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No Skills / Contents Page


1 Information Transfer 4
Exercise 1 - 20 5
2 Formatted Writing Sample Forma 24
 Formal Letter 25
 Informal Letter 26
 E-mail 27
 Personalised / Greeting Card 28
 Postcard 29
 Message 30
 Notice 31
Formatted Writing 32
Exercise 1 - 5 33
3 Essay Writing A 43
Exercise 1 – 20 44
4 Essay Writing B 64
Exercise 1- 20 65
5 List of Common Verbs 85
6 Information Transfer Answers 93

2|Modul Triumph Redong Vol. 3 – Mia Antasha



3|Modul Triumph Redong Vol. 3 – Mia Antasha

Study the notes below and use the information to complete the

 local fruit  supermarkets,  eaten raw, cooked

markets and
 non-seasonal  made – local
fruit stalls
cakes, dessert,

skin: flesh : food value:

Based on the notes, complete the text below with the correct information. vitamins
 green- yellow  soft and sweet
when ripe  energy giving
The banana is my favourite local fruit. It is (1) fruit.

The skin turns from _ (2). Many people like to eat it

because (3) is soft and sweet. Banana is good for our health

as it contains vitamins (4). It can be

eaten (5). They can be made into cakes,

dessert and chips. They are easily available at supermarkets, markets and fruit stalls.

4|Modul Triumph Redong Vol. 3 – Mia Antash

Study the notes below and use the information to complete the

 may  before eating  germs

contain  before cooking  bacteria

 clean How to wash :  Cover food

Based on the
and notes, complete the text below with the correct information.
 clean water
 soap
Cleanliness is very important when we handle food. There are many ways to ensure

that the food we prepare is (1) to eat. First, we must wash

all fruits and vegetables carefully (2). The reason is they

(3) which may harm us. To clean them, we must use

(4) to do this. This will help remove all

(5) contamination. Always wash your hands with soap and

water before you prepare or serve food. Finally, remember to cover food to keep from flies.

5|Modul Triumph Redong Vol. 3 – Mia Antash

Study the notes below and use the information to complete the

Hatches from an egg. Lay it eggs. Turns into pupa.

Eats leaves or flower. Four different stages of its life.

Based on the notes, complete the text below with the correct information.

A butterfly goes through (1) in its

life. An adult butterfly will (2) on a leaf.

The larva or caterpillar . (3) It eats

(4) almost non-stop. The caterpillar then loses

its old skin many times as it grows. Then, it turns

. (5) This is the resting stage. A beautiful,

adult butterfly will come out from the pupa. The life cycle will continue on.

6|Modul Triumph Redong Vol. 3 – Mia Antash

Study the notes below and use the information to complete the

garden, a park and even
 heart attack healthy activity
around your neighbourhood.
 stroke

a pair of shoes improves general fitness wear suitable clothes.

Based on the notes, complete the text below with the correct information.

Walking is an activity that can be carried out easily in your

(1). All you need is (2) and proper

attire. Walking is a (3) as its benefits are plenty. It helps

prevent diseases like (4). Besides, it also

(5). Although walking is a safe exercise, it is important to take

preventive steps to avoid injury. Hence, wear properly fitted, low-heeled shoes that are

comfortable. Also make sure that you wear suitable clothes.

7|Modul Triumph Redong Vol. 3 – Mia Antash

Study the notes below and use the information to complete the

Function :
Used for :
communication, works  Role as tutor
 Personal
and in health.  create, store
 Education

For teachers :
helps in communication
Makes their lesson interesting

Based on the notes, complete the text below with the correct information.

Technology is used widely for (1) today. All over the

world, we find technology in many aspects of peoples’ lives such as communications,
(2). In education, technology is very important. It has four main
functions. The first function is its (3), for example,
the use of televisions and computers in teaching, just like your personal tutor. Its second
function is knowledge exploration. Here, the CD-ROM is used. Next, technology is to create
and (4). Students can use word processing and spreadsheet
software. Lastly, technology (5), for example, the e-mail.
Teachers are encouraged to use technology in their classrooms as it makes their lesson
interesting. Students too, are attracted by new technology.

8|Modul Triumph Redong Vol. 3 – Mia Antash

Study the notes below and use the information to complete the

mobile phones dial the numbers
text messaging, MMS

reach others anytime,

carry anywhere to talk to someone

Based on the notes, complete the text below with the correct information.

The telephone is a wonderful tool. If you want to (1), all you

have to do is pick up the phone and (2). You are instantly

connected to the person you want to talk to. A telephone is one of the simplest devices you

have in your house. Nowadays, we also have the (3) which we

can (4) we go. With the mobile phone we are able to reach

others anytime, anywhere. Also, the mobile phone has many useful functions like

(5) and many others.

9|Modul Triumph Redong Vol. 3 – Mia Antash

Study the notes below and use the information to complete the

Tadpole features:
 gills
the tadpole lays many eggs
 mouth
 tail

hatch six to twenty-one swim around and feed on

floating weeds or grasses
days algae

Based on the notes, complete the text below with the correct information.

The female frog (1) in static water or water that does

not flow. They will usually (2) after being fertilised. After

hatching from the egg, _ (3) will feed on the remaining

yolk. The young tadpole only has (4). It will first stick itself

to floating weeds or grasses in the water. Then, seven to ten days after the tadpole has

hatched, it will (5). By twelve weeks, the tadpole only

has a small tail. It looks more like a frog. The frog will be fully grown between twelve to

sixteen weeks.

10 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Study the notes below and use the information to complete the

 bridges
 rafts used as wrappers bamboo shoots
 water pipes

Lemang Farmers forests

Based on the notes, complete the text below with the correct information.

Bamboo plants can be found in (1). They have many uses.

They can be used to make (2). Farmers use bamboo to make

stakes for their vegetables to climb on as they grow bigger. We can also use bamboo as food

or to cook food. Certain (3) can be eaten. (4)

is cooked inside the bamboo. The bamboo plant can also be cut up and be used as a mould for

making ‘gula melaka’. The broad leaves of certain bamboo species are

(5) for Chinese ‘bak chang’ or glutinous rice dumplings.

11 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Study the notes below and use the information to complete the

trunks made in brooms delicious and refreshing

Grow at:
multipurpose  seashores Coconut milk
 beaches

Based on the notes, complete the text below with the correct information.

The coconut palm is very useful. It can be found growing along the

(1) in Malaysia. It grows well in sandy soil. It is also known as a

multipurpose tree. The leaves can be (2). The (3)

can be used as bridges. The flesh of the coconut can be used to make oil.

(4) is used for cooking and baking. The fresh coconut drink is

simply (5) especially on a hot day. Therefore, it is not

surprising to find the coconut palm almost anywhere in our country.

12 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Study the notes below and use the information to complete the

 supermarkets, flesh :  eaten raw, cooked

markets and fruit  tangy  made – fruit juice,
stalls  sweet jams

food value: skin:

 local fruit
 vitamins C  rough
 non-seasonal
 iron  thorny texture

Based on the notes, complete the text below with the correct information.

The pineapple is one of Malaysia local fruit. It is

(1) fruit. The skin has very texture (2). Many people like to eat

it because (3) is tangy and sweet. Banana is good for our

health as it contains (4). It can be eaten

(5). They can be made into jams, dessert and juice. They are easily

available anywhere from fruit stalls to supermarkets.

13 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Study the notes below and use the information to complete the

clear and shallow sea salt water  plankton
 algae

hard-bottom sea surface warm water living things

Based on the notes, complete the text below with the correct information.

Corals are like plants, they are (1). Coral reefs grow best

in (2) water. It is possible for soft corals to grow in places with

warmer or colder water, but growth rates in these types of conditions are very slow. Corals

need clear and (3) water to live. It is because lots of sunlight

filters through to their algae. Corals also need (4) salt water to

survive. Other factors influencing coral distribution are the hard-bottom sea surface. Food

such as (5) feeds these corals. The presence of species that help

control macro algae, like urchins and herbivorous fish help provided the food.

14 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Study the notes below and use the information to complete the

tooth decay, gum

look and feel good twice a day disease and other dental

Daily care: Avoid:

 brushing visits to the dentist  unhealthy snacks
 flossing  carbonated drinks

Based on the notes, complete the text below with the correct information.

Maintaining good oral hygiene is one of the most important things you can do.

Healthy teeth enable you to (1) as well as make you possible

to eat and speak properly. Daily preventive care including proper

(2), will help stops problems before they develop. Besides

regular visits to (3), brushing thoroughly (4),

flossing daily, eating a balanced diet, avoid (5)

and using toothpaste and mouth rinse that contain fluoride can help to decrease the risk of

developing tooth decay, gum disease and other dental problems.

15 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Study the notes below and use the information to complete the

supermarkets, hyper-
lower blood cholesterol
antioxidant properties markets and shopping

 Jaffa orange
 Vitamin C Wash the fruits
 Mandarin orange
 B vitamins
 Seville orange

Based on the notes, complete the text below with the correct information.

Oranges are a good source of vitamins. It contains (1).

The nutritional benefits of oranges are many. The fibre found in the membranes may

(2) levels. They also contain antioxidant properties.

Therefore it is better to eat the fruit rather than drink the juice.

(3) thoroughly to remove any wax or fungicides. There are

different species of oranges including (4) Seville

oranges. Bottled by - products of oranges are sold in

(5) at an affordable price.

16 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Study the notes below and use the information to complete the

Used for:
 bathing
our daily lives chlorophyll
 washing
 watering plants

rafts, boats, canoes and grow and produce food important role

Based on the notes, complete the text below with the correct information.

We use water in (1). Besides using water for drinking, we also

use water for (2) the plants. Plants need water to

(3) food. The green substance called

(4) also helps the plants to produce their own food. Water also plays

another important role in human lives. For ages, people have used it as a means of

transportation. People used (5) to travel on water to fulfil their


17 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Study the notes below and use the information to complete the

Move - pasture to Rear:

tents called yurts
pasture camels and goats

look for food - their

little grass in the desert live - simple tents

Based on the notes, complete the text below with the correct information.

Nomads are people who change their place of stay all the time. In the North African

deserts, nomadic tribes of people called Bedouins are found. They rear herds of

(1). However there is so little grass in the desert that they always

have to move around to (2) for their animals. To make moving

easy, they (3). In Central Asia, people in Mongolia are also nomads.

They move from (4) with their flock of horses, goats and yaks. Their

homes are large and round tents called (5).

18 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Study the notes below and use the information to complete the

Group: cannot roar - jaguar and

tuck in front legs
big cats and small cats snow leopard

eat in a crouched
tame cats Small cats purr

Based on the notes, complete the text below with the correct information.

Cats are divided to two main group, (1). The

lion, tiger, leopard, jaguar and cheetah are big cats. There are twenty-eight types of small

cats. Most of them are wild. The (2) we keep at home are small

cats. Big cats lie with their front legs outstretched. Small cats (3)

under their body. Big cats lie down to feed while small cats eat in a crouched position.

(4) but big cats roar. However, the (5)

cannot roar.

19 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Study the notes below and use the information to complete the

bacteria enter and start Keep cool to:
 boiled in the can
attacking slow down the activity
 bacteria are killed

ABC sar din

Green Peas

sterile and will not go

easily stored store food

Based on the notes, complete the text below with the correct information.

Canning is one way to (1) for long periods of time. In the

canning process, the food is (2) and bacteria are killed or new

bacteria prevented from forming. Now, the food in the can is completely _ (3)

and will not go bad. Once the can is opened, bacteria enter and start attacking the food. The

opened can now has to be refrigerated to (4) of the bacteria. Canned

foods are (5) in the pantry.

20 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Study the notes below and use the information to complete the

ketupat, lontong, nasi

one-month fasting
new clothes padang and beef

Forbidden to:
open house  eat celebrated by Muslims
 drink

Based on the notes, complete the text below with the correct information.

Hari Raya is celebrated by (1) which signifies the end of the

fasting month of Ramadhan. Ramadhan is the name of the (2) fasting

period when Muslims fast from dawn till sunset. During the period of fasting, it is forbidden

from (3). Muslims start the day by wearing

(4) and gathering in the mosques early in the morning to perform

the Hari Raya Puasa prayers. The Muslims also have (5) for relatives

and friends to come to their house. Some of the favourite dishes prepared are ketupat,

lontong, nasi padang and beef rendang.

21 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Study the notes below and use the information to complete the

Nutritious food:
help to focus very important  fruits
 vegetables

 walking
eight glasses of water sleeping and relaxing
 dancing
 swimming

Based on the notes, complete the text below with the correct information.

Living a healthy lifestyle is (1). Everybody tries to do the

right things to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. As a student, we must keep our health in a good state.

These will (2) in the classroom. Eating good, nutritious food like

(3), and drinking lots of water are part of a healthy lifestyle. We

must drink at least (4) of water. In addition, exercise like

(5) are important activities for good health. We must also have

a good rest. Sleeping and relaxing are essential too.

22 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Study the notes below and use the information to complete the

mobile games, text

Used by:
can be carried anywhere messaging, video
children, youths and elders
player, online services

mobile phones are used

many functions free text messages

Based on the notes, complete the text below with the correct information.

Mobile phones have become essential. Life is very difficult to manage without them.

It is light, easy to use and (1). Mobiles are being used by

(2) alike. They are used in every corner of the world. Even in

developing countries mobile phones are used widely. Mobile phones offer

(3) to the users. Among them are

(4) and online services. In Japan, companies send

(5) to their users about an earthquake and also help to trace

the disaster victims.

23 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h


24 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Formal Letter Sample

Sender’s address


Receiver’s address




Complementary closure

Sender’s name

25 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Informal Letter Sample

Sender’s address


Dear Receiver’s name


Complementary closure


26 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
E-mail Sample

From: (Sender’s e-mail address) Date:05 September 2015

To: (Receiver’s e-mail address) Time: 8.50 p.m.


Complementary closure

Sender’s name

27 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Personalised / Greeting Card Sample

Dear Receiver’s name


Complementary closure

Sender’s name

28 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Postcard Sample

Dear (Receiver’s name)


Receiver’s name

Receiver’s address

Complementary closure

Sender’s signature .................................

Sender’s name

29 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Message Sample

Message Heading (A message to Receiver’s name)


Complimentary closure

Sender’s name

30 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Notice Sample

Notice title / Event


Date & time


Registration fee

Body / Content / Programmes

Closing statement

Contact person

Organiser’s name

31 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h


32 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Study the menu below.

Famous Malaysian Food

Nasi Lemak

Delicious rice
Spicy sambal
Fried anchovies

Chicken Rice

Fluffy rice
Spicy chilli and ginger sauce
Fried, grilles or steam chickens

Variety of Kuehs

Some sweet , spicy, and savoury

Traditional preparation

Char Koey Teow

Stir fried broad rice noodles

Cockles and seafood

Fried Rice

 Traditional Malay, Chinese fried rice

 Popular
 Served with fried eggs and soy sauce

33 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Your friend, Franco Delacroix, from France would like to know a little bit about Malaysian
cuisines. He would like to taste some when he visits Malaysia in October. Write an e-mail for
him, telling him about at least three foods that he might enjoy during his visit.
Write your answer between 50 to 80 words.

From: Date:05 September 2015

To: Time: 8.50 p.m.

Best Malaysian Food

34 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Study the poster below.

The Multipurpose Plant

The leaves can be made

into brooms.

Coconut palm grows well The flesh of the coconut can

in sandy soil. be used to make oil

The trunks can be used The coconut milk is used

as bridges. for cooking and

35 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Your friend, Mia Antasha Wilson, from Ireland would like to know a little bit about coconut
plant and the uses of the multipurpose tree. She would like to learn about the tree. Write letter
for her, telling him about at least three uses of the coconut tree.
Write your answer between 50 to 80 words.


36 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Study the poster below.


Love our environment! Care for all l iving things.

Remember the tips below:

 Do not litter
 Do not pluck flowers or plants in parks
 Recycle bottles, papers, glasses and aluminium cans
 Do not dump rubbish in the seas / rivers

Activities for pupils:

 Poster making competition.

 Colouring contest.
 Games and quizzes.
 Story- telling competition.
 ‘Making Recycled Paper’ demonstration

Come and listen to our talk

Venue: School Hall

Place : 20 July 2007
Time : 10.00 am – 12.00 pm
Topic : How You Can Care for the Environment?

Brought to you by,

The Nature Society
SK Felda Redong

37 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
You are the President of The Nature Club Society and you to organize Love Our
Environment Week at your school. Write a formal letter to your headmaster, asking
permission and RM200 budget for the programme.
Write your answer between 50 to 80 words.

38 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Read the dialogue below

Encik Syafiq : Hello. May I speak with Mr Tan?

Mrs. Tan : I’m sorry. He’s not home. Who is this?

Encik Syafiq : It’s Encik Syafiq from the Taman Aman Committee.

Mrs. Tan : Would you like to leave a message for him?

Encik Syafiq : Yes. Tell Mr Tan that we will be having committee meeting on


Mrs. Tan : This Friday? 21 December 2016?

Encik Syafiq : Yes. Tell him that we will be discussing about Taman Aman Gotong

Royong Perdana event. Ask him to bring the budget from our collection.

Mrs. Tan : Ok, will do.

Encik Syafiq : Before I forgot, the meeting is at 2.00 p.m. and will be held in the

community hall. Thank you.

Mrs. Tan : Bye.

39 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
You are Mr Tan’s wife. Write a message for Mr Tan letting him know about the phone
Write your answer between 30 to 50 words.

Message title :

From :

Message :

40 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Study the map below.

41 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Your friend from Australia would like to visit some places of interest in Kuala Lumpur in
December. He wants to know more about the city. Write an e-mail to your friend telling him
about at least three places he can visit on the KL City Tour bus.
Write your answer between 50 to 80 words.

From: Date:05 September 2015

To: Time: 8.50 p.m.

Best Malaysian Food

42 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

SECTION C – Question 1

43 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

44 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Begin your story with:

Maria and her family went to the zoo last weekend. Maria’s father drove them there.
At the zoo ...

45 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

46 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Begin your story with:

Last Monday, Joanna had a very bad experience. She woke up late because she slept
late last night, watching television. When she woke up that morning, ...

47 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

48 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Begin your story with:

During last school holiday, Mia and her family decided to go for a picnic. They
went to Desaru. They ...

49 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

50 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Begin your story with:

It’s been raining for few days. Pak Ali and his family were worried. The next day, the
water level started to ...

51 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

52 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Begin your story with:

John and his family love camping. They go camping all the time. Last Saturday, John
and his family ...

53 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

54 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Begin your story with:

It was raining heavily last night. It was a thunderstorm. When Encik Syafiq wake up
this morning, it was ...

55 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

56 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Begin your story with:

Amal was walking at the park, one sunny afternoon. Suddenly he saw smoke coming
out from his neighbour’s house. He ...

57 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

58 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Begin your story with:

Kamala and her family went to a bird park, last school holiday. Kamala liked
birds very much. She ...

59 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

60 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Begin your story with:

Mia and Syamil were walking to school. Suddenly, they heard a very loud crash. They
saw ...

61 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

62 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Begin your story with:

Kampung Tekam Community Center was having a gotong royong last weekend. All
the villagers came to help. Hafiz and Kamal ...

63 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

64 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Begin your story with:

Yesterday, was Miss Mia Antasha’s birthday. Nurul and her friends decided to
celebrate her birthday at school. It was a surprised party. Nurul ...

65 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

66 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Begin your story with:

Last Thursday was Jaya birthday. She invited many of her friends. She ...

67 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

68 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Begin your story with:

Maria was walking to school that afternoon. When she passed a park near her house,
she saw an old man was sitting under the tree. She ...

69 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

70 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Begin your story with:

Azrul likes to catch butterflies. One day, he went to catch some butterflies in the
nearby forest. He ...

71 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

72 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Begin your story with:

Ahmad and Amaluddin were best friends. They always spend time together. One
afternoon, the decided to play football at the park. They ...

73 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

74 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Begin your story with:

Last Monday, Farid and Akmal went to the market. On their way, they saw an
accident. They ...

75 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

76 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Begin your story with:

SK Wawasan was having having a gotong royong. Many pupils came to help. Azizah
and Farah ...

77 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

78 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Begin your story with:

Kamal and Rajan were cycling along the river. They wanted to go fishing. They …

79 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

80 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Begin your story with:

Marina likes baking. She always watches her mother baked cakes and cookies. One
day, she wanted to make cookies. She asked ...

81 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

82 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Begin your story with:

Pak Hamid was a successful farmer. He was kind and generous too. He owned a big
animal’s farm. He ...

83 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

SECTION C – Question 2

84 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

first – blow – balloon – tear – newspapers –

glue - layers

cut – paper - make – small cones – glue -


dry – paint – model - completed

85 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

friend – healthy - drinks – milk - fruits -


evening – exercises – jogs - park – house -

an hour

does - homework – night – goes – bed - 9.30


86 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

father – parrot – kept - cage

home – noticed – missing – realised – lock

sad – mother – advice - careful

87 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Mr Arul – family – beach – Sunday –

Tanjung Balau

Mrs Arul – shady – placed – food – children

– sandcastle – lunch

sea – swimming – enjoyed – returned – tired

- happy

88 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Encik Hasan’s house – burnt down – last


Neighbours came – help – rebuild – house –

prepared food

six months – new house – ready – thanked -


89 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Hanna – little sister – playing – backyard –

throw – over - fence

hit – neighbour’s window – broke – pieces

Frightened – apologised – promised – careful

– forgave – returned

90 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

rained – heavily – bridge – broken –

headman - rebuild

villager – equipment – rebuild – prepared -


new – bridge – strong – durable – unity –


91 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

cleanliness campaign – pupils – parents –

teacher – took part

collected – rubbish – cut – grass – cleared -


school – clean – everyone – eat – canteen -


92 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Yesterday – Mak Siti – market – morning –

basket - bus

busy – bought – fish – beef – fruits -


basket – full – walked – bus stop – home –

cooked lunch

93 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Last Saturday – Sports Day – school field

pupils – helped – to decorate – tents –


Nasir – took part – high jump – won – first


94 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

cycling – school – football practice –

junction – saw – blind man

standing – roadside – wanted – cross – busy

– many cars

helped – crossed – road – safely – grateful –


95 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Syafiq – friends – scouts – school - home

old man – fell –helped – rushed – public


went – hospital – visit – bought - food

96 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Azua – parents – visit – Kuala Lumpur – car

– excited

went – KLCC – Petronas Twin Tower –


next day – zoo – saw – animals – cages –

ride – camel

97 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

mother – prepared – cake – cook – food –

celebrate - birthday

father – decorated – living room – balloons

– guests - arrived

invited – friends – afternoon – came – party

– sing – presents

98 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

village – burglar – climbed – window - house

after stealing – out – geese – running –

chased – pecked

Mak Limah – proud – happy – fed

99 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

spent – holidays – grandparents – village –


helped – grandfather – vegetable farm –

water – weed – feed – collected - eggs

night – sat – told – stories – enjoyed - home

100 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

naughty boys – way home – school – saw –

bird nest

decided – nestlings – tried – climb – tree –

fell – broke - leg

could not walk – informed – parents – sent –

hospital – regretted

101 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

boys – walking – library – car – roadside

woman – flat tyre – asked – help – tools

thanked – money – refused – grateful -


102 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

morning – going – school – late – walked -


saw – accident – motorcycle – van – hurt –


crowd – watch – help – no time – rushed –


103 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

went – grocery – bought – bread – sugar -


way home – met – neighbour –old – cross –

decided - help

carried – bags – reached – gave bag –


104 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h


105 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

accept care could enjoy happen lead open reduce settle teach
account carry count examine hate learn order refer shake tell
achieve catch cover exist have leave ought reflect shall tend
act cause create expect head lend own refuse share test
add change cross experience hear let pass regard shoot thank
admit charge cry explain help lie pay relate should think
affect check cut express hide like perform release shout throw
afford choose damage extend hit limit pick remain show touch
agree claim dance face hold link place remember shut train
aim clean deal fail hope listen plan remove sing travel
allow clear decide fall hurt live play repeat sit treat
answer climb deliver fasten identify look point replace sleep try
appear close demand feed imagine lose prefer reply smile turn
apply collect deny feel improve love prepare report sort understand
argue come depend fight include make present represent sound use
arrange commit describe fill increase manage press require speak used to
arrive compare design find indicate mark prevent rest stand visit
ask complain destroy finish influence matter produce result start vote

attack complete develop fit inform may promise return state wait
avoid concern die fly intend mean protect reveal stay walk
base confirm disappear fold introduce measure prove ring stick want
be connect discover follow invite meet provide rise stop warn
beat consider discuss force involve mention publish roll study wash
become consist divide forget join might pull run succeed watch
begin contact do forgive jump mind push save suffer wear
believe contain draw form keep miss put say suggest will
belong continue dress found kick move raise see suit win
break contribute drink gain kill must reach seem supply wish
build control drive get knock need read sell support wonder
burn cook drop give know notice realize send suppose work
buy copy eat go last obtain receive separate survive worry
call correct enable grow laugh occur recognize serve take would
can cost encourage handle lay offer record set talk write

106 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h


angry arrogant attractive

anxious brave beautiful

bored clumsy big

shy courageous nice

scared diligent dark

puzzled hardworking elegant

surprised intelligent fair

happy clever gorgeous

sad smart handsome

excited funny tall

gloomy strict short

joyful selfish small

sleepy pleasant spacious

tired rude neat

hungry polite large

ill talkative tiny

worried quiet good-looking

confident humble ugly

hungry friendly hideous

107 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

dirty long-lasting

clean expensive

tidy cheap

neat high-quality

cold delicious

hot modern

crowded old-fashioned

empty challenging

hectic easy

bad difficult

good interesting

terrible suitable

excellent reasonable

new useful

old educational

comfortable nutritious

enjoyable heavy

dull light

hectic affordable

108 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

accurately surely

assiduously attentively

beautifully truly

carefully clearly

diligently lovingly

excellently gently

faithfully excitedly

gracefully joyfully

hungrily cheerfully

loudly sadly

nicely fast

neatly well

obviously badly

pleasantly terribly

quickly quietly

soundly busily

tidily attentively

skillfully accidentally

slowly proudly

softly comfortably

definitely patiently

109 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
What is Linking Technique approach?

Linking technique approach is where the pupils are to write other corresponding
sentences to the sentence they wrote before. Here, the use of WH-Questions tag
plays important role to brainstorm and generate ideas of what to write. Pupils
are also not bound to the only words given to help them write. However, this
technique is used solely to help pupils to write something if they are short on

What is Linking Technique?

Linking technique acquires few step or method. First, they have to group the
words given in each picture into smaller group. Then, they write simple sentence
based on one smaller group words. From there, pupils will circle words that they
can elaborate on – using WH-Questions tag. Same process goes to the new

Sample writing using linking technique approach.

Step by step using linking technique.

Step 1 : Group words into smaller group.

110 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Step 2 : Write sentences from the smaller group words

(kitchen – bake – cake)

Shiela is in the kitchen and wants to bake a cake.

Step 3 : From the sentence, circle word you want to elaborate

Shiela is in the kitchen and wants to bake a cake.


favouritelemon why
what Brainstorm using WH- questions tag

She is going to bake a lemon cake. It is her favourite cake to bake.

From the first sentence of the smaller group fragments, you have already written
3 sentences.

Shiela is in the kitchen and wants to bake a cake. She is going to bake a lemon
cake. It is her favourite cake to bake.

111 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
Grammar Check :

1. Make sure you essay is either in ‘Simple Present and Present Continuous’
or ‘Simple Past and Past Continuous Tense’.
2. Simple present tense ( +s, +ies, +es ) use 1, 2 I love You +S –S
Technique and present continuous tense using ‘is’ and ‘are’ follow by ‘–
3. For simple past tense, circle the verbs and add +d, +ed, +ied or totally
change (caught, went, brought) or not change the verbs (put, cut, read).
4. Past continuous tense, find the ‘is’ and ‘are’ and change to ‘was’ and

112 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h


113 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h


The banana is my favourite local fruit. It is non-seasonal (1) fruit. The skin turns
from green to yellow when ripe (2). Many people like to eat it because the flesh (3) is soft
and sweet. Banana is good for our health as it contains vitamins and energy giving food
value (4). It can be eaten raw or cooked (5). They can be made into cakes, dessert and chips.
They are easily available at supermarkets, markets and fruit stalls.


Cleanliness is very important when we handle food. There are many ways to ensure
that the food we prepare is clean and healthy (1) to eat. First, we must wash all fruits and
vegetables carefully before eating or cooking (2). The reason is they may contain
pesticides (3) which may harm us. To clean them, we must use clean water and soap (4) to
do this. This will help remove all germs and bacteria (5) contamination. Always wash your
hands with soap and water before you prepare or serve food. Finally, remember to cover food
to keep from flies.

A butterfly goes through four different stages of its life. (1) in its life. An adult
butterfly will lay it eggs. (2) on a leaf. The larva or caterpillar hatches from an egg. (3) It
eats leaves or flower (4) almost non-stop. The caterpillar then loses its old skin many times
as it grows. Then, it turns into pupa. (5) This is the resting stage. A beautiful, adult butterfly
will come out from the pupa. The life cycle will continue on.

Walking is an activity that can be carried out easily in your garden, a park and even
around your neighbourhood. All you need is a pair of shoes and proper attire. Walking is a
healthy activity as its benefits are plenty. It helps prevent diseases like heart attack and
stroke. Besides, it also improves general fitness. Although walking is a safe exercise, it is
important to take preventive steps to avoid injury. Hence, wear properly fitted, low-heeled
shoes that are comfortable. Also make sure that you wear suitable clothes.


The telephone is a wonderful tool. If you want to talk to someone, all you have to do is pick
up the phone and dial the numbers. You are instantly connected to the person you want to
talk to. A telephone is one of the simplest devices you have in your house. Nowadays, we
also have the mobile phones which we can carry anywhere we go. With the mobile phone
we are able to reach others anytime, anywhere. Also, the mobile phone has many useful
functions like text messaging, MMS and many others.

114 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

The female frog lays many eggs in static water or water that does not flow. They will usually
hatch six to twenty-one days after being fertilised. After hatching from the egg, the tadpole
will feed on the remaining yolk. The young tadpole only has gills, a mouth and tail. It will
first stick itself to floating weeds or grasses in the water. Then, seven to ten days after the
tadpole has hatched, it will swim around and feed on algae. By twelve weeks, the tadpole
only has a small tail. It looks more like a frog. The frog will be fully grown between twelve
to sixteen weeks.


Bamboo plants can be found in forests. They have many uses. They can be used to make
bridges, rafts and water pipes. Farmers use bamboo to make stakes for their vegetables to
climb on as they grow bigger. We can also use bamboo as food or to cook food. Certain
bamboo shoots can be eaten. ‘Lemang’ is cooked inside the bamboo. The bamboo plant can
also be cut up and be used as a mould for making ‘gula melaka’. The broad leaves of certain
bamboo species are used as wrappers for Chinese ‘bak chang’ or glutinous rice dumplings.


The coconut palm is very useful. It can be found growing along the seashores and beaches
in Malaysia. It grows well in sandy soil. It is also known as a multipurpose tree. The leaves
can be made in brooms. The trunks can be used as bridges.The flesh of the coconut can be
used to make oil. Coconut milk is used for cooking and baking. The fresh coconut drink is
simply delicious and refreshing especially on a hot day. Therefore, it is not surprising to
find the coconut palm almost anywhere in our country.


Corals are like plants, they are living things. Coral reefs grow best in warm water. It is
possible for soft corals to grow in places with warmer or colder water, but growth rates in
these types of conditions are very slow. Corals need clear and shallow water to live. It is
because lots of sunlight filters through to their algae. Corals also need salt water to
survive. Other factors influencing coral distribution are the hard-bottom sea surface. Food
such as plankton and algae feeds these corals. The presence of species that help control
macro algae, like urchins and herbivorous fish help provided the food.


Maintaining good oral hygiene is one of the most important things you can do. Healthy
teeth enable you to look and feel good as well as make you possible to eat and speak
properly. Daily preventive care including proper brushing and flossing, will help stops
problems before they develop. Besides regular visits to the dentist, brushing thoroughly
twice a day, flossing daily, eating a balanced diet, avoid unhealthy snacks and carbonated
drinks and using toothpaste and mouth rinse that contain fluoride can help to decrease the risk
of developing tooth decay, gum disease and other dental problems.

115 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h

Nomads are people who change their place of stay all the time. In the North African deserts,
nomadic tribes of people called Bedouins are found. They rear herds of camels and goats.
However there is so little grass in the desert that they always have to move around to look for
food for their animals. To make moving easy, they live in simple tents. In Central Asia,
people in Mongolia are also nomads. They move from pasture to pasture with their flock of
horses, goats and yaks. Their homes are large and round tents called yurts.


We use water in our daily lives. Besides using water for drinking, we also use water for
bathing, washing and watering the plants. Plants need water to grow and produce food.
The green substance called chlorophyll also helps the plants to produce their own food.
Water also plays another important role in human lives. For ages, people have used it as a
means of transportation. People used rafts, boats, canoes and ferries to travel on water to
fulfil their needs.


Cats are divided to two main group, big cats and small cats. The lion, tiger, leopard, jaguar
and cheetah are big cats. There are twenty-eight types of small cats. Most of them are wild.
The tame cats we keep at home are small cats. Big cats lie with their front legs outstretched.
Small cats tuck in front legs under their body. Big cats lie down to feed while small cats eat
in a crouched position. Small cats purr but big cats roar. However, the jaguar and snow
leopard cannot roar.


Canning is one way to store food for long periods of time. In the canning process, the food is
boiled in the can and bacteria are killed or new bacteria prevented from forming. Now, the
food in the can is completely sterile and will not go bad. Once the can is opened, bacteria
enter and start attacking the food. The opened can now has to be refrigerated to slow down
the activity of the bacteria. Canned foods are easily stored in the pantry.


Living a healthy lifestyle is very important. Everybody tries to do the right things to enjoy a
healthy lifestyle. As a student, we must keep our health in a good state. This will help us
focus in the classroom. Eating good, nutritious food like fruits and vegetables, and drinking
lots of water are part of a healthy lifestyle. We must drink at least eight glasses of water. In
addition, exercise like walking, dancing and swimming are important activities for good
health. We must also have a good rest. Sleeping and relaxing are essential too.


Mobile phones have become essential. Life is very difficult to manage without them. It is
light, easy to use and can be carried anywhere. Mobiles are being used by children, youths
and elders alike. They are used in every corner of the world. Even in developing countries

116 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 3 – M i a A n t a s h
mobile phones are used widely. Mobile phones offer many functions to the users. Among
them are mobile games, text messaging, video player and online services. In Japan,
companies send free text messages to their users about an earthquake and also help to trace
the disaster victims.

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