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By : Vida Fatimah Arcon

Thraia Dacre
Kairus Sandejas
Larkin Sanchez
Devi Arche
Emery Huang
Brixx Montezuma
Gezim Dacre
Acathus Dacre
Asrar Dacre
Gizem Tiago
Doctor Lopez
Gezim and Gizem’s Grandmother
Joules’ grandfather
Kairus’ dad

Venice, Italy
Club Del Doge
Chapter I
The Soldier’s Death
(young thraia and asrar running to the beach)
(Gezim and acathus getting foods from the car)
(soldier,poet,king intro playing)
(thraia and asrar playing near the shore)
Asrar: it’s your first time here after a few years, right?
thraia: Yes! i missed how the cold breeze here is like hugging me!
Asrar: i still remember that you always want to build castles whenever we’re at the beach.
Asrar: there was one time that we couldn’t go to the beach so you made your castle using mud
(thraia and asrar laughs)
thraia: You know that’s all I’ve been wanting for years!
(both laughs and starts to build a sand castle)
(Gezim admiring them from afar)
(Acathus walked near them)
Acathus: Hey kids! Do you still remember our “anthem”
(acathus said jokingly)
Both : yes!
(both rushed to the truck to get their things)
(got back)
(Gezim walking nearer)
(crowd forming a circle)
(Soldier,Poet,King playing)
(crowd formed dancing an irish jig and clappingg on the beat
(asrar while running and swinging his sword)
Young Asrar: there will come a soldier
Who carries a mighty sword
He will tear your city down
Oh Lei—Oh Lai—Oh Lord
All(crowd): Oh Lei— Oh Lai— Oh Lei— Oh lord
He will tear your city down
Oh Lei— Oh Lai — Oh lord
(thraia Enters the circle)
(Asrar spins her and steps backward to the crowd)
Young thraia: There will come a poet (jokingly stands all mighty)
Whose weapon is her word (glaring at the crowd)
She will slay you with her tongue
Oh Lei—Oh Lai—Oh Lord
All(crowd): Oh Lei— Oh Lai— Oh Lei— Oh lord
She will slay you with her tongue
Oh Lei—Oh Lai—Oh Lord
(Thraia and Acathus becomes early twenties)
(still dancing irish jigs while circling the castle)
(Acathus enters wearing a pink cape and princess’ crown)
Acathus: there will come a ruler (flexing)
Whose brow is laid in thorn
Smeared the oil like David’s boy
Oh Lei—Oh Lai—Oh Lord
All(crowd): Oh Lei— Oh Lai— Oh Lei— Oh lord
Smeared the oil like David’s boy
Oh Lei—Oh Lai—Oh Lord
Oh Lei— Oh Lai— Oh Lei— Oh lord
He will tear your city down
Oh Lei—Oh Lai—Oh
(changes scene to asrar’s death)
(sending off his casket at the cemetery where it is full of colourful flowers )
All(crowd): Oh Lei— Oh Lai— Oh Lei— Oh lai— Oh
Oh Lei— Oh Lai— Oh Lei— Oh lai— Oh
Oh Lei— Oh Lai— Oh Lei— Oh lai— Oh
Oh Lei— Oh Lai— Oh Lei— Oh lai— Oh
(music fades)
(whole family nearing his tombstone in a small like modern house)
(Gezim crying hysterically)
(priest proceeds on blessing the tombstone)
( priest stands beside of the tomb holding the holy water)
Priest : O God, By whose mercy the faithful find rest, Bless this gravestone With which we mark
the resting place of Asrar May he have everlasting life And rejoice in you with your saints for
ever. Amen. May God give to you and all whom you love his comfort and his peace, his light
and his joy, in this world and the next; and the blessing of God almighty, the father, the Son, and
the Holy Spirit, be upon you, and remain with you this day and for ever. Amen.
(priest blessed the tomb)
(cries fading)

(outside gezim’s door)
thraia: Mom, I know you’re exhausted, we all are but please don’t give up on us
thraia: Mom?
(sound of overflowing water)
thraia: Mom? What are you doing?
thraia: Mom?!
(thraia goes downstairs to her dad’s study)
thraia : Dad! Mom’s not opening the door!
Acathus: calm down sweetheart. Please understand that your mom needs time, losing a son is a
great loss.
(sound of glass breaking)
(panic enters thraia and Acathus faces)
(both rushes at gezim’s door)
Acathus: Gezim! Open the door!
Thraia: Mom! Please open up!
(Acathus forcedly opened the door using his strength)
(both looked at the bathroom door)
(Gezim lying at the bathroom floor, beside her is a broken chandelier with rope tied)
(Acathus attended Gezim)
(Acathus lifted Gezim, saw a bruise around her neck, glasses deep within her)
Acathus: thraia, start the car!
(thraia runs to the garage, preparing the car)
(Acathus laid gezim slowly)
(Acathus circled around the car to the driver’s seat)

(Acathus bumped into civilians)
Acathus : nurse! Anyone ! help us ! Please (pleading hysterically)
Nurse: what seems to be the problem here?
Acathus: my wife strangled her self by hanging her self on a chandelier and it broke, im not quite
sure if there are some glass the bruised and in her.
Nurse: okay, follow what i am going to say.
Nurse:Lower head of bed and side rails. Position the patient closest to the side of the bed where
the stretcher will be placed.
Nurse : we’ll deliver her to the ER immediately, please be patient and wait outside while we
check on her.
(busy doctors chattering)
HD(head doctor): what’s the blood pressure?
( put on an oxygen mask)
RN( room nurse): it dropped below 95mm doc.
HD: oxygen saturation?
RN: 93% doc
(Gezim get up from lying down)
( suddenly lies down )
HD: Get the paddle, put some gel!
HD: Check the full stat
RN: right away!
HD: check the IP— Change the cup!
HD: pulse?
RN: no pulse doc.
HD: I declare CODE BLUE!
RN: the pulse is back doc!
RN: All the stats are back to normal
HD: good job everyone
(HD grabs a nurse)
HD: excuse me, can you bring her to the other room please? Clean her cuts and pick the glasses
that’s deep within her. Thank you.
Nurse: sure sir, right away.
(other room)
Nurse: You were found unconscious in your bathroom—Can i get some help here?!
(Removes the gauze at the wrist)
(removes the glass particles deep at her wrist)
(Blood squirting)
Nurse: I need a 4x4 , we have a deep laceration here!
(sewing the cut)
(Acathus burst into the room hurriedly)
( a nurse blocked him)
Nurse: Im sorry Mr.Dacre i will ask you to leave this room, you are not allowed in here. I can
assure you that your wife will be just fine.
(Nurses continue to pick the small glass particles)
Nurse: do you feel any pain?
Gezim: No, it is a weird feeling.
Nurse: what made you do this?
Gezim: My son.
Nurse: what did he do?
Gezim: he died.
Nurse: Oh I’m sorry for your loss.
(Gezim smiles weakly)
(Nurse opens the ER door and Acathus ran towards the nurse)
Nurse: Doctor Lopez will be with you at any moment now
(Doctor Lopez The head doctor walking towards them)
Nurse: there he is, I’ll transfer your wife to another room sir, please go to the front for the
information of your wife’s room, if there’s any problem please let us know immediately.
(Acathus breathes heavily)
Acathus: Thank you. (almost a whisper)
(Dr. Lopez nears Acathus)
Dr. Lopez: I will be straight forward, some results after the operation shows that there are
possible cause of why did she did that, the whole suicide part. We will fully examine her all we
need is your permission.
Acathus: please examine everything.
Dr. Lopez: all i want you to do is wait and place your trust on us.
( At the VIP room in the hospital)
(Acathus staring at the sleeping Gezim)
(thraia enters)
thraia: Dad, how’s Mom?
Acathus: She’s doing fine sweetheart.
( thraia sat down at the chair near the bed)
thraia: Dad, i won’t be staying for too long, I’ll visit his tomb. It’s been 2 years since we last
Acathus: sure sweetheart, take care.
(Dr. Lopez knocks)
Dr. Lopez: Mr. Dacre— can i have a word with you, please?
Acathus: yes of course (repeatedly)

( thraia watering the plants around Asrar’s tomb)

( stopping herself from crying)
( Wipes the tombstone that’s made up of blue granite)
(notices a mark of an opened book with a gun in the middle and the star of Bethlehem on the
upper part of the gun)
thraia: What kind of mark is this?
(Traces the mark)
thraia: This mark seems familiar, it seems like I’ve seen it before. My brother was hiding this
mark that day!
(living room of their mansion)
Asrar: hey thraia, have you seen my shoes? The jet black one?
Thraia: it’s been in the basement for years, it’s inside the cabinet, the red one.
Arsar: okay? (confused on how she can remember that)
Arsar: how about my old files, the one that contains the financial records of the company?
(Thraia sighs)
Thraia: it’s inside the filing cabinet on the 3rd floor right wing, 4th drawer . it’s the 6th folder.
Asrar: and how do you exactly know that?
Thraia: know what?
Asrar: that! Every single thing an– and the locations?!
Thraia: i just know?
Asrar: okay if it’s true that the shoes are in the basement, go get them then
( both gave challenging looks)
Thraia: oh please? Really? That’s so easy.
(Thraia goes to the clean basement )
(going to the cabinet)
(wood creaking)
(wipes the dust off the cabinet’s mirror)
(fast black shadow passed by)(Thraia shook)
(Thraia looking around)
(Found a black cat)
Thraia(while pointing to the cat): I’ll deal with you later.
(Grabs the shoe box and checks the shoes and closes the shoe box)
(zooms to the mark of an opened book with a gun in the middle and the star of Bethlehem on the
upper part of the gun in the middle of the shoe box’s cover)
Thraia: what kind of brand is this, this for military brand or something?(laughs to herself)
(notices the cat)
Thraia: and you, you’re coming with me.
(Thraia saw books in the shelf at the corner with some glistening marks)
Thraia: the marks... it’s the same? What does this mark means?
(notices that the cat is pulling back its upper lips and opening its mouth when sneering)
(Thraia sees that the cat is sensing something)
Thraia: na–uh ghurl i am no parapsychologists.
(Thraia runs down to the living room)
Thraia:hey ugly, catch!
(throws the shoes box directly to his face)
Asrar (holds to his nose): Ow
(Thraia covers her mouth sarcastically)
Thraia: oh that must’ve hurt (sarcastic)
Asrar: you brat
Thraia: oh my dear brother, i have something to ask?
Asrar: what (irritated)
Tharia: that mark on the shoe box, have the same mark in the cover of the book. What does that
mark means?
Asrar: nothing, they’re just bought from the same brand
Thraia: really now? Shoes and books? Sampoe brand?
Asrar: if you don’t want to believe me, then don’t im out of this.( serious and cold tone)
Thraia: the heck just happened.
(end of flashback)
Thraia: i knew it! I saw it before! But why does he seems so distant about that mark? Was he
trying to hide something? Or someone?
(thraia thinking hard)
(Karius Jandrick appeared out of nowhere)
Karius: what do you think you’re doing? Looking crazy and talking to yourself?
What’s that huh? Your new hobby?
Thraia: you always have something to say, huh?
Kairus: hot headed as always (amused)
Thraia: gosh I don’t even know why am i even talking to you ,ugh!( walks out directly to her
Lamborghini Huracan and drove fast)
Kairus( at a distance): Hey! Wait up!
(Kairus following her with his Bugatti Veyron super sport car)
Kairus (shouting):You want to race, doll?
Thraia: oh c’mon Kai, we both know i can beat you on that(rolling her eyes)
Kairus: oh game on (teasing)
Thraia: the first that park in front of the mansion receives reward(shouts)
(Kairus sped up his car, leaving an irritated Thraia behind)
(Thraia kept up with him and passes his car, resulting of Kairus’ annoyance)
(Thraia slowed down to level Kairus’speed)
Thraia: what seems to be the prob dude? Scared of losing to a doll?(mocking)
(Kairus making faces and step on the gas)
Thraia: gosh, what a boomer!
(Thraia step on the gas and passed Kairus’car)
(Thraia drift before parking infront of the mansion’s stairs facing the fancy two way door)
(Thraia steps out of her car wearing her devilish smirk)
(Kairus drift in front of her car causing some dust to fog out)
(Kairus step out of his car looking frustrated and ruffles his hair)
Thraia: what’s with the frustrated look Jandrick?(mocking)
Kairus: I just went easy on you doll, don’t be too full of yourself (rolling his eyes)
Thraia: yeah right(laughing at him)
(Kairus went inside stomping his feet)
Kairus: let’s visit your mother, shall we?
Thraia: sure, i already miss her
Kairus: let me take the car, you’re coming with me
Thraia: so bossy? (whisper)
(Kairus parked the car in front on thraia)
Kairus: get in.
(thraia rolls her eyes)
(Thraia and Kairus entered Gezim’s room)
( Asrar’s friends sitting at the couch at the corner of the room)
(Asrar’s friends acknowledging their presence)
Brixx: hello Asrar’s sister( all smiles)
Larkin: why are you together? (teasing)
Kairus: Shut up, we reaced—
(Thraia smacked his face and cut off his sentence)
Thraia: and guess who won!
(Thraia twirled and bowed like a princess)
Thraia: Me(all smiles)
(Kairus rolled his eyes while smiling)
(Kairus held the top of her head)
Kairus: our head’s gettitng bigger now, are we?
(Thraia pinched his hand causing him of letting go)
Thraia: how’s mom doing?
Larkin: Dr. Lopez told us that there’s a chance that she might wake up from this coma.
(Thraia’s face brightens up because of the news)
Thraia: i haven’t seen dad around, where is he?
Brixx: he’s probably at his office, you know.
Thraia: he’s overworking again? When will he learn? He has been hospitalised because of that—
4 times!
Brixx: woah woah woah ( doing a gesture of breathing) calm down... breathe in.... breathe out....
Thraia: i have no time for your jokes brixx
( thraia looks around and noticed they’re not complete)
Thraia: where’s devi and emery?
Larkin: they got into a fight, the 2 nurses from the other room are treating their stitches.
Thraia: wew, when are they gonna change, gosh( rolls her eyes)
(Thraia went to the other room to see devi and emery flirting with the nurses while stitching their
(Thraia went to their place and pinched their ears—hard and let go)
Both: hey! What’s your problem?
Thraia: where’s the girls you’re with yesterday?
(nurses looks disgusted and walked out)
(devi and emery tried to keep up with the nurses but immediately stopped because of the pain of
the stitches)
Devi: look what you’ve done(rolls his eyes)
moThraia: gosh! When are you going to be mature about relationships and stop playing!
(Thraia notices a mark of a gun that’s the same model at the mark that thraia saw at Emery’s
right bicep that has bandages)
Thraia: hey, that mark ...(stops for a moment)
Emery: it’s cool right? Devi told me it was the most cringe tattoo he ever saw
(playfully punched Devi using his left fist)
(Thraia stared at the tattoo for a minute—devi and emery is weirded out for what she’s doing)
Emery: hey!(snaps in front of her face)
Devi: you good? (teasing) told you Emery, it’s cringe! (laughs hysterically)
(Emery peaked at his tattoo)
Emery: is it really that bad?
Thraia: No no no no, it’s not like that. That tattoo is just—
(Kairus appeared behind Thraia)
Kairus: Familiar?
Thraia: yes... (almost a whisper)
Thraia: kairus... can we talk for a minute? In private.
Kairus: yes, sure (worried)
(both of them went to the fire exit)
Kairus: what is it?
Thraia: do you remember the news? When Asrar got drove over by a car?
Kairus: may he rest in peace (whisper) yes, what about it?
Thraia: I still remember the plate number and the mark of that car.
Kairus: that car were crashed months ago after they discovered that.
Thraia: it wasn’t the car that drove over him.
Kairus: what do you mean? ( confused)
Thraia: that car, the car that were crashed months ago is not the car that drove over him. The car
that drove over him have a mark— a mark of the star of Bethlehem, that bright star of Bethlehem
is placed at the right corner in front.
Kairus: so you’re telling me that the car that were crashed months ago is a different car?
Thraia: just as i said Kai.
Kairus: i can’t comprehend this information, i think it might take a while to sink in.
Thraia: i understand, it took 2 months for me to accept this after further investigation.
Kairus: how did you found that out? You never left your room after your brother and your
mom’s accident.
Thraia : i hired someone to preserve my brother’s body at a property that i bought years ago
Kairus: you mean it’s not your brother’s body inside the casket we buried 2 years ago?
Thraia: Correct.
Kairus: We cried over a body that we don’t even know?
Thraia: Yes, but it’s for the best
Kairus: The best?! Why didn’t you informed us?!
(Thraia still remaining a straight face)
Thraia: if i informed you i know that you’ll just interfere and do it you way. Then none of my
plan will succeed.
Kairus: what plan exactly,huh? Making us look stupid crying at a lifeless body that we don’t
even know l?! Making us look stupid that there’s something going on and we’ll just hear a news
about you involving an accident or a murder?!
Thraia: you should talk less and hear my side
(Kairus looking pissed)
Kairus: Go on then, explain why did you make us look stupid
Thraia: i didn’t to make you look stupi— you know what? Let’s talk tomorrow, you should clear
your head. It’s too much information for you to handle.
(Thraia raising her hand like surrendering)
(Thraia attempted to walk out but were stopped by Kairus’ sudden move, holding her elbow )
Kairus: no, let’s talk about this plan of yours now. Let’s talk about it after dinner.
(Kairus and Thraia walked out to the entrance of the hospital )
Kairus: Wait here, I’ll go get the car.
Thraia: Where did you parked it?(curious)
Kairus: Why? So you can escape from me?
(Kairus walked to the other side of the entrance and got in of his car. And drove swiftly to the
entrance where Thraia is waiting looking so bored)
(Karius walked out of his car and opened the door of the passenger seat)
( Thraia entered the back seat not minding Kairus)
Karius: Do i look like a driver to you, miss?(sarcastic)
Thraia: oh my you look like one (shocked sarcastic expression)
Kairus: Very funny miss, come here so we can leave
Thraia: Gosh! So demanding!
(Kairus making faces while mimicking her)
Thraia: hey! I can see you!
(Thraia walked out of the car and walked to the passenger seat. Thraia Step on his foot
“accidentally” )
(Kairus whining and wincing in pain)
Thraia: I’m so sorry , i didn’t mean that!
(lowly chuckling while entering the seat )
(view inside the car, Kairus whispering some witchery and cruses)
(Kairus enters the driver seat and started the car)
Kairus: Where do you want to eat, spoiled brat?
Thraia: Club del Doge? I love how the culinary art combined with its warm atmosphere, it’s so
Kairus : Should we try their risotti?
Thraia: were still enemies(pointing at him like she’s threatening him) but yes.
(Kairus laughs at her actions and slightly shakes his head)
( Kairus and Thraia Arrives at Club Del Doge)
(Kairus hurriedly walked out of the car to open Thraia’s door)
( Thraia rolls her eyes on him and walked in the restaurant leaving Kairus behind)
Receptionist: Good evening ma’am , do you have any reservations?
(Kairus walked in)

Kairus: we don’t have any reservations miss

(Kairus held his wallet up for the receptionist to see)
(the receptionist panicked)
Receptionist: Mr. Sandejas, i didn’t recognized you. I’m very sorry sir.
Kairus: It’s okay, no need to apologize. It happens sometimes .
Receptionist: should i lead you to your room sir? Or you’ll set on other table?
Kairus: To the room please, thank you
(Thraia crossing her arms while watching them talk)
(The receptionist lead the way to the room that says ‘authorized personnel only”)
(Kairus and Thraia followed her and Thraia looking confused)
Thraia: what’s this? Do you work here or something?
(The receptionist opened the door and they faced a plain 4 walls with a small space that has a 3
storey drawer)
(The receptionist took out the first two drawers and twisted the third drawer’s handle to reveal a
small compartment that has a key inside the same drawer. The “wall door” at the right is
revealed at the same time.)
(the receptionist snatched the key and proceed on unlocking the door)
(The receptionist unlocked the door and lead the way down stairs)
(each step, the lights on the stairs light up ahead of them while going down)
(The three of them reached the maim floor of the room)
(Thraia looked around and noticed that there are four doors on the four walls)
( The Star of Bethlehem, A gun, An opened book, and the mark that she saw at her brother’s
items, an opened book with a gun in the middle and the stsr of Bethlehem at the upper part of the
Thraia: those marks....
(Thraia looking and touching each doors like it was a crime to be investigated)
Receptionist: excuse me, but i must go sir.
Kairus: ah— yes right, thank you.
Receptionist: Ring the phone if you need anything, sir, ma’am.
( The receptionist walked out of the room)
Thraia: Care to explain, Mr. Sandejas?
Kairus: We agreed that we’ll tapk after dinner, right?
Thraia: We’ll talk while eating, that’s final.
Kairus: ofcourse.
(The servants and waiters arrived in a blink of an eye, a table that’s already set and foods that are
well prepared)
(Kairus pulled a chair for Thraia but Thraia pulled the other chair)
(Kairus sighs and shakes his head)
Kairus: Should I start now?
Thraia: yes, faster.
Kairus: you’re the one that needs something from me and you’re being such a dictator (whisper)
Thraia: What was that?
Kairus: Nothing (smiles)
(Thraia glared at Kairus signaling him to proceed to the story)
Kairus: when your brother was 10 years old, he was already being trained by your Father.
Kairus: He was trained to different phenomena and different accidents, he was trained to protect
you, to protect the organization.
Thraia: Organization? Who’s Organization is this?
Kairus: Your Father’s side had this organization going for decades and it was meant to protest
the clan, their clan
Kairus: Even though your father didn’t liked the idea of that because he knew that there’s a lot of
trouble that will be going on once he agreed and Asrar step inside the organization.
(Kairus held up the wine and poured Thraia and his glass a wine)
Thraia: But my father still agreed for the organization to continue?
Kairus: No, your brother agreed and left to go to Miami all by himself to sign a contract from the
Thraia: By himself?! Are you making up stories? Listen Kairus, i don’t have time for your jokes!
Thraia: My dad told me that he’s at the America to study! He was there for years! I called him!
Kairus: Im not joking, your brother is smart, he pretended that he was with the old lady at the vip
Thraia: how did he bought tickets?
Kairus: he’s always saving money since he was little, you know that, right?
Thraia: yes....
Kairus: That money that he were saving, he bought it for the tickets to Miami
Thraia: But.... how did he fount out about the organization?
Kairus: He overhead Mr. Acathus talking with your grandfather when he was 7 years old
Thraia: And how did you know all of this?
Kairus: Were best of friends, what do you expect.
Thraia: And I am the sister!
Kairus: What now? We’ll just fight or should I continue the story?
Thraia: Continue (rolls her eyes)
Kairus: When he heard that it was to protect you, he didn’t hesitate to back out.
(Kairus cut his staek gracefully and switched the uncut steak of Thraia to his)
Kairus: When he went to the chaotic part of the Miami where the organization lays.
Kairus: It’s near the Miami beach where the same day had a deafly chaotic weekend
Kairus: Your brother saw the miniature of Miami and its buildings, you were both there, right?
At your grandfather’s house?
Thraia: Yes.
Kairus: Then he pointed at the beach house near the beach and asked your grandfather who’s
property is that and your grandfather answered that it was a private organization’s property,
Thraia: yes.
Kairus: He went to that property and he saw your grandfather, he went inside and won’t go away
until they train him to protect you.
Thraia: To protect me? From what?
Kairus: To the other organizations that is hunting down theirs.
Thraia: So all this time my life is in danger? Until now?
Kairus: Yes.
Thraia: He went home when he was 15 years old.... does that mean he suffered for 5 years?
Kairus: He didn’t suffered, he want to protect you that’s why he trained, not to suffer.
Thraia: Still! There was one time I saw his face covered with blood, and you’re telling me that he
didn’t suffered?
Kairus: It’s not suffer when it’s for you, Thraia.
Kairus: When he got back home, you guys partied, right? And a boy tried to touch you but he
was immediately stopped by your brother.
Thraia: Because he was overprotective!
Kairus: No, it’s because he’s a member of their rival’s organization.
Kairus: There’s a party held up when you turned 18 right? And a boy tried to approach you and
offered you a drink that he was holding? That drink was drugged.
Thraia: That’s why he punched that boy to death... i thought he wants to ruin my party....
Kairus: He would never.
Kairus: The day he died, he had a fight with someone but I don’t know who and why.
Kairus: It was a big fight, but no one witnessed, he just told me over the phone
Kairus: At the same time, I heard muffling voices at the background and I asked him is he with
someone but he was silenced for a minute then he told me that he was with his cat
Thraia: He don’t have a cat....
Thraia: Let’s go
(Thraia grabbed her things and stood up)
Kairus: But you didn’t even touched your food.
(Thraia ate the whole thing)
Kairus: oh god ..
(Thraia signalling “let’s go” while chewing the steak)
( they went straight up to the car)
(Thraia finished eating)
Thraia: I’ll dictate the direction. Go .
( The sound of the car speeding up and finally arrived to a mansion temple)
Kairus: what’s with the style
Thraia: This is where my brother’s body is preserved.
Thraia: i Hired a medical examiner to do an autopsy.
Kairus: Are you still not believing that it was an accident?
Thraia: My brother is a great driver.
Kairus: Accidents can happen sometimes
Thraia: not in my brother’s watch Kairus.
( Both of them went to the double door entrance)
(Guards and maids greeting them)
(Thraia went straight up to the chimney)
((Thraia stared at the ornament at the center of the chimney)
( The ornament scanned her eyes)
System: access complete, you may go in.
(Thraia saw that the medical examiner is checking the wounds of Asrar from the car accident)
Joules: ( French accent) Thraia, my love( holding his chest dramatically)
Joules: It’s so nice to see you again ( tried to hug her but stopped midway when he saw Kairus
(Joules backed out a little)
Thraia: Quit staring, your scaring him
( Kairus rolled his eyes)
( The three of them walked to an office)
Thraia: How is it going, J?
Joules: I used a scope that can see the smallest detail of the body
Thraia: And? Did you found something?
Joules: Yes, i fount a small hole under his tounge so I suspected that it was injected but with
what? So I tried to take a sample inside the small hole and look what I found
( Joules took out three pages if paper that shows he has been injected with Potassium Chloride)
Joules: He has been injected with potassium chloride under his tounge.
Thraia: Potassium Chloride?
(Kairus leaning at the wall with his hand at his chin)
Kairus: Potassium chloride is the drug that causes death in an execution under current lethal
injection protocols. Although the other two drugs are administered in lethal dosages and would,
in time, produce the prisoner’s death, potassium chloride should cause cardiac arrest and death
within a minute of injection.
Joules: he’s correct
Kairus: Also, potassium chloride increases the blood and cardiac concentration of potassium to
stop the heart via an abnormal heartbeat and thus cause death by cardiac arrest. It only takes
minutes to meet death.
Thraia: you told me you were hearing muffled voices when he was at the car, right?
Kairus: yes.
Thraia: and he told you that it was just his cat, but he doesn’t have a cat....
Joules :Qu'est-ce qui se passe bordel?!!!
( swaying his hand dramatically and acts like he’ll faint)
Kairus: It was a low voice so I’ll assume that it was a man
Thraia: How can you assume that it’s a man of it was a muffle voice, you can’t just put
( Kairus silenced)
( Everyone is silent for a minute)
Thraia: Kairus, did he hold the phone after that? Did you hear anything before the line
Kairus: Well, I heard a thud before the call ends, a loud one.


Thraia: I really wonder if you’re telling the truth...

Kairus: What do you mean Thraia? Of course I am telling the truth! What do you think of me?!
Thraia: Get a hold of yourself Kairus.
(Kairus breathing heavily)
Thraia: Dud he really called you? Or you’re inside the car?
Thraia: How can you assume that it’s a man? Were you with him? Were you inside of the car?
Kairus: So what are you implying? That I’m the one that killed him?
Thraia: I didn’t said that, I only asked you if you’re with him. Why do you look so guilty all of a
sudded huh?
Kairus: I was not with him Thraia, ask the guards of my house if I left that day.
Thraia: For sure they’ll side you, you’re their master what should I expect?
Kairus: I don’t want you to expect anything, I want you to put your trust on me.
Thraia: How can I put my trust on you when on the first place you hid the whole organization
Kairus: It was just one thing, Thraia!
Thraia: That one thing that you’re referring is the main reason why I’m still breathing Kairus! I
badly want to seek revenge for my brother because I know by heart that it wasn’t just a simple
accident !
Kairus: I admit that it was fully my mistake and I don’t blame anyone for it was me who kept it a
secret for a very long time
Thraia: It’s good to know that you’re true to your mistakes
(joules fidgeting his fingers at the corner looking scared)
Joules: Do you think I should leave for a moment?
Both: No!
Joules: O-okay hehe


Kairus: All this time that has passed by, you’re pointing all the suspections at me? Are you
playing safe, dear Thraia?
Kairus: You’re blaming me when you have no alibi when the accident happen?
(Joules’ back touching the walk while slowly walkinh to the door, opening the door slowly and
walking out as fast as he can)
( The door closing caused a loud thud)
Thraia: What now? You’re returning the blame to me? Oh how dare you ( smiling maniacally
while shaking her head)
Kairus: I didn’t said that, I only said that you don’t have any alibi (mimicking what she said
(Thraia walking closer to him)
(Kairus leveling his face to hers)
Kairus: The day of the accident, no one saw you and no one knew where you went.
Thraia: I went to the library that day because we have exam the next day, genius!
Kairus: Why do you sound so guilty, sweetheart?
(Thraia straing intently at Kairus’eyes)
( Thraia silenced for a minute)
( Kairus’face leaned closer)
Kairus: Cat got your tounge?
(Thraia pushed Kairus with all her might)
Thraia: Don’t you dare point the blame on me! I know to myself that I didn’t do anything!
Kairus: I know, I trust you. I just can’t help but to think where were you when the accident


( Joules entered )
Joules: Both of you! Stop for a minute!
(Joules looking guilty at Thraia)
Joules: I have something to confess.
Thraia: Spit it out Joules, while I’m still calm...
Kairus: You call that calm? (whisper)
Thraia: You were saying?
(Thraia looked at Kairus)
Kairus: Me? Saying something? No I’m mute as a fish. (Smiles)
Thraia: Proceed, J.
Joules: I’ll be professional here since I didn’t last time you first hired me.
Joules: I found a fingerprint that matches someone close to you.
(Thraia eyeing Kairus)
Joules: No, not him.
Joules: At the day you hired me I ran him over a fingerprint scanner. And I found a fingerprint
that looks the same and when I scanned it, it matched.
Thraia: Don’t be such a cliffhanger Joules, go straight to the point.
Joules: I found you mother’s fingerprint.
Joules: I found it all over his face but more over his jaw and mouth.
Thraia: And you told me that his tounge was injected, right?
Kairus: Are you implying that it was Mrs. Gezim that killed her own son?
Thraia: You must be joking, J. Mommy could never.
Joules: I tried to scan it multiple times and the results are still the same.
Thraia: No... you’re lying Joules, please tell me your lying...
Joules: I may not be professional but never call me a liar, Ms.
Thraia: It’s not like that Joules... it’s just —
Kairus: Give her some time Joules, it’s hard to comprehend the situation right now...
Joules: I understand Mr. Sandejas.
Kairus: Do you want to be left alone?
Thraia: Let’s go to Mrs. Gezim.
Kairus: Why?
Thraia: I need to confirm something.
(Thraia walking fast to the exit)
(Kairus running to catch up)
Kairus: I think she can beat the world’s fastest runner( he said under his breath)
(Thraia went straight up to the driver’s seat and started the car)
Thraia: Are you a turtle?! Move faster!
Thraia: Move! Move!
(Kairus had no choice but to seat at the passenger’s )
(Thraia drove once Kairus went inside of the car)
(Kairus held to the side of the chair because of the sudden impact of the speed)
Thraia: Stop being an ass, you’re a racer yet you’re scared? (shakes her head)
( Thraia hits the break and Kairus hit his head to the headboard of the car)
Thraia: We’re here.
Kairus: Yeah, I noticed.
( While holding his forehead)
(Thraia went inside, the sound of her heels echoing the pathway to the receptionist’s desk)
Receptionist: Yes miss? What can I do for you?
Thraia: Did Mrs. Gezim change her room regularly?
Receptionist: Let me check ma’am .
(Receptionist started searching at her computer)
Receptionist: Her room is recently upgraded to the VVIP suite ma’am.
Thraia: What room?
Receptionist: Room 1583, 6th floor, right wing. There’s the elevator, ma’am , sir,.
(Receptionist pointing at the elevator at the left)
Thraia: Thank you.
(Thraia walked, half running to the elevator with Kairus behind her)
(Both of them got in and pressed the 6th floor, elevator closing, but suddenly stopped by a hand.)
(Reveals a Doctor that looks like a freshly graduate because he has not been seen at the hospital)
Doctor: Hello!( notices that the 6th floor is already pressed) Oh! You’re heading to the 6th floor
Kairus: Yes, we are.
Doctor: Oh we’re the same( all smiles) Are you visiting your relative?
Kairus: We’re visiting her mom.
(Elevator opens)
Thraia: After you Doc.
Doctor: thank you, little miss.
Thraia: No problem, Doc..
( Doctor steps out of the elevator and went straight up to the room that’s assigned to Mrs.
( The wooden door have a small straight up window that you can see what’s happening inside)
( Thraia peeked at the window and saw that her mother is all too well and is looking at her nails
dramatically like there’s something wrong with it)
Gezim: Did you do what I told you?
Doctor: Yes, I already told them that you’re still in a coma and you have a brain tumor that will
have a surgery even though you’re still in a coma.
Gezim: Perfect, It was really a good decision picking you.
Gezim: Did you told them that I didn’t have Strength even before the accident happened?
Doctor: Yes, all clear ma’am .
Gezim: Oh good job, look at my nails... do you think I should paint them pale so they wouldn’t
(Kairus looked at Thraia that is holding her phone for the voice record)
Gezim: Come here, come near me.
Gezim: Last question, you really threw the syringe that I used to do it years ago, right?
Doctor: N-no ma’am , you told me to keep it to your safe at your room, right?
(Gezim slapped him)
Gezim: I did not! I already told you for many times to throw that syringe right away!
Doctor: Should I do it right now, maam?
Gezim: Of course prick head, do you think that I should di it when I’m paying you?!
Doctor: O-okay, I’ll do it right away ma’am.
(Doctor about to leave hurriedly but Thraia barged in)
Thraia: I don’t think you still have time( waving the recording)
Gezim: S-sweetheart, there must be a misunderstanding here...
Thraia: I don’t think so mom
(The Doctor about to grab thraia)
Kairus: Don’t even try touching her.
(Police men arriving)
( One police man (Kairus’dad) stopped at Thraia’s place to consult her about the recording and
about the story that his son told him over the phone)
Police(Kairus’ dad): Hija, let’s go to the station for further investigation.
Thraia: Wait, there’s something she said about the syringe at her safe.
Kairus: Let’s go to your house then.
(Police arresting Gezim)
Policeman: You are being arrested for the case of murder. You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an
attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.
Gezim: I didn’t do anything, please believe me!!
(policemen dragged her out of the room straight to the police car.)
(Kairus’ dad, Thraia, and Kairus at the back went to Kairus’car to go to the house)
(arrived to the house)
(Thraia ran to her mother’s safe and unlocked it but nothing is in there but she noticed a gap to
the right corner so she opened it and revealed the syringe)
(Kairus hand her surgical gloves)
(Thraia grabbed the syringe and put in inside the ziplock that Kairus’ dad is holding.)
Thraia: Let me have that please, I have a private medical examiner.
(He passed the plastic to Thraia)
Thraia: Thank you.
(Thraua looked at Kairus)
Thraia: Let’s go?
(Kairus nodded)
Kairus’ dad: Can i come?
Thraia: Of course, sir.
( The three of them went to the car and went straight up to the place where his body is preserved)
(They entered inside, straight up to Joules)
Joules: Good thing you’re here! I have big news to drop!
Thraia: Before that, can you examine whose finger print is on thins syringe?
Joules: Of course of course.
(Joules went to the lab to examine the syringe)
( minutes later, he got back)
Joules: it’s your mother’s .
Joules: Well, i can’t say that it’s from your mother though.
Thraia: What do you mean by that Joules?
Joules: I investigated the fingerprints that your mother signed a contract with when you were
atleast 5 years old.
Thraia: And?
Joules: It didn’t match.
Joules: I suspected that your mother have a twin sister, and so I confirmed it.
Thraia: But how?
Joules: My grandfather is a friend of your grandmother, and he was your grandma’s doctor and
was expecting twin sisters. But later on after birth, they found out that the other twin was
Joules: I talked to the parents of your mother and they told me that since day one, she knew that
she was adopted and she always envied you Mother’s life.
Joules: She also told me that, there was one day that she never came back home, the same day
that your mother died. There was 2 syringe, one for your mother, and one for your brother.
(Thraia looking stunned)
Thraia: I—
Joules: since you were 5 years old, you were living with your mother’s twin sister.


Thraia: We can’t do anything that already happened

Thraia: We’ll just see her on court then
(Thraia walked out )
Thraia: Come on Kairus! Let’s head to their office!
(Kairus and his dad ran towards the furious Thraia)
Kairus: let’s go.
(They went to the headquarters to settle the case)
(Kairus’ dad first walked in)
(The policemen greeted him)
Kairus’ dad: Where is she?
Policeman: she’s at the last cell to the right wing, sir.
Kairus’ dad: thank you.
(They went to that cell)
Gezim: we’ll meet at the court!
Thraia: Shouldn’t I be the one saying that?

( at the court)
Judge : all rise! To show some respect!
(The judge signals to sit down)
Judge: you may begin for the opening statements, prosecutor.
Prosecutor: Good afternoon, my name is Gilbert Hidalgo, and it is my pleasure to represent the
State of Italy and to serve as a prosecutor on this very important case. On June 14th, 20XX, the
defendant in this matter of murder . I would like to present you the evidence that proves my
client not guilty. That day where his son dies, she was with her husband at his house to say
goodbye to her son because his son is leaving for a party. I call her husband as a witness to
(Acathus went in front and sat at the chair near the judge.)
Judge: Please state yur name and the witness’ affirmation.
Acathus: I, acathus Dacre, “I do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that the
evidence I shall give shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.”
Judge: proceed.
Prosecutor: is it true that you were with your wife when that incident happened?
Acathus: Yes.
Prosecutor: is it true that before he left, your so-called wife went inside of his car?
Acathus: Yes.
Prosecutor: Is it true that she was holding a syringe before she went to the car and told him that it
was for his allergies (Breaths in) But you know from the very beginning the he don’t have a
single allergy going on with his body?
Acathus: Yes.
(Acathus tearing up)
Prosecutor: and you saw that before she enter that car the syringe were full yer when she came
back it was already empty?
Acathus: Yes.
Prosecutor: After years you found out that your wife isn’t really your wife but her twin sister!
(Crowd murmuring and gasped)
(Judge hit the hammer)
Judge: order on the court
Acathus: Yes.
Attorney: Objection your Honor, he’s slipping from the case!
Judge: Objection overruled!
(Asrar’s friends and Thraia watching intently)
Prosecutor: That wife you were living in killed your wife and your son because of envy! Is that
Acathus: Yes.( weakly)
Prosecutor: I would like to ask the alleged
Judge: proceed.
Prosecutor: Is it true that you were living in envy for Gezim?
Gizem(real name): No, I do not.
Prosecutor:. But that’s not the pictures from your room is looking like.
Prosecutor: Please look at page 35. You can see pictures of Mrs. Dacre full of red paint and
daggers, looking like she wanted to kill her where she, Ms. Gizem succeeded on.
Attorney: Objection you Honor! Relevance!
Judge: Objection overruled! Proceed.
(Prosecutor looking at the attorney mockingly.)
Prosecutor: did you kill Mrs. Dacre and her son?
Attorney Objection your honor! Leading questions!
Judge: Objection sustained, please lay another question.
(Gizem looking stunned at the sudden question)
Prosecutor: Why are you looking so guilty miss? Didn’t expect that I’ll ask right away?
Judge: Objection Sustained —please lay another question.
Prosecutor: Waa that syringe really for the allergies?
Gizem: Yes
Prosecutor: What kind of allergy?
Gizem: peanuts
Prosecutor: how much was the syringe that you bought near you house?
Gizem: A Euro.
(Gizem eyes widen from the sudden realization)
(Crowd screaming from the reveal)
Prosecutor: I rest my case, you honor.
Judge: order on the court!
(screen flashed the flashback of Asrar’s memories, to the reveal of his preserved body, to the
reveal of the cause of his death, to Reveal of Gizem, Gizem fight back)
Judge: after further discussion of this case Beyond a reasonable doubt: after they laid the
evidence I plea you guilty!
(crowd cheering)
(Asrar’s friends and Thraia hugging)
Thraia: I already buried his body beside mom’s tomb, real mom. I found her tomb by the help of
Joules. Should we visit them.
Kairus: we must. ( Kairus held Thraia’s hand while walking towards the car).

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