Lesson Plan Nikki Castro

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Lesson Plan

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
1. understands the Republic Act 10533 and Republic Act 9155.
2. enumerates the functions of a teacher as a curriculum leader.
3. identifies what must a teacher compelled to focus their attention as
K-12 Curriculum is a standard-based curriculum reform.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Teacher as Curriculum Leaders in the K-12 Education Reform
Materials: Flash cards
III. Procedures
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of attendance
4. Motivation
Drill: Flashing of cards
Direction: Give your insights about the words in the flash card.
(Ask any students their insights about the words in the flashing

Curriculum Teacher

Leader K-12 Education

B. Developmental Activities (4 A’s)

1. Presentation

Teachers as a Curriculum Leaders in the K-12 Education

 The Republic Act 10533, otherwise known as the
Enhanced Basic Education Act of the Philippines
includes specific provisions for teachers and principals
to exercise leadership roles not only in instruction but
also in curriculum.
 Republic Act 9155, known as Governance of Basic
Education Act of 2001 also specifies important
provisions wherein teachers play important roles to
promote and protect the rights of every citizen to quality

Techer empowerment is the heart of K-12 Education. With all

the reforms and innovations in the K-12 Education program,
teachers need to view themselves as curriculum leaders
performing the following functions:

 Ensure effective implementation of curriculum

standards and competencies.
 Develop and evaluate curriculum materials that are
appropriate for the students.
 Develop assessment and evaluation tools to assess
 Plan and evaluate curriculum.
 Plan activities that will help implement the
 Solicit support from parents and other stakeholders.
 Make curricular decisions at the school level.
 Conduct research to improve learning and improve

Since the K-12 Curriculum is a standard-based curriculum

reform, all teachers are compelled to focus their attention on
the following:
1. Clarity of the standards – teachers should know the
essential standards that every student should learn in the
curriculum. These standards are contents, skills, and
values or attitudes that students need to learn and
2. Visibility of performance measure – teachers need
to ensure that each curriculum standards shows visible
outcome or performance.
3. Consistency of communication – teachers should be
effectively communicating the standards to all students.

All teachers need to share the vision of K-12 Education. They

need to continuously improve their mastery of the subjects and
disciplines that they teach. They also need to significantly
improve their pedagogical skills. The K-12 Program needs
teachers who are creatively innovative; they need to develop
new ways of responding to the needs and interests of the
learners; and they need to effectively devise reliable ways to
assess and evaluates the learning of students.

2. Activity
Activity I: Enumeration
Enumerate at least 7 functions of a teacher as
curriculum leader.
3. Analysis
 Why do think teachers must portray themselves as a
curriculum leader?
4. Abstraction
 What is the Republic Act 10533?
 What is the Republic Act 9155?
 What are the functions of a teacher as a curriculum
5. Application
Activity II:
As a future teacher, express your insight becoming a
curriculum leader.
(Ask any student to share their answers.)

Activity III: Multiple choice
Direction: Choose the correct answer.
1. To ensure that each curriculum standards shows
visible outcome or performance, teachers must need to
a. consistent in communicating.
b. visible in the performance measure.
c. clear of the standards
d. visible of the standard measure
2. These standards are contents, skills, and values or
attitudes that students need to learn and master. What
must a teacher obligate to focus?
a. consistency of the standards
b. visibility of the performance measure
c. clarity of the standards
d. visibility of the standard measure
3. To be effective in communicating the standards to all
students, teachers must be?
a. consistent in communicating.
b. visible in the performance measure.
c. clear of the standards
d. visible of the standard measure
4. Teachers should know the essential standards that
every student should learn in the curriculum. What are
those standards?
a. contents, skills, and values or attitudes
b. contents, talents, and character
c. contents, values, and performance
d. contents, mastery, and skills
5. With all the reforms and innovations in the K-12
Education program, teachers need to view themselves as
a. Innovative leader
b. Curriculum leader
c. Reformist leader
d. Informative leader
Directions: Make a reflection about the topic Teacher as a Curriculum
Leader in the K-12 Education reform. At least 2 paragraphs.
Rubrics for the reflection paper.
Criterion 5 4 3 2 1 Sco
Responsiv Clearly Clearly Addresses Indicates Suggests
eness to addresses address the topic, confusio an
Topic the topic the but may n about inability
and topic, slight the topic to
responds but some or compreh
effectivel may aspects of neglects end the
y to all respon the topic importan assignme
aspects of d to t aspects nt or to
the some of the respond
assignmen aspects assignme meaning
t. of the nt. fully to
assign the topic.
Communic Explores Shows May treat Lacks Is
ation of the issues some the topic focus, unfocuse
Ideas showing depth simplistic demonstr d,
thorough and ally or ates illogical,
comprehe comple repetitivel confused incohere
nsion of xity of y; doesn’t or nt or
the text; thought demonstra simplisti disorgani
goes . te c zed.
beyond sufficient thinking,
the comprehe or fails
obvious or nsion of to
class the text. commun
discussion icate
. ideas.

Organizati Is Is well
Is Is poorly Is
on coherently organiz
adequatel organize undevelo
organized ed and
y d and/or ped;
(i.e., stays develo
organized undevelo provides
on target ped and ped; little or
with the with developed lacks no
topic), appropr
, generally support relevant
with ideas iate supportin from the support.
supported reasons
g ideas text.
by apt and with
reasons. exampl
es. and
Control of Is May May have Is Has
Mechanics generally have a some marred serious
, Sentence free from few errors, but by an and
Structure, errors in errors generally accumul persisten
Grammar, mechanics in demonstra ation of t errors
Spelling , usage, mechan tes control errors in in word
and ics, of mechani choice,
sentence usage, mechanics cs, mechani
structure. and , usage, usage, cs,
sentenc and and usage,
e sentence sentence and
structur structure. structure sentence
e. . structure

Prepared by:
(Signature overprinted name)

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