Chapter 4 - Graphs of The Trigonometric Functions - Part 1

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Chapter 4.

Graphs of the Trigonometric Functions

Many aspects of life such as sleep patterns, high
and low tides, phases of the moon, average
monthly temperature, heartbeats, and time of
sunrise follow a regular & predictable cycles.

The exact path the sun appears to follow

depends on the exact location on Earth, and the
pattern of the sun’s motion throughout the
course of a year is a periodic function.

This chapter deals with the graphs of the

trigonometric functions and how they are used
to model real life phenomena that occurs in The sun rises at 5.38 am in Cauayan City on April 6, 2021
What to Learn?
The chapter includes:
 Graphs of the Sine and Cosine Functions
 Translations of the Graphs of the Sine and Cosine Functions
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the chapter/lesson you should be able to:
 Properly sketch the graph of trigonometric functions based on its
periodicity and amplitude (manual and using computer graphing
 Analyze the general behavior of the trigonometric function graphs
 State the appropriate domain, range, amplitude, and period for each graph
of Sine and Cosine functions
 Point out and properly explain the effect of a change in period and
Periodic Function
Phenomena that repeat in a regular (predictable) pattern, such as high and low
tides, phases of the moon, average monthly temperature, time of sunrise, and
heartbeat can be modeled by sine and cosine functions. These functions are
periodic - that is, their values repeat in regular intervals, or periods.

Figure 1. The normal heartbeat.

Definition: A periodic function is a function f such that

f(x) = f(x + np),

for every real number x in the domain of f, every integer n, and some positive
real number p. The least possible positive value of p is the period of the
The circumference of the unit circle is 2π, so the least value of p for which the
sine and cosine functions repeat is 2π. Therefore, the sine and cosine functions are
periodic functions with period 2π. For every positive integer n,

sin x = sin(x + n . 2π) and cos x = cos(x + n . 2π)

Graphs of Sine and Cosine Function
The trigonometric functions can be graphed in a rectangular coordinate
system by plotting points whose coordinates satisfy the function.

Since the sine and cosine functions relate real number values to the x– and y-
coordinates of a point on the unit circle, we can create a table of values and
them use them to sketch the graph of y= sin x and y = cos x.
The graph of the sine function

To sketch the graph of y = sin x, locate first the key points : maximum
points, minimum points, and the intercepts. Refer to the unit circle for the

x 0 π 2π

Sin x 0 1 0 -1 0
Then, connect the points on the graph with a smooth curve. The sine values
are positive between 0 and π, which correspond to the values of the sine
function in quadrants I and II on the unit circle, and the sine values are
negative between π and 2π, which correspond to the values of the sine
function in quadrants III and IV on the unit circle.

Figure 2a. One cycle of the sine curve.

Figure 2b. Key points on the sine curve
The graph in Figure 2 is one period, or cycle, of the graph of y = sin x (a
single cycle is called period). Since the period of the sine function is 2π, we
graph the function on the interval [0, 2π].
To obtain a more complete graph of y = sin x, extend the graph in both
directions beyond the five points. The graph of the sine function, called a
sine curve.

Figure 3. The sine curve.

The graph of the cosine function

To sketch the graph of y = cos x, locate also the key points : maximum
points, minimum points, and the intercepts. Refer to the unit circle for the

x 0 π 2π

cos x 1 0 -1 0 1
Then, connect the points on the graph with a smooth curve.

Figure 4a. One cycle of the cosine curve.

Figure 4b. Key points on the cosine curve.
The graph in Figure 4 is one period, or cycle, of the graph of y = cosine x (a
single cycle is called period). Since the period of the cosine function is also 2π,
we graph the function on the interval [0, 2π].
To obtain a more complete graph of y = cosine x, extend the graph in both
directions beyond the five points. The graph of the cosine function is called
cosine curve.

Figure 5. The cosine curve.

Note: For beginners, you can easily graph (manually) 1 cycle of sine (y = sin x) and cosine (y =
cos x) functions by marking the θ-axis in degrees.

a. prepare the table of values


sin x 0 0.5 0.87 1 0.87 0.5 0 - 0.5 - 0.87 -1 - 0.87 - 0.5 0

Cos x 1 0.87 0.5 0 - 0.5 - 0.87 -1 - 0.87 - 0.5 0 0.5 0.87 1

b. sketch the graph

Figure 6. Graphing sine and cosine function manually.

FYI: You can also generate the graphs of sine and cosine function using Geogebra,
Desmos, and other graphing softwares (Graphmatica, etc)

Figure 7a. Graphing sine and cosine function using Desmos Figure 7b. Graphing sine and cosine function using Geogebra
Properties of Sine and Cosine Functions
The period of the graphs is 2π or
The amplitude of the graph is 1.
There are no asymptotes.
Domain: (-∞,∞) or (-∞ < x < ∞)
ℜ the set of real
Range: [-1,1] or (-1 < y < 1)
The frequency is 1

Figure 8. The sine and cosine curve

Note: The frequency of the graph is the number of times the graph repeats itself over 2π or
360°. The amplitude of the graph is the distance between the x-axis and the highest point
on the graph.
Graphing Variations of the Sine and Cosine Function

Amplitude = /a/

The "a" in the expression y = a sin x and y = a cos x represents

the amplitude of the graph.

This constant factor (a) acts as a scaling factor—a vertical stretch or

vertical shrink of the basic curve.

When ∣a∣ > 1, the basic curve is stretched, and when 0 < ∣a∣ < 1, the basic
curve is shrunk
Example 1. Graph y = 2 sin x, and compare to the graph of y = sin x.

Solution: For a given value of x, the value of y is twice what it would be for
y = sin x. The change in the graph is the range, which becomes [ -2, 2].

x 0

sin x 0 1 0 -1 0
2 sin x 0 2 0 -2 0

Figure 9. The graph of y = sin x and y = 2 sin x

Example 2. Graph y = ½ cos x and y = 3 cos x then compare that to the graph of y = cos x.

Solution: For y = ½ cos x, the value of y is half of what it would be for y = cos x. For y = 3
cos x, the value of y is thrice of what it would be for y = cos x The change in the graph is the
range, which becomes [ -1/2, 1/2] and [-3, 3] respectively.

x 0

cos x 1 0 -1 0 1
½ cos x 1/2 0 - 1/2 0 1/2

3 cos x 3 0 -3 0 3

Figure 10. The graph of y = cos x, y = ½ cos x, and y = 3 cos x

Note: The coefficient a in y = a sin x or y = a cos x affects the amplitude of the graph. We can think of the
graph of y = a sin x as a vertical stretching of the graph of y = sin x when a > 1 and a vertical
shrinking when 0 < a < 1.

Also, the graph of y = ½ cos x and y = 3 cos x are vertical stretching of the graph of y = cos x when
a > 1. When 0 < a < 1, then it is a vertical shrinking.
FYI: You can use Geogebra or desmos to present the effects of varying values of a on the graph of y = sinx
and y = cos x
x 0

sin x 0 1 0 -1 0

x 0

sin ½ x 0 1 0 -1 0

Figure 11. The graph of y = sin x and y = sin 1/2 x

The graph of y = sin 1/2 x is a horizontal stretch of the graph of y = sin x.

Example 2. Determine an equation of the form
y = a cos bx or y = a sin bx, where
b > 0, for the given graph
Sinusoidal Functions
The sine and cosine functions have similar characteristics - domain, range,
period, and shape. If we watch ocean waves or ripples on a pond, we will see
that they resemble the sine or cosine functions. However, they are not
necessarily identical. Some are taller or longer than others. A function that has
the same general shape as a sine or cosine function is known as a sinusoidal
In mathematics, the word sinusoidal means “resembling the sine function.
The graphs of the form y = a sin(bx) and y = a cos (bx) are graphs like y =
six x and y = cos x that have been stretched or compressed vertically and
For sinusoidal functions of the form y = a sin(bx) and y = a cos (bx), the
amplitude is /a/.
if /a/ > 1, the amplitude stretches the graph vertically.
if 0 < /a/ < 1, the amplitude shrinks the graph vertically

The graph of y = a sin bx or y = a cos bx, with a ≠ 0, will have the same
shape as the graph of y = sin x or y = cos x, respectively, except with range.
The amplitude is /a /.
Translations of the Graphs of Sine and Cosine Function

Just like other functions, sine and cosine curves can be translated to the left,
right, up, and down.

Figure 9. Graphing y = a sin bx and y = a sin (bx – c) using Desmos

The constant c in the equations
y = a sin(bx − c) and y = a cos(bx − c)

results in horizontal translations (shifts) of the basic curves. For example,

compare the graphs of y = a sin bx and y = a sin(bx − c). The graph of y = a
sin(bx − c) completes one cycle from bx − c = 0 to bx − c = 2π. Solve for x to
find that the interval for one cycle is

This implies that the period of y = a sin(bx − c) is 2π/b, and the graph of y =
a sin bx is shifted by an amount c /b. The number c/b is the phase shift.
Figure 10. Graphs of y = a sin (bx – c) and y = a cos (bx – c)
The constant d in the equations
y = d + a sin(bx − c) and y = d + a cos(bx − c)

results in vertical translations (shifts) of the basic curves. The shift is d units up
for d > 0 and d units down for d < 0. In other words, the graph oscillates
about the horizontal line y = d instead of about the x-axis.
Note: You can also plot the graph on Desmos or Geogebra for easier manipulation of the graph.
A. Books
[1] Ayres, F. and Moyer, R. (2018) Schaum's Outline of Trigonometry. McGraw-Hill Education
[2] Blitzer, Robert. (2017). Algebra and Trigonometry. Pearson Education Inc. Sixth Edition
[3] Larson, R. (2017). Trigonometry. Cengage Learning. Tenth Edition
[4] Lial, Margaret L. et. al. (2016). College Algebra & Trigonometry. Pearson Education Limited. Sixth
Edition. Global Edition
B. Suggested Readings
[1] Graphing Trigonometric Functions from
[2] Graphing the Sine and Cosine Functions from
[3] Unit Circle and the Trigonometric Functions from

C. Videos

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