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Preparing My Teaching Internship Portfolio

Name: Cyrus G. Cortez Course/Section: BSEd Filipino 4-B Date: March 3, 2023
Cooperating Teacher: Carlota S. Punsalan Subject: Filipino 8

I. Intended Learning Outcome: Generate a plan for using the portfolio as an

authentic assessment technique to monitor one’s growth as a practice teacher.
II. Experiential Tasks:
a. Exposure: Deepening concept of growth portfolio
b. Participation: Recognizing possible evidences of experiences undertaken
during Practice Teaching
c. Identification: Identifying means of showing one’s growth in performance
d. Internalization: Applying portfolio for assessing growth in practice
teaching performance
e. Dissemination: Planning content of my practice teaching portfolio

2.1 EXPOSURE: Deepening Concept of a Growth Portfolio

You have been exposed to the various learning assessment strategies in
your professional education courses, Assessment of Learning 1 and 2. One genre
focuses on performance and authentic assessment highlighting portfolio
❖ Some Key Ideas you have Learned About Portfolio Assessment
1. It involves both cognitive and non-cognitive measures of student learning.
It assesses authentic performances involving higher-order thinking such as
analysis, synthesis, evaluation and creativity.
2. Its basic tool is a portfolio which is a purposeful documentation and
collection of students’ works and other evidence of accomplishments in a
determined area for a given period.
3. A portfolio is more than just an artistic collection of work samples and
artifacts. It requires personal reflection on works completed, description of
processes followed, observations made and the emotions and impressions
❖ What Guides the Process of Documentation?
1. The process of documentation or collection is guided by the person’s
motive for undertaking a portfolio.
2. The learner’s purpose defines what entries to be included in the portfolio
and how they will be displayed. One’s purpose can be any one or be a blend
of the following:
a. To provide evidences of what have been accomplished in a course
b. To exhibit an organized collection of work samples and products
c. To have the opportunity to display one’s best
d. To demonstrate one’s progress from start to completion in a field of
e. To communicate the learning processes adapted to show improvement
f. To exhibit the initiatives of the learner to achieve his/her goals
❖ What are possible entries to a portfolio and how are they organized?
1. A portfolio may include work samples or products, accomplished data
gathered tools, records of observations, results of tests administered,
feedback received, photographs and sketches and other artifacts
2. As a pre-service teacher, an important component of the portfolio are
journal entries or reflection papers describing what one has learned, and its
effect on him/her as a person.
3. Entries in the portfolio can be organized in different ways:
a. Chronological- sequencing of entries follow the occurrence of events
during the course from start to finish
b. Thematic- the entries are grouped or sectioned by learning experience,
e.g. orientation, observation, participation, and community immersion.
❖ How is the portfolio going to be evaluated?
1. The portfolio is assessed using a combination of certain standards or criteria
depending on the preset objectives of the students, the cooperating teacher
and the TEI. Some of them are:
a. Quality of entries - relevance, range, quantity, artistry,
b. Degree of self-reflection - insights gained
c. Improvement or progress made - substantiveness, relevance of
d. Depth of understanding - clarity of concepts
e. Responsiveness to feedback
2. Assessment is undertaken by the students themselves using a set of rubrics
for the relevant criteria applicable to the entries. The Cooperating Teacher
and the College Supervisor participate in the overall assessment of the
growth portfolio.
3. For Practice Teaching, it is important for the students and the mentors to
arrive at a consensus on how the assessment will be carried out, i.e., what
standards and rubrics to be used and the schedule. This should be part of the

2.2 PARTICIPATION: Recognizing Possible Evidences of Experiences in

Practice Teaching

Portfolio assessment is what will be used to assess your performance in

Practice Teaching. Among those listed as purposes in the preparation of a
portfolio, communicating how you progress as a practice teacher during the period
will be your main concern. This portfolio is referred to as your GROWTH
PORTFOLIO. Can you select the purposes that are most supportive of a growth
portfolio? Put a check opposite each one that you find quite relevant.
a. To show what have been accomplished in a course
b. To keep an organized collection of work samples and products
c. To have the opportunity to display one’s best
d. To demonstrate one’s progress from start to completion in a field
of work
e. To communicate the learning processes adapted to show
f. To exhibit the initiatives of the learner to achieve his/her goals
g. To keep an organized collection of accomplished products,

If you were to rank the purposes above according to relevance to a Growth Portfolio,
which would be your top three purposes?
1. To keep a group of finished goods orderly.
2. Communicating the improvement made through the learning process.
3. To show growth and accomplishments in the course.
Which ones would you not include, if any? Why?
None, since everything on the list is pertinent to a growth portfolio.

2.3 IDENTIFICATION: Identifying Evidences of Growth in Performance

Try to recall the experiences you had during your Field Study courses.
Can you pick up some of your own outputs from your observation, analysis and
construction activities? Give one or two examples falling under each category.
Work Records of Analysis of Critiques/ Reflections Artifacts
samples Observation test results Impressions (pictures,
(lesson maps, etc.)
plans, tests,
When When You need to In order to
making a giving use a have a solid
Semi- lesson plan, examinatio number of lesson flow
detailed there is ns to strategies and bridge,
lesson plan always a students, and concepts I need a
suitable it's crucial while trustworthy
transition for to use developing source for
delivering creative lesson plans every
the lesson. assessment if you want aspect of
methods so to keep your my lesson
they can session on plan,
benefit track and according
more from manage your to my
your lesson. time. reflections.
When Every I spent a lot There must
administerin single one of time be enough
Test g exams to of my observing space for
students, it's students the practical props and
crucial to received a performance equipment,
employ perfect of the including
innovative score on physical speakers, to
testing their final education be used
strategies so exams. students during a
they can throughout school
gain more exams. They performanc
from your formed e.
instruction. clubs and
in regular

So how is they progress or growth shown through your entries? Progress or

growth includes the dimension of CHANGE across time. It suggests
development or improvement. Like a pupil who can write a single sentence at
the start can now write a paragraph by the time an instructional period is over.
Like a student who can only list the parts of a plant before can now give the
purpose of each one. As a practice teacher, it is important to exhibit changes in
your performance in terms of new understandings, enhanced skills, better
quality products and more positive attitudes through the entries you would
include in your Portfolio.

Which among the outputs you have cited above can be reflective of your
progress or growth? Choose three (3) and describe how they can show your

When I first started creating curricula, I didn't follow the method, which led to a
break in the lesson's bridge. But after I understood this, I was able to effectively complete
the class while also managing my time. My initial exam experience was challenging
because I lacked experience. But as soon as I saw that exams could be turned into
performance-based tasks, I jumped at the chance to use this approach. Performance-based
assessments served as the basis for my students' final evaluations as a result.

2.4 INTERNALIZATION: Applying Portfolio for Assessing Growth in Practice

Teaching Performance
Below are some entries you can possibly collect from your observation
and participation activities for your growth portfolio during the practice teaching
period. How will you show your progress? Indicate an evidence to document
your improvement using the given entries.
Possible Evidence of Growth
Ex: Draft of a Items of the quiz were improved after getting
weekly quiz feedback from my Cooperating Teacher or
revised quiz developed after seeing test results.
1. Copy of rewritten
lesson plan

2. Re-written statement
of instructional
objectives of a lesson
3. Approved lesson

2.5 DISSEMINATION: Planning Contents of My Growth Portfolio

With Growth Portfolio as the required assessment tool for Practice

Teaching, prepare a short plan of the contents of your Growth Portfolio
following the outline below:
A. Statement of Purpose My initial experience with exams was
challenging as I lacked proficiency.
However, upon realizing that
assessments could be transformed
into performance-based tasks, I
readily incorporated this approach.
Consequently, the final evaluations
for my pupils were performance-
based assessments.
B. Organizational Plan This compilation comprises various
components that require completion,
commencing with the cover page,

followed by the table of contents,

acknowledgment, and student profile.
Additionally, include an introduction
section in your portfolio. Incorporate
the six learning episodes and provide
samples of learners' outputs.
Furthermore, insert images of
instructional materials utilized in your
ongoing class. Remember to include
the narrative report and
documentation of your final
demonstration teaching. Finally,
include the rubrics employed in class
and the initial copies of grades and
C. Possible Section Entries and Observation
Standards Time Management- The intern
student must arrive promptly for the
morning class to ensure that they do
not miss any important discussions
with their cooperating teacher.
Focus- The intern should concentrate
on their tasks and avoid distractions.
Prioritize school work and the
guidance of the cooperating teacher
while avoiding unnecessary activities.
Flexible- The intern student must
possess adaptability during class as
there are numerous responsibilities.
This is because the cooperating
teacher is expected to carry out
various duties such as leading
discussions, assessing exams,
documenting scores, and much more.

2.6 REFLECTION: Based on the task that you made, explain how important is the
Portfolio in assessing your Practice Teaching Internship?

A portfolio is essential in assessing my practice teaching internship

because it is a compilation of my accomplishments and activities. How well your
talents have advanced can be used to determine the significance of a portfolio
during a teaching internship.


A. Based from the 2.3 IDENTIFICATION: Identifying Evidences of Growth

in Performance. Submit/Post the sample outputs that you have mention in
that activity
B. Based from the 2.5 Dissemination: Planning Contents of Growth Portfolio.
Attach the copy of your short plan of the contents of your Growth Portfolio.

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