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Industries / News Markets / Consumers

Country Reports Statistical visualizations
Industry Reports Consumer Behavior Statistics
News Market Outlooks
Academic Research Country/Industry Reports
What’s on offer?
Markets and
Industry Reports Country Reports Business News

Bird’s Eye View of an

industry Key publications like
Local risks and Information/forecasts
Market size, WSJ, Economist, FT
opportunities with geographic
Can include > international insights, Trade and Industry
Quasi PEST analysis specificity
SWOT, Financials Journals
Demographic Data Market size, indicators
Annual or Quarterly Blogs, online sources

One Business

Industry Reports
Framing Question
How can I use information about
current industry conditions or
brand overview to fine tune my

Snapshot of industry size, market

conditions, regulatory concerns,
analyst forecasts, key players, and
primary concerns leadership.
Country/City Reports
Key Framing Question
How could the current
demographic, economic,
political, or monetary status
influence decision making or
future projections? Think in
terms of hiring, target market,
growth potential, ease of doing
business, etc.

Key Framing Question

Are there any discoveries,
deals, projects, or
insights I need to be
aware of regarding the
industry, consumers, and
key players?
Market Insights
Key Framing Question
What’s the size of the current
and projected market in my
target country? What’s driving it?

How can I use this information

to hone my sales / growth /
hiring / ... strategy?
Key Framing Question
Are there any statistics about my
industry that shed light on
consumer behavior, changing
market dynamics, or

How can I use this information

to hone my sales / growth /
hiring / ... strategy?
One Business Tips
● Always, always, always use Advanced Search.
● Remember to search for terms in the document title!
● Be patient and generous with terms.
Metadata is imperfect, be kind and refine as you go:
new terms = new results
● Timebox your effort - 20 minutes is a good start.
● Check out the cheat sheet to jog your memory
Statista Tips
● Browsing is key
● Statistics search strategy: search, then browse systematically
through Topics, Surveys/Forecasts, Statistics
● Use the recommendations/related stats!
● Always follow the source link!
● Check out the cheat sheet to jog your memory
Attention is the most valuable thing in the room.
Thank you for yours.

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