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4.1 Introduction

The data collected are presented, analyzed, and interpreted in this chapter. To
fully address the difficulties stated, the data were organized in a thorough manner. This
study sought to ascertain how effectively BMMCI instructors handled management

4.2 Basic Information about the Respondents

The Marine Transportation students enrolled in their third year at BMMCI during
the academic year 2022-2023 were selected for this study to ensure its effectiveness.
The respondents were selected at random to avoid bias.

4.3 Analysis of Sample

A sample of 69 respondents was used in this study. 34 respondents were from

BSMT-3A and 35 from BSMT-3B


This table represents the age and sex of the respondents.


F M F% M%
19-20 0 4 0 5.80% 5.80%
21-22 0 40 0 57.97% 57.97%
23-24 0 19 0 27.54% 27.54%
25-26 0 4 0 5.80% 5.80%
27 – above 0 2 0 2.90% 2.90%
TOTAL: 0 69 0 100% 100%

Table 1.0 demonstrates the age range of respondents. The preponderance of respondents
(57.97%) are between the ages of 21 and 22. Followed by 23-24 with 19 or 27.54%; third is 19-20
and 25-16 with the same frequency of 4 or 5.80%; the lowest range is 27-above with 2 or 2.90%.
With a total of 69 respondents. It also indicates that all subjects are male.
This informs the researcher that the majority of students in this course at BMMCI are
between the ages of 21 and 22 and are all male.


This table represents the civil status of the respondents.


Single 68 98.55%
Married 1 1.45%
Widowed 0 0%
Divorced 0 0%
Separated 0 0%
TOTAL: 0 0%

As shown in Table 1.1, the majority of respondents are categorized as "single" in their civil status,
with 68 or 98.55 percent; the lowest percentage is "Married" with 1 or 1.45 percent. With a total
of 69 respondents, or 100 percent.

In conclusion, the plurality of respondents selected has a civil status designation of single.


This table represents the current address of the respondents.

Within Sorsogon City 31 44.93%
Within Sorsogon Province 34 49.28%
Within Region V 2 2.90%
Within Visayas Region/s 1 1.45%
Outside 1 1.45%
TOTAL: 100% 100%

The table clearly demonstrates that the plurality of respondents, 34 or 49.28%, are from
Sorsogon province. followed by the region surrounding Sorsogon City, which contains 31 or 44.93%;
Third is Region 5 with 2 or 2.90 percent, and the lowest frequency is both within and outside the
Visayas region with 1 or 1.45 percent.

According to the data, the majority of respondents are from Sorsogon Province, while those
from within and outside the Visayas Region are fewer in number.

This table represents the challenges encountered by the respondents of BMMCI specifically in
classroom management.

Classroom 5 4 3 2 1
(Always) % (Often) % Sometimes) % (Rarely) % (Not) %
Starts the 18 26.09 35 50.7 13 18.84 2 2.90% 1 1,45%
Class on time
% 2% %
Dismiss the 12 17.39 28 40.5 22 31.88 5 7.25% 2 2.90%
class on time
% 8% %
either too
early or too
Laydown 12 17.39 31 44.9 21 30.43 4 5.80% 1 1.45%
% 3% %
Availability to 14 20.29 33 47.8 16 23.19 5 7.25% 1 1.45%
meet the
% 3% %
learning needs
of the
Consider/ 10 14.49 22 31.8 18 26.09 10 14.49 9 13.04%
Accept favors
% 8% % %
or gifts in
return for
passing grade

Table 2.0

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