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Toyota accelerating EV plans.

Toyota is world’s second biggest car manufacturer after Ford in terms of market
share. But when it comes to EV market it only has a 7.52% share. To improve this
figure, they are investing more in EV R&D. I am sure they’ll do a good job at it
considering they are a Japanese company and like any other Japanese company
when they launch a product in the market it lasts for if not at least 2 generations.

As of the EV market itself, the goal is controlling the air pollution. I am not sure if it’s
more about fooling people because making lithium batteries for these machines is
causing pollution upfront. Basically, it’s just changing the source of pollution from
end stage to beginning stage.

I hope the investment that Toyota is making will help in some ground-breaking R&D
where they can figure out a way to minimise this population factor. Furthermore,
seeing 10 new Toyotas in future also sounds exciting only we can get one on time
instead of waiting 1 year for it. The Tesla spec sheet looks amazing and Toyota with
it’s Technology and durability is comes up with even 1 (Model 3) out of these 10
upcoming models will change the EV market of cars.

RDW Index member Toyota, Toyota Aichi, Japan, announced last week that it is
increasing its investment in electric vehicle (EV) development by $7.4 billion through
2030, bringing its total investment for the period to about $37 billion. The company
said it will sell 202,000 EVs in FY2023, more than five times the number from
FY2022. The company stated in April that it will release 10 new EV models by 2026
and form a new unit within the company to focus solely on fully electric cars. While
EVs are currently more expensive to produce than gasoline-fueled vehicles, Toyota
currently says it aims to secure the same level of profitability with EVs.

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