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Assignment 02

1) If you know all of the forces acting on a moving object, can you tell the direction the
object is moving? If yes, explain how. If no, give an example. (10 marks)

2) A hand presses down on the book in below Figure . Is the normal force of the table
on the book larger than, smaller than, or equal to mg? explain (10 marks)

3) Five balls move through the air as shown in below Figure . All five have the same size
and shape. Air resistance is not negligible. Rank in order, from largest to smallest,
the magnitudes of the accelerations aa to ae .Some may be equal.explain your
ranking.(10 marks)

4) Bonnie and Clyde are sliding a 300 kg bank safe across the floor to their getaway car.
The safe slides with a constant speed if Clyde pushes from behind with 385 N of
force while Bonnie pulls forward on a rope with 350 N of force. What is the safe’s
coefficient of kinetic friction on the bank floor? (10 marks)

5) A stubborn, 120 kg mule sits down and refuses to move. To drag the mule to the
barn, the exasperated farmer ties a rope round the mule and pulls with his maximum
force of 800 N.The coefficients of friction between the mule and the ground are
µs= 0.8 and µk = 0.5. Is the farmer able to move the mule? (10 marks)

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