the maximum intensity of rainfall is 40mm/e. Calculate the quantity of storm water, which will reach sewer lines. In the problem no 1, if the density of population is 300 person / hectares and the rate of water supply is 250 Iped. Calculate the quantity of sewage. a. for separate system, , for combined system for partially separate system Assume peak factor 2. Calculate the quantity of wastewater to carry by separate system with the following data and design a half-flowing sanitary sewer with a slope of 1 in 600. Check for cleansing velocity and limiting velocity for concrete sewer pipe. a. Areato be served 00ha b. Population density = 100 person /hectare cc. Water supply = 20 litre/ person/ day d. Peak factor =3 €. 80 % water supplied is converted to sewage ‘Assume any data if required A sanitary sewer is to serve a uniformly distributed population of 10000 along a 1000m road. The average ground slope for the first 500-m is | in 400 and for the remaining 1 in 900. Design the sewer, give expected peak, average and minimum velocities. Make suitable assumptions and state them clearly. ISWAR MAN AMATYA, 2 sn020 5 ‘The surface of a town on which the rain falls is classified as follows No. | __ Type of surface area Run off coefficient, © 1_| Roof 25 08 2__| Pavement and yards 25 085 3__| Macadamized road 5 032 4_ [Gravel roads 10 O2 3__[ Unpaved street 20 Oe © _ | Rest area(lawns and gardens) 02 a. total area considered is 12 hectares b. time of concentration for the area is 15 minutes What is the runoff of the catchment? ‘Assuming the surface on which rain falls in a thickly built up residential district as follows: a, 40% of area consists of roofs and pavements (C:=0.80), b. 60% of area consists of lawns and gardens (C2=0.20), Calculate the coefficient of runoff. If the total area of the district is 2 hectares, and the maximum intensity of rain is taken as SOmm/hr, what is total runoff of the district? Ifyou were a sanitary engineer, what would be your combined sewer section for a 50-hector residential area having altogether 2500 population? Runoff coefficient 0.40, 0.70, 0.25, 0.80, 0.10 for areas of 15, 20, 25, 10 and 30 % respectively Rainfall duration is 22-min, Self-cleansing velocity is 0.95 misec. Assume suitable data i ISWAR MAN AMATYA, 3 sn020 6 TUTORIAL 2 Find the minimum velocity and gradient required transporting coarse sand through a sewer 30cm diameter with sand particles of 0.1mm diameter and specific gr. of 2.65. Assume K= 0.04, f= 0.012 and n= 0.01 Find out the size of a circular sanitary sewer to serve a population of $0000. Sewage flow is 180 Iped. Natural slope of the ground is lin 1250. Take peak flow 2.25 times the DWF and n = 0.012. Sewer should run half full during the peak flow condition. Determine the discharge and ySelocity in 30em circular sewer when depth of flow is 9em and slope of the ground is 0.004. Assume n= 0.013. Find out the size of a circular sanitary sewer to serve a population of 30000. Sewage flow is 200 Iped and natural ground slope is 1 in 1000. Assume peak factor 2.1, Sewer should run half full during peak flow condition, Also check for self-cleansing velocity. Take ‘n’ in Manning’s formula = 0.013. Calculate the diameter and velocity of a circular sewer at a slop of Lin 400 when it is running just full at a discharge of Im3/sec. ‘The value of n in Manning's formula is 0.012, What will be the discharge and velocity when flowing half full for the same slope Design a sewer in the separate system for a town with population of Hakh and rate of water supply is 180 Iped. The permissible sewer slope is | in 1000 and n= 0.012. Assume DWF is one third of maximum discharge, check the velocity also. Calculate the velocity of flow and discharge in a sewer of circular section having diameter of 0.8m, laid at a gradient of | in 200 and n=0.012. Assume that the sewer is running full Determine the velocity of flow and discharge in a sewer of circular section having Im diameter laid at a gradient of 1 in 500. The sewer is running at 0.6 1m depth, n= 0.012. Determine the circular sewer size for a discharge for a discharge of 500Ips running half full. The gradient is 1 in 1000 and n= 0.015. ISWAR MAN AMATYA, 4 sn020 10. Population of 100,000 is living in a town. A separate sewer system for the town is to be constructed, The water consumption rate is 125 Iped. 80% of the water consumed is discharges as wastewater. The topography does not allow the slope of the sewer line more than 1:1000. The self cleansing velocity can be achieved at 0.6 mis. ‘The dry weather flow may be taken as 1/3rd of the maximum discharge. Design an outfall sewer with RCC hume pipe having ‘Manning's coefficient of 0.013. 11. Design a section of a combined ci cular sewer from the following data. maximum permissible velocity = 3.2 m/s. population =50000, area to be served is 150 hectares time of entry = 5 min, v. time of flow = 20m, vi. rate of water supply =270 Iped vii. impermeability factor 0.45 and viii, maximum discharge =1.8* DWF 12, Determine diameter of a sanitary sewer to carry dry weather flow of 0.26 m’/sec laid at a gradient of | in400. Assume N=0.012, peak factor = 3 and sewer runs at 0.6 depth at peak flow con ISWAR MAN AMATYA, 5 sn020 TUTORIAL3 Determine the | day BOD and ultimate I", stage BOD for a waste water whose 5 day BOD is 200 mg/l. Assume K’ =0.23/day. If 3 days 25°C BOD of sewage sample is 250 mg/l. What will be its 5 day 30°C BOD? The water from Bagmati River was tested for BOD at 20°C and following observations was made, BODs = 280 mg/l BOD: = 319.88 mg/l Determine ultimate BOD and 3 day BOD at 35°C. The water from Bagmati River tested for 5% dilution BOD at 20°C. DO at 5 days incubate are 9 and 4 mg/l respectively. Find BODs. The dissolved oxygen in an unseeded sample of diluted waste having an initial DO of 9.0 mg/l is measured to be 3.0 mg/l after 5 days, The dilution is 0.03 and the reaction constant K =0.22 day-I(base e). i, What is the S-day BOD of the waste? What would be the ultimate BOD? ‘What would be the remaining oxygen demand after S-days? If 2.5 ml of raw sewage has been diluted to 250 ml and DO concentration of the diluted sample at the beginning was 8.0 mg/l and 5.4 mg/l after 5 days of incubation at 20°C. Find 5-day BOD of raw sewage and kg. of 5 day BOD contained in million liters of sewage. IfBODs at 30° C is 125 mg/l. what will be its BODs at 20° C If the five-day BOD at 20°C is 250mg/l and one day BOD at 20°C is 88.80 mg/l. Calculate the rate reaction constant k” 20°C and 7-day BOD at 25°C. ‘A waste is being discharge into a river that has a temperature of 10°C. What fraction of the maximum oxygen consumption has occurred in four days if the BOD rate constant determined in the laboratory under standard conditions is 0.115 day" (base €)? If BODS, 25°C of a sewage sample is 100mg/l. What will be its BODS, 350C? ‘Assume K20 = 0.1 per day ‘A wastewater sample is taken from a sewer. The S-day BOD was found to be 180 mg/l at 20 °C, which is 70% of the ultimate BOD. Calculate rate reaction constant at 20°C and 4-day BOD at 30°C ISWAR sample. MAN AMATYA, 6 sno TUTORIAL 4 A city with a population of 1,20,000 and a sewage flow of 150 Iped is located near by river with a rate of flow of 0.7 m/sec, The BOD of sewage is 210 mg/l. The DO and BOD of the river above the outfall sewer are 7.8 and 1 mg/l respectively i. How many kg of oxygen per day are available above the outfall? ii, What is the BOD in the river just below the outflow? Express the BOD in kg/day also. ‘A sewage sample of 2.5ml is diluted to 250ml. ‘The DO of diluted samples before and after 5 days incubation are 9 and 4mg/l respectively. Find out the BODs of the sewage sample. An industry is proposed to establish near the river. The raw sewage characteristics are as follows. Does it is necessary to treat or not. Calculate allowable BODs in the sewage that can be discharged in the river for the following sewage and river water characteristics. i. sewage discharge ofa town 1.72 m/sec minimum river discharge =7.24 miss, temp of sewage 30.5°C iv. temp of river water 175°C v. Ke = 0.1 day" at 20°C vi Ke = 0.5 day“ at 20°C vii, BODs at 20°C of sewage = 225 mg/l viii, BODs at 20°C of river water =1.2 mg/l ix. DO in sewage =O mei! x. DO in river water = 90% of saturation value Saturation DO at 20°C 9.17 mg/l Saturation DO at 17.5°C = 9.64 mg/l minimum DO to be maintained in the river = 4.4mg/l What is the degree of sewage treatment required? 4, The following observations were made on a 5% dilution of a sewage DO of original sample = 0.55 mg/l, DO of blank sample 3.3 mg/l DO of diluted sample after 5 days incubation 0.89 mg/l Calculate BODs and ultimate BOD of sewage sample. ISWAR MAN AMATYA, 5 6 7 sno Calculate allowable BODs in the sewage that can be discharged in the river for the following sewage characteristics. vie viii xi A wastewater efiluent of 575 l/s with a BOD = 80 mg/l, Dt sewage discharge of a town = 1.72 m’/sec minimum river discharge = 7.24 m/s temp of sewage =30.5°C temp of river water Ks = 0.1 day?; Kr = 0.5 day at 20°C BODs at 20°C of sewage BODs at 20°C of river water = 1.2 mg/l putrefy sewage is in the sewer DO in river water = 90% of saturation value Saturation DO at 20°C 9.17 mg/l Saturation DO at 175°C = 9.64 mg/l velocity of the river water =2 Kmv/hr Determine the critical oxygen deficit and its location. Estimate the 20°C BODs of sample taken at the critical point Plot oxygen sag curve. ‘mg/l and temperature of 20°C enters a river, where the flow is 3.5 m'vs with a BOD of Smg/l. DO of 7.8 mg/l and temperature of 20°C. From laboratory BOD testing, k, of the waste is 0.09 day"! at 20°C. ‘The river downstream has an average velocity of 0.2m/s and depth of 14m, Calculate the degree of treatment required for the wastewater effluent if minimum DO to be ‘maintained in the river is 4.0mgy/ ISWAR MAN AMATYA, a sn020 TUTORIALS 1. Design a rectangular grit chamber from the following data ‘Max flow of sewage = 55*10° I/d, Sp. gr. of grit =2.7, Size of grit particle to be removed = 0.21mm, Assume temp T = 20°e. 2. Design a grit chamber for a max discharge 8000 m*/day, to remove the particles up to 0.2mm diameter having sp. gr. of 2.65. settling velocity, vs range from 0.018 ~ 0.022m/s. Maintain a constant flow through a velocity of 0.3m/s through the provision of flow weir. 3. Design a circular sewage sedimentation tank for a town having population of 40000. ‘The average water demand is 140 Iped. Assume that 70% water reaches at treatment plant and maximum demand is 2.7 times average demand. 4, Design a two-stage high rate trickling filter for the following data. organic loading of filter 10000 kg BODs/hectare/day Flow = 4.5*10° litresiday BOD of sewage = 280 mg/l BOD removal in primary sedimentation tank =35% Recirculation ratio = 1/4 for both filters BOD required in final effluent < 35 mg/l Assume to intermediate sedimentation tank TUTORIAL 6 1. Design an activated sludge unit treatment for a town with the following data, population = 65000 average sewage flow 210 Iped BOD of the raw sewage =210 mg/l 10% 90% BOD removal in primary treatment Overall BOD removal required 2. Calculate the sludge volume index for mix liquor with 3000 mg/l suspended solid having settled volume of 240 ml with I litre of sample. Indicate whether this sludge volume index is good, medium or poor. ion pond for treating domestic sewage from a community having 10000 population. The average sewage flow is 200 Iped and BOD of sewage is 300 mg/l. Assume the organic loading as 300-kg BOD/hectare/day. ISWAR MAN AMATYA ° sn ‘TUTORIAL 7 1, Sewage has a suspended solid contain of 250mg/l. The PST removes 55% of the suspended solid, Determine the volume of sludge produced in PST after treating 6.5 million litres of sewage. Assume sp. gravity of sludge=1.02 and moisture content of sludge as 95%. 2, Determine the volume of sludge for the following data. i, flow of sewage = 20*10° Vd ii, BODs of sewage 210 mg/l iii, Suspended solids in the sewage = 260mgi iv. PST removes 60% suspended solids and 30% of BOD v. Sp. gr. of inorganic solids 65 vi. Sp. gr. of organic solids = 1.01 Vii. Water content of the sludge 95% a, Determine the volume of sludge produced by PST as well as SST. b, The biological (secondary) process is trickling filter. 3. The volume of fresh sludge obtained from PST and trickling filter humus tank is 811m’ at MC 95%. After sludge digestion, the MC reduced to 87%. What will be its volume? . Assume specific gravity remains same before and after dilution, 4, Design a sludge digestion tank of above problem for former problem, Detention time =30 days TUTORIALS 1, Design a ST for a house having 8 persons. The rate of sewage 100 Iped. Assume sludge is clean from ST once in 3years. 2. What will be the dimension of the Septic tank and Soakpit for a combined family having 55 members altogether. 3. What will be the internal dimension and numers of soak pit for a resort at Dhangadhi having average110 number of average users. Rate of sewage discharge is 65 Iped. Cleaning period of septic tank is 4 years interval. Assume other necessary data if required.

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