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Topic 1: Number and Operation (ADDITION)
Instruction: Read the question carefully. Then, solve it with your friends. Remember to circle the keywords when you read the

1. The table below shows the number of children interested in traditional games in a district.
Game Galah Lompat Tikus Lompat Getah Batu
Panjang Seremban
Number of 15 367 13 719 15 202 14 419
a. What is the total number of children interested in Lompat Tikus and Batu Seremban?

Number Sentences: Vertical Form:


Ans: _______________________________________

b. Find the total numbers of children interested in Galah Panjang, Lompat Tikus, Lompat Getah and Batu Seremban.

Number Sentences:
Vertical Form:

Ans: _______________________________________

2. Add 17 391, 19 500, 18 093 and 16 679.

Vertical Form:
Number Sentences:


Ans: _______________________________________

3. The table below shows the area of Sabah, Melaka and Perlis.
State Sabah Sarawak Melaka Perlis
Area 73631 km2 124 450km2 1 664 km2 ?

The total area of Sabah, Melaka and Perlis is 72 126 km2. Calculate the area of Perlis.

Number Sentences:
Vertical Form:

Ans: _______________________________________

4. The table shows the amount of money in accounts of Arabella’s parents.

Account Salary Savings Trust Fund

Arabella’s Father RM 64 857 RM 23 156.75 RM 10973.42

Arabella’s Mother RM 932.86 RM 89 000 -

a. How much money does Arabella’s mother have?

b. Total up the money of Arabella’s father.

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