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Zulkifli why water can not be used as an energy converting electricity directly? What is a solar pool?

What equipment is used to convert salt water into electrical energy? What is the function of the turbine in a series of appliance energy converters litsrik salt water into energy? Ahmad Setiyadi 4 EG.A INTERVIEW

essay 1. Wind power generation pointed out as kind of energy with the fastest growth rate in the world today, why the Indonesian state has not implemented fully hydro(PLTN) ? Answer: statistical areas in Indonesia are less fully support because it does not all areas / regions in Indonesia potential. only in the tip of Sumatra and the eastern area of Indonesia that coverage will very much lah. that is why the Indonesian state has not fully switched to nuclear power plants. and one more thing the wind power is not stable in all regions Indonesia.

2. to Indonesia with an estimated average wind speed - average about 3 m / s. whether the right turbine in use in Indonesia?

Answer: small-scale turbines more suitable for use in Indonesia, the difference affects the capacity of the initial minimum speed requirement (cut in win speed) that need large-scale turbines operate on the cut to win speed 5m / s while the small-scale turbines can work 3m /s.

Pilihan ganda 1. There are several sources of renewable and environmentally friendly energy that can be applied immediately in this homeland, among others ... a.Bioethanol b.Biodiesel c.fosil

d.mikrohidro e. waste (C) 2. With the ... about geothermal energy and geothermal energy inventory data that has been done the ministry of energy and mineral resources. a. Act No. 27 of 2003 b. Act No. 34 of 2003 c. Act No. 44 of 2003 d. Act No. 27 of 2004 e. Act No. 34 of 2004 (A)

PERSENTASI Essay soal 1 in areas where there is only allowing its nuclear power plant in Indonesia? and whether nuclear power could be applied in Indonesia we know the range of issues existing nuclear radiation? Answer: indeed there are still cases like that. because the country who can build a nuclear power plant must have a high stability both political and other. foreign parties must limit, because there is an international nuclear agency IAEA name, and it is not only taking care of one country alone but lot. soal 2 We know the construction of PLTN in Indonesia is a lot of Controversy, like where do you personally respond to this? and here you think TV is more dangerous radiation from the nuclear radiation, how? Answer: Radiation tu TVs larger than the nuclear radiation. imagine if you watch TV, how many hours you are stronger? It can damage organs of the eye. while waiting for the other alternative energy, while the war to the WHO Those countries want to boycott us. prevented positive creative people. may not dunkz! God created the earth and sky tu emang studied in order to make us more Cautious and Recognize the Greatness of God! ! PILIHAN GANDA

1. Based on the capacity of its wind turbines generating electricity were divided into two,

namely the large scale (order more kW) and small (under 100kW). Large-scale turbines operate on ... a. cut - in a win speed 6 m / s b. cut - in a win speed 5 m / s c. cut - in a win speed 4 m / s d. cut - in a win speed 3 m / s e. cut - in a win speed 8 m / s (B) 2. Relatively little has implications for micro-hydro energy produced in relatively simple equipment as well as small areas of land required for the installation and operation of micro hydro. it is one of the benefits of micro hydro ... a. Troubling about it will sound b. gas emissions that come out too high c. have a great advantage d. not cause environmental damage e. gets its own blistering power of the various alternatives that exist (D)
Name : Seren Novita H Major : Energy Engineering

PRESENTATION 1. This catalyst used as a substance that will reduce the amount of soap in biodiesel. What is the catalyst mean? a. Methanol b. Hydrochloric Acid c. Phosphoric Acid d. Caustic Soda (Answer : c) 2. What the plant can be used to become the biodiesel? a. Jatropha Oil and Cassava b. Palm Oil and Castor Oil

c. Palm Oil and Sesame Oil d. Jatropha Oil and Sesame Oil (Answer : b) Essay : 1. Can you explain with diagram the simple process of making biodiesel? Answer :

2. What the meaning of Transesterification Process? Answer : Transesterification is the process of removing the glycerin from the oil and free fatty acids react with alcohols (eg. methanol) into alcohol esters (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester), or commonly known as biodiesel.

INTERVIEW 1. What the chemical substance of nuclear? a. Uranium b. A c. A d. A (Answer : a)

2. This is will give the radiation if the storage is broken. a. Sea Wave b. Coal c. Petroleum d. Nuclear (Answer : d)

Essay 1. What the advantages from nuclear energy? Answer : There is no emission of gas CO2 like generating of fossil fuel. Nuclear waste have never been thrown but kept. Nuclear waste still have high economic valuable.

2. Can you explain what is the energy problem in Indonesia? Answer : Petroleum price for the power station of very costly and tend to go up. Every time that problem can apprehending because reserve in Indonesia and world non-stopped to decrease.

Presentation Essay 1. why solar cells are not yet widely used in Indonesia? Answer: cell modules in Indonesia have not been too much Because the price is expensive and needs his permission to the government making it Difficult for people to use it. 2. How does the system work cell modules to generate electricity? Answer: The first heat at the light Will be absorbed by the surface of the cell module, then heat it generates an electrical signal Will Because there are cells within the silicon modules. Furthermore, the electrical signal is converted into electrical energy by the converter of the disadvantages of using solar cells is....... b.practice c.depend on weather d.minimal risk answer:c 4.that's not including the equipment module is a cell.... a.converter b.inverter c. d.photovoltaic answer: interview 1. why can you expalain renewable fuel oil can not? Answer: That produced from fossil oils have been buried for Millions of years, so if you want to Produce more oil Will have to wait for a long time. 2. Is renewable energy can replace non-conventional energy? Answer: The use of conventional energy (renewable) has not been used optimally, if conventional energy is used to the maximum of energy can replace conventional 3. efficient use of renewable energy in Indonesia is not ... .. a. wind energy b.geothermal c.coal d.fuel oil answer: b 3. That countries consume more than 25 percent of fuel oil as fuel for industrial ... .. a. indonesian b.uni emirates arab c. american d. china answer: c


1. What positive impact of the elimination of government subsidies for fossil fuels? Answer: the positive impact of elimination government subsidies for fossil fuels would encourage fuel conservation and the timely development of enough renewable energy systems to sustain us in the post fossil-fuel era 2. What can government do to overcome the scarcity of fuel? Answer: - update and enforce building codes so that buildings will require much less energy - increase the use of solar and wind energy or other alternative energy - the elimination of government subsidies for fossil fuels 3. what are the advantages of Jatropha seeds stove? Answer: - Low price of stoves and fuel -Durable of fire (1 kg of seed jatropha for 6 hours cooking) and produce blue fire -Easy and safe 4. whats the jatropha seed? Answer: jatropha seed is a woody shrub plants which are found in the tropics which can be used as alternative fuel

1. how long the fire produced from jatropha seeds stove using 1 kg of jatropha as a fuel ? a. 5 minutes b. 30 minutes c. 1 hour d. 6 hours 2. This is part of the stove castor beans, except? a. top body b. lower body c. protector d. water control

3. which is not a renewable energy source is . . . . .?

a. wind energy b. water energy c. coal d. geothermal energy

4. a. b. c. d.

The following is the result of processing of petroleum, except? kerosene solar cells gasoline diesel fuel

e. 1. the below, one of step processing bioethanol, except.. a.gelatinization b.distillation c.fermentation d.boiling answer: d 2. Temperature must be .... in the first saccharification a.90-95 degree C b.60-66 degree celcius c.30-33 degree celcius d. 50-55 degree celcius answer : b essay 1. mention making of bioethanol from cassava? answer : a. cleaned, pared and milled cassava b.liquidfaction cassava with temperature 9095 degree celcius along 2 hours. c.then, entering pulp of cassava to the first saccharification. temperature is 60-66 degree celcius until 3 hours. d.continue saccharification with temperature 32 degree celcius until 36 hours. e. dissociate fibre and solution with distillation equipments. 2.explain changing of starch (cassava) to be bioethanol, reaction.? a.enzyme + starch --- glucose b.glucose + yeast --- bioethanol + carbon dioxide pilgan 1. it is renewable energy, except.. a.wind b.water c.coal cell 2. the crisis energy is happened because a. less of energy sources b. using energy more. c. less of good people to make powerplant d. the price electricity is less answer : a essay: 1. what must we do to face the crisis energy? answer : we can use renewable energy such as biomass, solar cell and etc. or we can use energy with good management, so there isn0t loss energy. 2. why must we optimalizate energy? answer : because the energy sources are less. Coal will used up until 50 years later, natural gas will used up 30 years later and patroleum will used up 10 year later. the reservation will used up if we don't find an0ther the sources.So, we must to optimalization energy

n. how do you think if the government built water energy in Palembang? answer strongly agree, considering the potential energy of water is relatively abundant in Palembang. in addition, it also can suppress the usage of coal. o. Palembang why the government prefers utilizing coal for power generation from the energy of water? answer if you see the potential of musi river, then this is a good prospect. but considering its construction requires expensive funds, then it makes the government think choosing utilize coal.

p. Indonesia is the granary of energy, but why Indonesia always have an energy crisis? answer many factors that cause this to happen 1. management of people who do not take sides 2. ineffectiveness of government programs to save energy 3. greed of the managers

q. do you think when the Indonesian state can be separated from the energy crisis? answer when all parties have really pay attention to energy, ranging from management, savings. and awareness of efficient energy usage r. The following is one of function generator? Answer. a a. conversion of mechanical energy into electrical b. accelerate the turbine rotation c. converting potential energy into electricity d. connects to a turbine waterwheel s. what functions the generator stator and rotor? answer a a. to generate a magnetic induction force b. to speed up the rotation. c. to add strength to the coil on the generator d. all right t. The most effective alternative energy developed in Indonesia based on its potential is, except? answer a

a. wind energy b. solar energy c. coal energy d. water energy u. The most effective alternative energy developed in Indonesia based on its potential is, except? answer a a. wind energy b. solar energy c. coal energy d. water energy

v. The following is one cause of Indonesia have an energy crisis, except? answer a. a. good government management in the management b. lack of effective alternative energy usage. c. wasteful energy consumption d. all right
Question : 1. What the result of energy crisis ? Answer : Electricity consumers may experience intentionally engineered rolling blackouts during periods of insufficient supply or unexpected power outages, regardless of the cause. 2. What the solution of energy crisis ? Answer : the solution of energy crisis is we must reduce consumption of non-

renewable energy and replace non-renewable energy with renewable energy.

3. What the solution of energy crisis, except ...

a. Use a renewable energy

b. Use a non-renewable energy continuously c. Build a fuel power plants renewable energy

d. reduce consumption of non-renewable energy answer : b. Use a non-renewable energy continuously 4. Kinds of renewable energy , except .. a. Nuclear b. Wind c. Geothermal d. fossil fuel

answer : d. fossil fuel

5. As geological processes apply pressure to dead biotic material over time, under suitable conditions it is transformed successively into ?

Answer : Peat , Lignite , Sub-bituminous coal , Bituminous coal , Anthracite 6. coal consists of any chemical element? Answer: carbon , hydrogen , sulfur , oxygen , and nitrogen. 7. what type of coal which is the highest level? a. Lignite
b. Peat c. Bituminous d. anthracite

Answer : d. anthracite
8. what type of coal which is the lowest level? a. Anthracite b. Bituminous c. Lignite d. peat

Answer : d. peat

Question : 9. What the result of energy crisis ? Answer : Electricity consumers may experience intentionally engineered rolling blackouts during periods of insufficient supply or unexpected power outages, regardless of the cause. 10.What the solution of energy crisis ? Answer : the solution of energy crisis is we must reduce consumption of non-

renewable energy and replace non-renewable energy with renewable energy.

11.What the solution of energy crisis, except ...

e. Use a renewable energy

f. Use a non-renewable energy continuously g. Build a fuel power plants renewable energy

h. reduce consumption of non-renewable energy answer : b. Use a non-renewable energy continuously 12. Kinds of renewable energy , except .. a. Nuclear b. Wind c. Geothermal d. fossil fuel answer : d. fossil fuel
13.As geological processes apply pressure to dead biotic material over time, under suitable conditions it is transformed successively into ?

Answer : Peat , Lignite , Sub-bituminous coal , Bituminous coal , Anthracite 14. coal consists of any chemical element? Answer: carbon , hydrogen , sulfur , oxygen , and nitrogen. 15. what type of coal which is the highest level? e. Lignite
f. Peat g. Bituminous h. anthracite

Answer : d. anthracite
16.what type of coal which is the lowest level? e. Anthracite f. Bituminous g. Lignite h. peat

Answer : d. peat

Question : 17.What the result of energy crisis ? Answer : Electricity consumers may experience intentionally engineered rolling blackouts during periods of insufficient supply or unexpected power outages, regardless of the cause. 18.What the solution of energy crisis ? Answer : the solution of energy crisis is we must reduce consumption of non-

renewable energy and replace non-renewable energy with renewable energy. 19. Kinds of renewable energy , except .. a. Nuclear b. Wind c. Geothermal d. fossil fuel answer : d. fossil fuel
20.What the solution of energy crisis, except ...

i. Use a renewable energy


Use a non-renewable energy continuously

k. Build a fuel power plants renewable energy

l. reduce consumption of non-renewable energy answer : b. Use a non-renewable energy continuously

21.As geological processes apply pressure to dead biotic material over time, under suitable conditions it is transformed successively into ?

Answer : Peat , Lignite , Sub-bituminous coal , Bituminous coal , Anthracite 22. coal consists of any chemical element? Answer: carbon , hydrogen , sulfur , oxygen , and nitrogen. 23. what type of coal which is the highest level? i. Lignite


k. Anthracite l.


Answer : c. Anthracite

24.what type of coal which is the lowest level? i. j.

Anthracite Bituminous

k. Peat l.


Answer : c. peat
Nama : Tati Pratiwi Kelas : 4 egA Nim : 0609 4041 1347

Bahan presentasi alternative energy in the form of briquettes durian skin 1). What the procedure of alternatife of energy in the form of briquettes durian skin? Answer : the procedure is o o o Previous durian skin is cut And then dried with a hot sun Drum set, and insert wigs and continued with durian skin burned with a temperature of 100 o and separate the combustion producs before, which has been and separated into charcoal o o o The next step is to enter into the basin, and then add some solution Take the mold or if there is no mold can use the hand to print Dried in the sun for a half day, or until the mold is completely dry

2). What the provit from briquettes durian skin? Answer: the benefits of durian leather briquettes are relatively high calorificlue 3) what the material primary contrivance briquettes durian skin? a. durian skin b. drum set c. charcoal answer : a. durian skin 4). Temperature maximal in combustion durian skin..0C a. 75 b. 80 c. 45 answer: d. 100 Bahan Interview electrical energy crisis:time to turn to the sea 1). Why turning to the sea is perhaps appropriate language in the current energy crisis? Answer : Because the sea in addition to storing biological potential also holds the potensial non-biological wealth of energy that can be generated either from the sea water flow, tide, wave and thermal energy. 2). Why toward the utilization of marine energy? Answer : Because the utilization of marine energy, requires the government to provide a cross-sectoral policies. d. 100 e. 70 d. wigs e. basin

3). What the OTEC..? a. ocean the energy conversi b. ocean thermal conversion energy c. ocean therm crisis energy d. oxygen thermal crisis energy e. ocean the energy crisis answer: b. ocean thermal conversion energy 4). What the energy primary in the world run out, can order with energy.? a. wind energy b. biomassa c. water wheel energy d. electrical e. true all answer : e. true all Nama : Abdis Salam (4EG A) Presentation: 1.The time needed to cool the newly created wood charcoal is ... a. 2 hours b. 5 hours c. 10 hours d. 24 hours Ans : B 2. The size standard used for making holes in wood charcoal stove is ... a. 1x1 m b. 2x2 m

c. 1X2 m d. 1x3 m Ans : C Essay: 1. why in the process of composing the wood should not be there much air? because if too much air there will be a complete combustion and wood will turn into ashes. 2. What are the advantages of wood charcoal as compared to the firewood? its calorific value is higher, does not cause a lot of smoke, odorless, and can be used in a long time.

Interview : 1. one of the Apollo program in tackling the impact of global warming is, except ... a. increase the use of energy-efficient appliances b. expand the development of renewable energy c. use energy-efficient transportation d. increased use of air conditioning Ans: D

2. What percentage of energy consumption in the United States in the world? A.10% b.15% c.25% d. 30% Ans: C

Essay: 1. how the impact on the environment when the Apollo program successfully realized?

Environmentally, we can reduce national energy consumption by 16%, reduce sulfur dioxide emissions by 28%; reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 23%; reduce nitrous oxide emissions by 13%.
2. Mention at least 5 of 10 programs of Apollo plan?

Promote Advanced Technology & Hybrid Cars Invest in More Efficient Factories Encourage High Performance Building Increase Use of Energy Efficient Appliances Modernize Electrical Infrastructure Expand Renewable Energy Development Improve Transportation Options Reinvest in Smart Urban Growth Plan for a Hydrogen Future (a green one) Strengthen Regulatory Protections

Nama: Tiara NIM : 0609 4041 1348 Kelas : IV EGA / Teknik Energi

1. In the below, it are kinds of energy from fossil, except..... a. Biomass b. Geothermal c. Coal d. Wind e. Water

2. Biodiesel has a characteristic as.... a. Diesel (solar) b. Premium c. Gas

d. Coal e. Oil

3. Biomass contain many kinds, it are....

a. Geothermal, biodiesel and premium b. Biodiesel, bioethanol and biogas c. Diesel, bioethanol and biogas d. Gas, biogas and biodiesel e. Premium, diesel and biogas

4. Biomass could be converted to be these ways, except.... a. Derification b. Carbonisition c. Phyrolision d. Destilitation e. Gasification ESSAY 1. Why will happened transition energy source from fossil to renewable? 2. Using of energy widely, will disturbing the ecology of earth?

3. What is the mean of biomass? 4. Mention and explain three kinds of biomass?


1. c. Coal 2. a. Diesel (solar) 3. b. Biodiesel, bioethanol and biogas 4. d. Destilitation

Essay :

1. Because we know unrenewable energy such as coal, gas, oil from fossil. If we use continuely so the sources will less. Because that, we will saving to transition for fossil energy to renewable energy such as water, wind and solar. 2. Of course, it is very disturb to ecology of earth. Human influenc as consumption energy. So, our task to used renewable energy in earth. In order that energy can used to along time.
3. Biomassa is photosyitesis product, there are particle and clorophil which result by

clrorophil which work cels sun, absorb the rnargy of sun and then distributed carbon dioxide become a compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. 4. - Biodiesel : fuel from vegetable oil, has charactheristic like diesel.

- Bioethanol : fuel from vegetable oil, has charactheristic like premium. - Biogas

: fuel from fermentation waste with bacteri anaerob or without oxygen.


1. The process of combustion with controlled burning techniques in

making bio-charcoal, in which the oxygen (O2) is limited. The process is .... a. Destillation b. Pyrolisis c. Cristalization d. Evaporation e. Flotation

2. Bio-charcoal briquette has several advantages compared to ordinary (conventional)

charcoal, except :
a. Heat generated by the briquettes bioarang relatively higher compared with normal

wood .
b. Bio-charcoal briquette when burned does not cause smoke or smell c. Bio-charcoal briquette -making technology simple

d. The equipment used is also simple, just with the existing equipment set up as needed
e. How to start burning in Bio-charcoal process more difficult than regular charcoal

3. Look at the picture.

Explain the process of making biocharcoal ? (You can see how the process with number of making)

1) Take used oil drums or drum asphalt 2) Include dried leaves, spray a little kerosene and burned 3) We will obtain biocharcoal. Mix sawdust, newspaper, peanut shells and so on 4) Pound, to mix evenly 5) Prepare in advance the mold of zinc gutter 6) Prepare bricks as a biocharcoal stove and arranged like pictures 7) Kitchen waste briquette biocharcoal brick arrangement immediately ignited by inserting a bamboo. All the heat towards the bottom of pan

4. What is the different from Bio-Charcoal and Charcoal (Regular Charcoal) ? Bio charcoal from basic materials can be organic waste, wood waste, dry leaves, food waste, paper and manure. It comes from organic material that is around us. Charcoal from abundant coal source.

INTERVIEW Nuclear; Overcome Energy Crisis Solutions?

1. A number of renewable energy potential in Indonesia that could be developed as follows, except .. a. geothermal b. sun and bioenergy c. hydro power and uranium as raw material for nuclear power d. fosil energy

2. One of the potential energy that has long roll but still warm discussed, namely the use of nuclear energy, especially for ... a. Electricity energy b. Photovoltaic c. Turbine d. Potential energy

3. why nuclear development could be an alternative to overcome the energy crisis ? a new alternative energy and other renewable energy such as geothermal, wind, ocean waves, etc. should be optimized first. If these energy reserves are exhausted, then the nuclear energy as a last resort. Another reason is, the technology of carbon emission-free nuclear power plants as well as harmonious with the world efforts in combating global warming.

4. What is the factors that impede the development of renewable energy? fossil fuels are still subsidized by the government so that new and renewable energy to compete in terms of price the lack of interest in renewable energy to develop this energy until recently the development of technologies for new and renewable energy is still lacking

PRESENTATION BIOCHARCOAL 5. The process of combustion with controlled burning techniques in

making bio-charcoal, in which the oxygen (O2) is limited. The process is .... f. Destillation g. Pyrolisis h. Cristalization

i. Evaporation j. Flotation

6. Bio-charcoal briquette has several advantages compared to ordinary (conventional)

charcoal, except : Heat generated by the briquettes bioarang relatively higher compared with normal wood . g. Bio-charcoal briquette when burned does not cause smoke or smell h. Bio-charcoal briquette -making technology simple i. The equipment used is also simple, just with the existing equipment set up as needed
f. j. How to start burning in Bio-charcoal process more difficult than regular charcoal

7. Look at the picture.

Explain the process of making biocharcoal ? (You can see how the process with number of making)

8) Take used oil drums or drum asphalt 9) Include dried leaves, spray a little kerosene and burned 10) We will obtain biocharcoal. Mix sawdust, newspaper, peanut shells and so on 11) 12) Pound, to mix evenly Prepare in advance the mold of zinc gutter


Prepare bricks as a biocharcoal stove and arranged like pictures

14) Kitchen waste briquette biocharcoal brick arrangement immediately ignited by inserting a bamboo. All the heat towards the bottom of pan

8. What is the different from Bio-Charcoal and Charcoal (Regular Charcoal) ? Bio charcoal from basic materials can be organic waste, wood waste, dry leaves, food waste, paper and manure. It comes from organic material that is around us. Charcoal from abundant coal source.

INTERVIEW Nuclear; Overcome Energy Crisis Solutions?

5. A number of renewable energy potential in Indonesia that could be developed as follows, except .. e. geothermal f. sun and bioenergy g. hydro power and uranium as raw material for nuclear power h. fosil energy

6. One of the potential energy that has long roll but still warm discussed, namely the use of nuclear energy, especially for ... e. Electricity energy f. Photovoltaic g. Turbine h. Potential energy

7. why nuclear development could be an alternative to overcome the energy crisis ? a new alternative energy and other renewable energy such as geothermal, wind, ocean waves, etc. should be optimized first. If these energy reserves are exhausted, then the nuclear energy as a last resort. Another reason is, the technology of carbon emission-free nuclear power plants as well as harmonious with the world efforts in combating global warming.

8. What is the factors that impede the development of renewable energy? fossil fuels are still subsidized by the government so that new and renewable energy to compete in terms of price the lack of interest in renewable energy to develop this energy until recently the development of technologies for new and renewable energy is still lacking

Presentation Essay 1. why solar cells are not yet widely used in Indonesia? Answer: cell modules in Indonesia have not been too much Because the price is expensive and needs his permission to the government making it Difficult for people to use it. 2. How does the system work cell modules to generate electricity? Answer: The first heat at the light Will be absorbed by the surface of the cell module, then heat it generates an electrical signal Will Because there are cells within the silicon modules. Furthermore, the electrical signal is converted into electrical energy by the converter of the disadvantages of using solar cells is....... b.practice c.depend on weather d.minimal risk answer:c 4.that's not including the equipment module is a cell.... a.converter b.inverter c.turbine

d.photovoltaic answer:c interview 1. why can you expalain renewable fuel oil can not? Answer: That produced from fossil oils have been buried for Millions of years, so if you want to Produce more oil Will have to wait for a long time. 2. Is renewable energy can replace non-conventional energy? Answer: The use of conventional energy (renewable) has not been used optimally, if conventional energy is used to the maximum of energy can replace conventional 3. efficient use of renewable energy in Indonesia is not ... .. a. wind energy b.geothermal c.coal d.fuel oil answer: b 4. That countries consume more than 25 percent of fuel oil as fuel for industrial ... .. a.indonesian b.uni arab emirates c.american d.china answer: c

INTERVIEW ESSAY Questions 1.Why is the increase in oil prices this will certainly affect in Indonesian Economy? 2.Mention from purpose to built solar home systems? Answers 1.Because Indonesia is a country of exporter and importer of petroleum in large enough quantities. 2.(A) To increase the electrification ratio , especially for rural and remote areas

(B) Using a decentralized systems, one unit for one house and not integrated (C )In design for a simple house with a power of 40 Wp or 160 Wh per day (D) Using the dc systems. CHOICE Questions 1.Which one from four kinds of primary energy? a.oil crisis b.solid c.geothermal d.liquid answer :c

2.Which isnt of renewable energy sources , except ? a.wind power b.geothermal energy c. solar power

d.power sector answer:d PRESENTATION ESSAY Questions 1.What is the meaning of biogas?

2.What is the advantages of biogas? Answers 1. Biogas is gas produced by anaerobic activity or fermentation of organic materials including: human and animal excrement, domestic waste (household), biodegradable waste or any organic wastes are biodegradable in anaerobic conditions. The main content of the biogas is methane and carbon dioxide. 2 1. Biogas does not destroy the balance of carbon dioxide caused by deforestation (deforestation) and destruction of land 2 Energy Biogas can serve as an energy substitute for fossil fuels that would reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases and other emissions. 3 Methane is a greenhouse gas whose existence duatmosfer will increase the temperature, by using biogas as a fuel it will reduce methane gas in the air. 4 Waste in the form of animal manure and human waste is material that is not bermanfaaat, even menngakibatkan a very dangerous poison. CHOICE Questions 1.What is the factors of biogas,except? a.temperature b.pH c.Carbon and Nitrogen d.Density Answer : d

2.the component of biogas , except : a.HCl b.CH4 c.CO2 d.H2 Answer : a

Name: Nurrahma Hartono Putri Class : 4EGA NIM : 0609 4041 1340

1. Clean renewable energy resource derived from the waste of various

human and natural activities. This is from the means ...

a. Alcohol b. Waste

c. biogas d. Biomass

Answer : d. Biomass

2. The following are some advantages of electricity from waste wood,

except ...
a. The use of electricity from waste wood can be environmentally

friendly because the biological mass is reduced, recycled and then re-used. b. The use of electricity from waste (biomass) can help reduce Global Warming.
c. Collecting sufficient quantities of waste can be difficult. d. Electricity from waste wood fuel generally tends to be cheap.

Answer : c. Collecting sufficient quantities of waste can be difficult.

3. Explain the energy of biomass is extracted from three distinct sources !


Wood is the largest energy source of biomass: contributors include the timber industry, agricultural crops and raw materials from the forest.

Waste energy is the second largest source of biomass energy. The main contributors are: municipal solid waste and manufacturing waste. Alcohol fuels is the third largest contributor and is derived mainly from corn.

4. Explain of process electricity from waste wood ! Answer : Burning waste wood to produce heat (process of thermal convertion). Heat is used to change water to be steam with boiler. Steam with high pressure is used to rotate turbin. Turbin relate to generator with spindle. Generator produces electricity and flow to house or factory.
why water can not be used as an energy converting electricity directly? Answer : Because Pure water doesn't content Electrolyte ion Which it can be converted electricity

What is the function of the turbine in a series of appliance energy converter salt water into electricity energy? Answer : Turbine is used to spin the gas from evaporator and after that Producing electricity Multiple choice 1.What is it called comparing salt and water? a.Pure water b.Brine c.tap water d.waste water Answer : B. 2.what is the tool which reform gas to the water? a.Condenser b.Evaporator c.Turbine d.compressor Answer : A.

1. What positive impact of the elimination of government subsidies for fossil fuels?

Answer: the positive impact of elimination government subsidies for fossil fuels would encourage fuel conservation and the timely development of enough renewable energy systems to sustain us in the post fossil-fuel era 2. What can government do to overcome the scarcity of fuel? Answer: - update and enforce building codes so that buildings will require much less energy increase the use of solar and wind energy or other alternative energy the elimination of government subsidies for fossil fuels

3. what are the advantages of Jatropha seeds stove? Answer: - Low price of stoves and fuel -Durable of fire (1 kg of seed jatropha for 6 hours cooking) and produce blue fire -Easy and safe 4. whats the jatropha seed? Answer: jatropha seed is a woody shrub plants which are found in the tropics which can be used as alternative fuel

1. how long the fire produced from jatropha seeds stove using 1 kg of jatropha as a fuel ? a. 5 minutes

b. 30 minutes c. 1 hour

d. 6 hours Answer : D 2. This is part of the stove castor beans, except? a. top body

b. lower body c. protector d. water control Answer : D 3. which is not a renewable energy source is . . . . .? a. wind energy

b. water energy c. coal d. geothermal energy Answer : Coal 4. The following is the result of processing of petroleum, except? a. kerosene

b. solar cells c. gasoline

d. diesel fuel Answer : B

What is the inclusive of into activity exsploration in determination of potency geothermal, except? A. Geology Survey B. Geochemical Survey C. Chemical Survey D. Geophysics Survey

Answer : C.

what the material exploited so that can yield energy?

A.Steam B. Symton Tektonik C. Cap rock D. Magma

Answer : A.

How step of exploiting geothermal become the earth heat?

Answer : steam coming from earth heat taken with the drilling and collected [in] system manipol, and [is]
hereinafter cleaned. steam which have bersih exploited to turn around the turbine and generator so that yield the electrics. steam which have been Used in [by] the hypodermic return into earth to be re-prepared for the power station of. what will be electrics can be formed in generator?

Answer: blade is rotation because incircuit with the turbine, resulting rotor [of] exist in in generator
rotate, so that rotor encircle the stator which is in the form of magnet. rotor movement [of] among magnet result formed [by] a style move the electrics and yield the electrics. this electrics [is] [released] [by] [through/ passing] cable link [go] to transformator.

1. Why water hyacinth is used for biogas production? Answer : Because water hyacinth is plentiful and the price required to get it very easily

2. why in the manufacture of biogas needed the deposition process?

answer : deposition process is required to issue a fuel substance

released by the decomposition of water hyacinth

3. Why hydro cells used as an alternative fuel? Answer : because it has a fuel cell hydro water where the water is very easily obtained and harmless

4. Why hydro cell has a low exhaust emissions ? Answer : because it has a hydro cell exhaust gas contains no CO and CO2

Choice 1. process what is needed in the manufacture of water hyacinth, except a. decomposition b. combustion answer : b. combustion c. deposition d. Crushing

2. in addition to biogas, alternative energy has been used in Indonesia is... a. premium b. biodiesel answer : b. biodiesel c. pertamax d. Solar

3. hydro cell is used as an alternative fuel, hydro fuel cell in addition to what else ... a. solar cells b. biogass answer : c. biodiesel c. biodiesel d. Wind energy

4. hydro cell is only used for motor vehicles. what benefits obtained? a. Low emissions b. Expensive Answer : a. Low emissions 1. Question Persentation I. Pilihan Ganda 1. where tidal more power plant (PLTPs) in world ? a. Paris b. Italia c. scarce d. inefficient

c. the mouth of the river Rance in northern France d. Tokyo e. China Answer : C 2. What the advantage of tidal energy ? a. The electrical energy generated can be used for free. b. Do not require fuel c. Does not cause the greenhouse effect. d. Stable electricity production since the tides can be predicted. e. The cost of making the dam expensive and damaging coastal area ecosystem. Answer : E II. Essay 1. What is the advantage of Tidal Energy ? Answer : The advantage of tidal energy is having built the electrical energy generated can be used for free ,do not cause the green house effect, stable electricity production since the tides can be predicted. 2. What is Tidal energy ? Answer : Tides are the changes or differences in sea level over time resulting from gravitational force, (Gravity), the moon and sun as well as a revolutionary movement of the earth. The moon and sun both gives the gravitational pull of the earth whose amount depends on the size of the objects that attract them.

1. Question interview I.. Pilihan Ganda 1. It is a raw material of Bio-ethanol , except? a. Maize b. Oil

c. Yams d. Sago Answer : B 2. It is a three serious threats yang will happen if dependence on fossil fuel, except? a. The depletion of known petroleum reserves (if without finding new oil wells) b. Increase /price volatilny due to demand greater rate than oil production c. After reaching its peak in the 1980s,in Indonesias production continues to decline, from nearly 1,6 million barrels/day ,currently referred only 1.2 million barrels/day. d. Pollution of greenhouse gases (mainly CO2) from burning fossil fuels. Answer : C 2. Essay 1. Why the scarcity of fuel Is a sight that can be found in various regions in the country? Answer : Because oil price hikes up to U.S 70/barrels affect economic activity in various part of the world. Example in Indonesia the Crisis was worsened by the rampart smuggling of oil that allegedly loss the state up to 8,8 trillion dollar per year and it is can be like that because of the weakening rupiah against the dollar and there government of Indonesia must the serious to share about the problem. 2. Give your listen, what the government must to do dependence on fossil fuels not to be serious threat to the lives of living creatures on earth? Answer: The development and implementation of renewable fuel is environmentally friendly need to get serious attention from various countries. But in the real government actually has prepared a variety of regulations to reduce dependence on fossil fuel. Unfortunately, at the level of implementation has not seen any serious and systematic effort to implement renewable energy to substitute and with close cooperation between government, industry and society, bio-ethanol and biodiesel are the two candidate who could be implemented to reduce depence on fossil fuels.


1. The following are the non-renewable sources of energy, except ...

a. Coal b. Oil

c. Bioethanol d. Natural gas

Answer : c. bioethanol

2. The following are the reasons for global energy crisis, expect ...

a. Dependence on non-renewable sources of energy

b. Find sustainable alternative energy sources c. Over consumption d. Depletion of the natural resources

Answer : b. Find sustainable alternative energy sources

3. Why oil is needed in our daily activities?

Answer: Because Oil is necessary for almost all machines to move and we live in an era where oil is necessary to produce, transport food, for movement of vehicles,

airplanes etc. We live in the age of oil. Oil is the most important ingredient for our lives, for industry, for economic development, for our prosperity.

4. What is the long term and the short term strategy to the energy crisis?

Answer: In the long term the only real solution is to find sustainable alternate energy sources and ways to consume energy from these sustainable energy sources. Say for example nuclear energy. And the short term, Just reduce our energy footprint. We can save energy, consume less energy, avoid wastage of energy.


: 0609 4041 1350

Lesson : English for Engginer

PRESENTATION ABOUT COCODIESEL Multi Choice 1. These are material to make cocodiesel, Except a. Coconut b. Methanol c. Cloride Acid d. NaOH 2. Process to make cocodiesel is very easy, so above where the true process a. Heating and mixing -Filtering - - Precipitation - Separation b. Filtering - - Precipitation Separation- Heating and mixing c. Precipitation -Filtering Separation- Heating and mixing d. Filtering - Heating and mixing - Precipitation Separation Essay 1. Mention Tools to make cocodiesel??

2. Why we have to chosee cocodiesel as alternative energy??

ANSWER Multi Choice 1. C. Cloride Acid 2. D. Filtering - Heating and mixing - Precipitation Separation

Essay 1. Tool to make cocodiesel Beaker Glass Statip Measuring flask Thermometer Stopwatch Magnetic stirer Hotplates Analytical balance Separator funnel :

2. Because can change fuel diesel. We know source of fuel diesel will be lost for a long time. Cocodiesel is easy to make and have high heating value(oktan) and same with fuel diesel. 2 kg coconut=1 liter cocodiesel . and indonesia have much potential of coconut speacially in beach area.


1. Why the rasio of electricity in Indonesia was low? a. Because citizen in there dont know about their energy source b. Because operational cost is high,so cant build power plan c. Because in indonesia there arent energy source d. Because the government just corruption for their self. 2. Which power plan who supply the biggest electricity in Indonesia? a. Wind power plan b. Water power plan c. Steam power plan d. Geothermal power plan Essay 1. Why Nuclear power plan have to build in Bangka ?? Because to keep radiation from powerplan distribute to another area. The radiation of nuclear can make illness and make population of human die. 2. why the Indonesian crisis, while Indonesia is widely available energy

source of energy? Because Indonesia does not have enough expenses to make use of these energy sources. Indonesia does not have many investors to perform processing
Name : Firnando Prabu Class : 4.EGA Nim : 0609 4041 1334

1. fluid biochemistry of the fermentation of sugars from carbohydrate sources using the help of microorganisme, is an understanding of. a. Bioethanol b. Gasoline c. Diesel d. Pertamax e. Oil Answer : A

2. In the manufacture of ethanol using cassava, how long to make three layers of starch into ethanol, water and protein a. 2-3 days b. 4-5 days c. 6-7 days d. 8-9 days e. 10-11 days Answer : A

3. In the discourse of true energy crisis Indonesia,What is the reason electricity company PLN put in rotation ..... a. Because Delayed supplying the fuel to power plants PLN b. to make the city the dark c. because the tool is damaged d. because workers no longer eat e. because of ill workers Answer : A

4. UU what regulates the import policy of the government taking on the discourse of "true energy crisis Indonesia"? a. UU No.30 Th.2007 b. UU No.30 Th.2008 c. UU No.30 Th.2009 d. UU No.30 Th.2006 e. UU No.30 Th.2005 Answer : A

1. What understanding of bio-ethanol? Answer :

Ethanol (C2H5OH) is a liquid biochemical process of fermentation of sugars from carbohydrate sources using the help of microorganisme.

2. why the distillation of ethanol 95% is not soluble in gasoline? Answer: because it can be mixed with gasoline to needed levels of 99% ethanol or socalled dry ethanol requires a distillation absorbent.

3. what the contents of the Act No.30 Year 2007 on the policy of import of materials or energy sources? Answer : ensuring the availability of domestic energy, either from sources within the country and abroad.

4. what causes PLN conduct rolling blackouts? Answer : power outages caused delays fuel supply to PLN's power plants. Hampered because of weather disruption, because the stock runs out of fuel, electricity consumption is so high that customers reserve capacity beyond PLN, and others.

Nama : Amelia Carela Nim Kls : 0609 4041 1331 : IV. Ega

( Presentation ) 1. Why the jatropha curcas of seed not contain the pests? a. Because, the Jatropha seeds grow in the sun high area b. The Jatropha seeds not contain water c. Because, the Jatropha seeds contain poison d. The Jatropha seeds is one of the most prospective crops


In the process of seeds the Jatropha curcas processing into biodiesel made with several stage, The process is a. Burn the jatropha curcas seeds b. Process crude Jatopha oil (CJO) c. Mixing the Jatropha seeds with water d. Puting the Jatropha seeds under the sun

3. -

What is the process of making Crude Jatropha Oil (CJO)? The jatropha seeds cleaned of debris washed by manual or machine Seeds were soaked for about 5 minutes, then drained until the water no longer drips Seed are dried using a dryer with drying tool, then the seeds are put into a centrifuge to separate the flesh from the skin grain seeds

Meat seeds that have been separated from his skin, rolled and ready to be pressed. Long period of grinding to a pressing must fast because avoid oxidation

The process of pressing usually leave residu which still contain 70-10 % oil. Therefore, the residu from pressing process using solven extra, so that the residu contain less than 0.1 % of dry weight. Solvent used were n- hexane solvent with boiling point 60-70%.

4. -

Mentioned the advantages of using biodiesel? Produced from agricultural materials, so it can be updated Enviromentally friendly because no emissions The produced in small and medium scale so it can be producedin the countryside

( Interview ) 1. What the core problems of the world energy a. Imbalance of world energy demand and supply b. Delays in access to energy c. Lack of initiative from the community d. Different needs of each region 2. Many new and renewable energy potential, except a. geothermal b. solar energy 3. c. wind energy d. diesel fuel

What factors cause an imbalance that became the world's energy problems? Various factors that create these imbalance include the rapid rate of population growth and massive industrialization of the word.


Mention the various government policies to address oil dependence on other countries? - the development of energy policy which focuses on the needs - pressing the oil subsidy is minimized - Updates energy policy

5. In the below, it are kinds of energy from fossil, except..... f. Biomass g. Geothermal h. Coal i. Wind j. Water

6. Biodiesel has a characteristic as.... f. Diesel (solar) g. Premium h. Gas i. Coal j. Oil

7. Biomass contain many kinds, it are....

f. Geothermal, biodiesel and premium g. Biodiesel, bioethanol and biogas h. Diesel, bioethanol and biogas i. Gas, biogas and biodiesel j. Premium, diesel and biogas

8. Biomass could be converted to be these ways, except.... f. Derification g. Carbonisition h. Phyrolision i. Destilitation j. Gasification ESSAY 5. Why will happened transition energy source from fossil to renewable? 6. Using of energy widely, will disturbing the ecology of earth?

7. What is the mean of biomass? 8. Mention and explain three kinds of biomass?


3. c. Coal 4. a. Diesel (solar) 3. b. Biodiesel, bioethanol and biogas 4. d. Destilitation

Essay :

5. Because we know unrenewable energy such as coal, gas, oil from fossil. If we use continuely so the sources will less. Because that, we will saving to transition for fossil energy to renewable energy such as water, wind and solar. 6. Of course, it is very disturb to ecology of earth. Human influenc as consumption energy. So, our task to used renewable energy in earth. In order that energy can used to along time.
7. Biomassa is photosyitesis product, there are particle and clorophil which result by

clrorophil which work cels sun, absorb the rnargy of sun and then distributed carbon dioxide become a compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. 8. - Biodiesel : fuel from vegetable oil, has charactheristic like diesel.

- Bioethanol : fuel from vegetable oil, has charactheristic like premium. - Biogas

: fuel from fermentation waste with bacteri anaerob or without oxygen.

why water can not be used as an energy converting electricity directly? Answer : Because Pure water doesn't content Electrolyte ion Which it can be converted electricity

What is the function of the turbine in a series of appliance energy converter Producing Multiple 1.What a.Pure b.Brine c.tap d.waste Answer : water water B. is it called comparing salt and salt water into electricity energy? electricity choice water? water Answer : Turbine is used to spin the gas from evaporator and after that











a.Condenser b.Evaporator c.Turbine d.compressor Answer : A.

1. What positive impact of the elimination of government subsidies for fossil fuels? Answer: the positive impact of elimination government subsidies for fossil fuels would encourage fuel conservation and the timely development of enough renewable energy systems to sustain us in the post fossil-fuel era 2. What can government do to overcome the scarcity of fuel? Answer: - update and enforce building codes so that buildings will require much less energy increase the use of solar and wind energy or other alternative energy the elimination of government subsidies for fossil fuels

3. what are the advantages of Jatropha seeds stove? Answer: - Low price of stoves and fuel -Durable of fire (1 kg of seed jatropha for 6 hours cooking) and produce blue fire -Easy and safe 4. whats the jatropha seed? Answer: jatropha seed is a woody shrub plants which are found in the tropics which can be used as alternative fuel

1. how long the fire produced from jatropha seeds stove using 1 kg of jatropha as a fuel ? a. 5 minutes

b. 30 minutes c. 1 hour

d. 6 hours Answer : D 2. This is part of the stove castor beans, except? a. top body

b. lower body c. protector d. water control Answer : D 3. which is not a renewable energy source is . . . . .? a. wind energy

b. water energy c. coal d. geothermal energy Answer : Coal 4. The following is the result of processing of petroleum, except? a. kerosene

b. solar cells c. gasoline

d. diesel fuel Answer : B

What is the inclusive of into activity exsploration in determination of potency geothermal, except? A. Geology Survey

B. Geochemical Survey C. Chemical Survey D. Geophysics Survey

Answer : C.

what the material exploited so that can yield energy? A.Steam B. Symton Tektonik C. Cap rock D. Magma

Answer : A.

How step of exploiting geothermal become the earth heat?

Answer : steam coming from earth heat taken with the drilling and collected [in] system manipol, and [is]
hereinafter cleaned. steam which have bersih exploited to turn around the turbine and generator so that yield the electrics. steam which have been Used in [by] the hypodermic return into earth to be re-prepared for the power station of. what will be electrics can be formed in generator?

Answer: blade is rotation because incircuit with the turbine, resulting rotor [of] exist in in generator
rotate, so that rotor encircle the stator which is in the form of magnet. rotor movement [of] among magnet result formed [by] a style move the electrics and yield the electrics. this electrics [is] [released] [by] [through/ passing] cable link [go] to transformator.

5. Why water hyacinth is used for biogas production? Answer : Because water hyacinth is plentiful and the price required to get it very easily

6. why in the manufacture of biogas needed the deposition process?

answer : deposition process is required to issue a fuel substance

released by the decomposition of water hyacinth

7. Why hydro cells used as an alternative fuel? Answer : because it has a fuel cell hydro water where the water is very easily obtained and harmless

8. Why hydro cell has a low exhaust emissions ? Answer : because it has a hydro cell exhaust gas contains no CO and CO2

Choice 5. process what is needed in the manufacture of water hyacinth, except c. decomposition d. combustion answer : b. combustion c. deposition d. Crushing

6. in addition to biogas, alternative energy has been used in Indonesia is... c. premium d. biodiesel answer : b. biodiesel c. pertamax d. Solar

7. hydro cell is used as an alternative fuel, hydro fuel cell in addition to what else ... c. solar cells d. biogass answer : c. biodiesel c. biodiesel d. Wind energy

8. hydro cell is only used for motor vehicles. what benefits obtained? c. Low emissions d. Expensive c. scarce d. inefficient

Answer : a. Low emissions where tidal more power plant (PLTPs) in world ? a. Paris b. Italia c. the mouth of the river Rance in northern France d. Tokyo e. China Answer : C 2. What the advantage of tidal energy ? a. The electrical energy generated can be used for free. b. Do not require fuel c. Does not cause the greenhouse effect. d. Stable electricity production since the tides can be predicted. e. The cost of making the dam expensive and damaging coastal area ecosystem. Answer : E II. Essay 3. What is the advantage of Tidal Energy ? Answer : The advantage of tidal energy is having built the electrical energy generated can be used for free ,do not cause the green house effect, stable electricity production since the tides can be predicted. 4. What is Tidal energy ? Answer : Tides are the changes or differences in sea level over time resulting from gravitational force, (Gravity), the moon and sun as well as a revolutionary movement of the earth. The moon and sun both gives the gravitational pull of the earth whose amount depends on the size of the objects that attract them.

2. Question interview

I.. Pilihan Ganda 1. It is a raw material of Bio-ethanol , except? a. Maize b. Oil c. Yams d. Sago Answer : B 2. It is a three serious threats yang will happen if dependence on fossil fuel, except? a. The depletion of known petroleum reserves (if without finding new oil wells) b. Increase /price volatilny due to demand greater rate than oil production c. After reaching its peak in the 1980s,in Indonesias production continues to decline, from nearly 1,6 million barrels/day ,currently referred only 1.2 million barrels/day. d. Pollution of greenhouse gases (mainly CO2) from burning fossil fuels. Answer : C 2. Essay 3. Why the scarcity of fuel Is a sight that can be found in various regions in the country? Answer : Because oil price hikes up to U.S 70/barrels affect economic activity in various part of the world. Example in Indonesia the Crisis was worsened by the rampart smuggling of oil that allegedly loss the state up to 8,8 trillion dollar per year and it is can be like that because of the weakening rupiah against the dollar and there government of Indonesia must the serious to share about the problem. 4. Give your listen, what the government must to do dependence on fossil fuels not to be serious threat to the lives of living creatures on earth? Answer: The development and implementation of renewable fuel is environmentally friendly need to get serious attention from various countries. But in the real government actually has prepared a variety of

regulations to reduce dependence on fossil fuel. Unfortunately, at the level of implementation has not seen any serious and systematic effort to implement renewable energy to substitute and with close cooperation between government, industry and society, bio-ethanol and biodiesel are the two candidate who could be implemented to reduce depence on fossil fuels.

3. This catalyst used as a substance that will reduce the amount of soap in biodiesel. What is the catalyst mean? e. Methanol f. Hydrochloric Acid g. Phosphoric Acid h. Caustic Soda (Answer : c) 4. What the plant can be used to become the biodiesel? e. Jatropha Oil and Cassava f. Palm Oil and Castor Oil g. Palm Oil and Sesame Oil h. Jatropha Oil and Sesame Oil (Answer : b) Essay : 3. Can you explain with diagram the simple process of making biodiesel? Answer :

4. What the meaning of Transesterification Process? Answer : Transesterification is the process of removing the glycerin from the oil and free fatty acids react with alcohols (eg. methanol) into alcohol esters (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester), or commonly known as biodiesel.

INTERVIEW 3. What the chemical substance of nuclear? e. Uranium f. A g. A h. A

(Answer : a)

4. This is will give the radiation if the storage is broken. e. Sea Wave f. Coal g. Petroleum h. Nuclear (Answer : d)

Essay 3. What the advantages from nuclear energy? Answer : There is no emission of gas CO2 like generating of fossil fuel. Nuclear waste have never been thrown but kept. Nuclear waste still have high economic valuable.

4. Can you explain what is the energy problem in Indonesia? Answer : Petroleum price for the power station of very costly and tend to go up. Every time that problem can apprehending because reserve in Indonesia and world non-stopped to decrease.

1. the below, one of step processing bioethanol, except.. a.gelatinization b.distillation c.fermentation d.boiling

answer: d 2. Temperature must be .... in the first saccharification a.90-95 degree C b.60-66 degree celcius c.30-33 degree celcius d. 50-55 degree celcius answer : b essay 1. mention making of bioethanol from cassava? answer : a. cleaned, pared and milled cassava b.liquidfaction cassava with temperature 90-95 degree celcius along 2 hours. c.then, entering pulp of cassava to the first saccharification. temperature is 60-66 degree celcius until 3 hours. d.continue saccharification with temperature 32 degree celcius until 36 hours. e. dissociate fibre and solution with distillation equipments. 2.explain changing of starch (cassava) to be bioethanol, reaction.? a.enzyme + starch --- glucose b.glucose + yeast --- bioethanol + carbon dioxide pilgan 1. it is renewable energy, except.. a.wind b.water c.coal cell 2. the crisis energy is happened because a. less of energy sources b. using energy more. c. less of good people to make powerplant d. the price electricity is less answer : a essay: 1. what must we do to face the crisis energy? answer : we can use renewable energy such as biomass, solar cell and etc. or we can use energy with good management, so there isn0t loss energy. 2. why must we optimalizate energy? answer : because the energy sources are less. Coal will used up until 50 years later, natural gas will used up 30 years later and patroleum will used up 10 year later. the reservation will used up if we don't find an0ther the sources.So, we must to optimalization energy

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