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Frequency distributions of sward height under

sheep grazing
G. T. Barthram*, E. I. Duff†, D. A. Elston†, J. H. Griffiths*, T. G. Common‡ and C. A. Marriott§
*Macaulay Institute, Hartwood Research Station, Shotts, UK, †Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland, Macaulay
Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, UK, ‡Macaulay Institute, Sourhope Research Station, Kelso, UK, and
§Macaulay Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, UK

greater variability in sward height or biomass at low

stock densities. For predictive and modelling purposes it
Cattle and sheep can create and maintain a mixture of is often desirable to know the distribution of sward
relatively tall and short patches in grass swards through heights or herbage biomass in grazed systems. Although
selective grazing. In swards that are grazed by cattle this a normal distribution is frequently assumed, sward data
heterogeneous structure can result in the frequencies of may be skewed, bimodal or have a plateau shape and so
height measurements having a skewed distribution that other distributions may be more appropriate. For
has variously been better described by the double- example, a positively skewed or bimodal distribution
normal distribution the gamma distribution and the may occur under low stocking densities where a broad
Weibull distribution than by the more common normal range of taller heights are created as a result of different
distribution. The fit of these statistical distributions, and frequencies and extents of consecutive defoliation
the adequacy of the potentially useful log-normal events. Distributions that are appropriate for describing
distribution, to sward height frequencies were tested positively skewed data include the double-normal, log-
in sown temperate swards grazed by sheep and normal, gamma and Weibull distributions. Gibb and
compared within a single sward. It was concluded that Ridout (1986; 1988) found that the frequencies of
the single-normal and Weibull distributions were in- height in swards continuously stocked by cattle had a
adequate and that overall the log-normal and gamma skewed distribution that was better described by a
distributions had the best fit to the measurements. double-normal distribution than by the more common
normal distribution. Since the five-parameter double-
Keywords: sward height, frequency distribution, normal distribution consists of a mixture of two
double-normal distribution, gamma distribution, overlapping normal distributions, and an estimate of
Weibull distribution, log-normal distribution the proportion of the data belonging to each distribu-
tion, this distribution has been used as a tool to quantify
the proportion of swards that are occupied by ‘tall’ and
‘short’ vegetation and to characterize these fractions
Cattle and sheep can create and maintain a mixture of (Fisher et al., 1995; Gibb et al., 1999; Morris et al.,
relatively tall and short patches in grass swards through 1999). However, evidence of bimodality is not always
selective grazing (Edwards et al., 1996). This is one strong and the gamma distribution has also been
result of their tendency to forage on short vegetative suggested as a good descriptor of frequency distributions
material and to avoid tall stemmy herbage where leaf of herbage mass under rotational cattle grazing (Shiy-
material is less accessible (Devries and Daleboudt, 1994; omi et al., 1983; 1984; 1998; Tsutsumi et al., 2002;
Laca et al., 1994) and areas contaminated by faeces. The Sanders et al., 2003) and for herbage height under
opportunities for exercising selectivity in diet selection rotational cattle grazing (Sanders et al., 2003). The
are likely to be higher when stock densities are low and, three-parameter Weibull distribution has also been
therefore, it can be hypothesized that there will be a shown to be a better fit than the normal distribution
to height and mass data in semi-arid short-grass steppe
Correspondence to: E. I. Duff, Biomathematics and Statistics grazed by cattle (Remington et al., 1992). Swards grazed
Scotland, Macaulay Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen by sheep can also develop tall and short patches
AB15 8QH, UK. (Edwards et al., 1996; Morris et al., 1999). Sheep and
E-mail: cattle have different grazing habits and forage require-
Received 1 July 2004; revised 10 October 2004 ments and, consequently, can have different impacts on

4  2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Grass and Forage Science, 60, 4–16
Frequency distributions of sward heights under grazing 5

sward structure (Grant et al., 1985; Hodgson et al., 1991; start of the growing season in April until the end of
Armstrong et al., 1997; Morris et al., 1999). From September was around 0Æ40 of that carried on fertilized
published studies it is not clear which distribution swards maintained at 4 cm, and it fell to around 0Æ25
would best describe the frequency distribution of sward from then until mid-November.
height in pastures grazed by sheep, particularly in In 1990, the species composition of all swards was
swards that are grazed at low stocking density. We around 0Æ60 Lolium perenne, 0Æ10 Trifolium repens, and
determined which of five distributions, normal, double- 0Æ30 unsown species (these differed between sites, with
normal, log-normal, gamma and Weibull, gave the best Agrostis capillaris dominant at Sourhope and Poa species
fit to the sward height frequencies of swards grazed by dominant at Hartwood) (Marriott et al., 2002). By 2001,
sheep. All the distributions above, excluding the normal the proportion of L. perenne in swards maintained at
distribution, are appropriate for fitting to data showing 8 cm had fallen to around 0Æ40 at Hartwood and 0Æ25 at
some degree of positive skewness and, in addition, the Sourhope, with corresponding increases in unsown
log-normal, gamma and Weibull distributions all grass species. There had been little change in the overall
naturally fit to positive (above zero) data. The study proportion of sown species in swards maintained at
not only focused on swards grazed at a low stocking 4 cm.
density over two growing seasons at two sites but also
included measurements on a single date from more
Sward height
intensively grazed swards at one site for comparative
purposes. Sward height measurements were made at approxi-
mately 300 locations spread across the whole of each
paddock. Measurements were made using the HFRO
Materials and methods
sward stick (Bircham, 1981; Barthram, 1985). This
consists of a 2 cm · 1 cm ‘window’ that is lowered
until it makes contact with a green leaf. The height of
Measurements of sward height were made at the the window above ground level, measured to the
Macaulay Institute’s Hartwood (351¢W, 5549¢N) and nearest 0Æ5 cm, is the height of the sward at that
Sourhope Research (214¢W, 5529¢N) Stations in location. There were eight locations (all in paddock 11
Scotland. The two sites have different climatic and at the Sourhope site) where a height of 0 cm was
edaphic conditions (Barthram et al., 2002). The Sour- recorded. As the true height of these leaves was in the
hope site has a slightly lower annual rainfall than the range 0–0Æ25 cm (measurements were recorded to
Hartwood site. The soil at the Hartwood site is a poorly the nearest 0Æ5 cm), the zero values were converted
draining non-calcareous gley while that at the Sour- to the midpoint of this range, 0Æ125 cm. This was to
hope site is a freely draining brown-forest soil. Pasture avoid computational problems caused by zeros when
growth rate during dry periods appears to be reduced fitting the distributions.
more at Sourhope than at Hartwood. At each site,
measurements were made monthly during 2001 and
Statistical analysis
2002 in two replicate paddocks (each of 0Æ45 ha) that
had been grazed to maintain an average sward surface In total, sixty sets of height frequency data were
height of 8 cm during the whole of each growing season generated, covering not only site but also temporal
since 1990 and had not received any fertilizer during variability. Single-normal, double-normal, log-normal,
this time. In addition, a limited set of height measure- gamma and Weibull distributions were fitted separately
ments were also collected on shorter swards at one site, to each set of measurements. The single-normal distri-
Hartwood, in September 2003. The four paddocks bution (the classic Normal distribution is referred to as
used had been maintained with average sward the single-normal distribution in the paper to avoid
heights of 4 cm since 1990. Two had received confusion with the other forms of the Normal distri-
140 kg N ha1 year1 as compound fertilizer (paddocks bution) is defined by its mean l and variance, r2. It has
2 and 9) and the remaining two had not. Sward height the following density function (Payne, 2002):
in all paddocks was controlled by altering the number of  
1 1 x  l2
grazing Scottish Blackface ewes (and their lambs until f ðxÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi exp  ¼ Uðx; l; rÞ
r 2p 2 r
weaning) in response to weekly estimates of mean
sward height. As a result of differences in pasture The double-normal distribution can be used when an
growth, sheep density varied during the season, e.g. observation may come from either of two single-normal
from 4 to 17 ewes ha1 on swards maintained at 8 cm, distributions with different means. It can occur when a
and between treatments and sites. At both sites, the proportion p of the population is normally distributed
number of sheep carried on the 8-cm swards from the with mean l1 and variance r21 and a proportion (1  p)

 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Grass and Forage Science, 60, 4–16
6 G. T. Barthram et al.

is normally distributed with mean l2 and variance r22 . range of the data, we constructed charts showing the
The distribution is thus described by five parameters. differences between the proportions of observed heights
The density function is: and the theoretical density functions that fell
within intervals of the observed height data. One
f ðxÞ ¼ pUðx; l1 ; r1 Þ þ ð1  pÞUðx; l2 ; r2 Þ
centimetre intervals were used for the 8-cm swards and
with mean pl1 + (1  p)l2 and variance 0Æ5 cm intervals for the 4-cm swards. These charts
pr21 þ ð1  pÞr22 þ pð1  pÞðl1  l2 Þ2 . allowed an examination of any pattern in the deviances,
The log-normal distribution assumes that loge(X) has whereas the AIC statistic, described above, is a measure
a Normal distribution with mean l and variance r2, and based on summarizing deviances. Each chart was based
must have positive skewness. The density function is: on the combined data from the two paddocks at each site.
f ðxÞ ¼ UðlogðxÞ; l; rÞ
x Results
with mean exp (l + r2/2) and variance exp (2l + r2)
[ exp (r2)  1]. The mean heights in the swards with target heights of
The gamma distribution is a general empirical distri- 8 cm varied around the target height (Figure 1, row 1,
bution described by two parameters, k (the shape parameter l). The standard deviations changed with
parameter) and b (the scale parameter), with mean time of year, being greatest in midsummer to late
k/b and variance k/b2. The density function is: summer (June–September) and with greater maxima at
Sourhope than Hartwood (Figure 1, row 1, parameter
ebx r). The 4-cm swards were nearer target and less variable
f ðxÞ ¼ bk xk1 where CðkÞ ¼ x k1 ex dx; x > 0:
CðkÞ (Table 1, single-normal distribution) than the 8-cm
The three-parameter Weibull distribution is a general- Preliminary visualization of sward height data using
ization of the exponential distribution. The density frequency histograms showed that most datasets were
function is: positively skewed to some extent (i.e. data showed a tail
c to the right when graphed as a frequency histogram).
f ðxÞ ¼ cbc ðx  aÞc1 eðbðxaÞÞ x > 0; b; c > 0;
Typical examples are shown in Figures 2 and 3. Con-
which has a mean of a + (1/b)C((c + 1)/c) and a median sequently the single-normal distribution had the poor-
of a + (1/b)( log (2))1/c, and where c is the shape est fit (highest AIC statistic) to the data (in fifty-three of
parameter, b the scale parameter and a is a location fifty-six instances in the 8-cm swards, and in four of
parameter (which allows the minimum theoretical four instances in the 4-cm swards; Tables 2 and 3). It
value of the distribution to take values other than zero). tended to fit comparatively well at the beginning of the
For all five distributions, parameter estimates were seasons in the 8-cm swards before grazing commenced
calculated using the method of maximum likelihood after the winter rests, but never had the outright best fit
(Genstat v. 6.2; VSN International Limited, Oxford, of the five distributions. In the 8-cm swards the Weibull
UK), a technique which involves calculating values of distribution had the best fit (lowest AIC statistic) of the
the parameters that give the highest likelihood for any tested distributions to the data on five occasions. The
given set of data. double-normal distribution was best on seven occa-
The Akaike information criterion (AIC) statistic sions, but the gamma was best on eighteen and the log-
(Akaike, 1974), derived from the log-likelihood statistic, normal best on twenty-eight occasions (note that there
was used to evaluate the fits of the different distri- were three instances when two distributions were
butions. The AIC statistic, defined as 2(maximized equally the best). In the 4-cm swards the log-normal
log-likelihood) + 2(number of parameters), gives a and gamma distributions each fitted best in two swards,
single quantitative measure, based on summarizing with the double-normal being joint-best with the
the deviances of the fitted theoretical distribution from gamma distribution in one sward.
the observed data. The AIC statistic was considered an The mean improvement in fit of the distributions,
appropriate statistic as it is penalized by the number of compared with the fit of the single-normal distribution,
parameters, thus compensating for the greater flexi- was examined. The mean difference between the
bility in fitting usually associated with higher numbers single-normal and double-normal distributions was 79
of parameters (Ginzburg and Jensen, 2004). Lower AIC AIC units, and this improvement in fit was smaller in
values indicate a better fit between the observed data the 4-cm swards (43 AIC units). In the 8-cm swards, the
and the theoretical distribution than higher AIC values. log-normal (mean difference 81 AIC units) and the
In addition, to highlight any systematic differences gamma distributions (mean difference 82 AIC units)
between the fitted theoretical density functions and the were, on average, marginally better fits to the data
frequency distribution of height observations over the than the double-normal distribution. The Weibull

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Frequency distributions of sward heights under grazing 7

Figure 1 Parameter values fitted to sward height frequency distributions in 8-cm swards. Row 1, parameters l and r of single-
normal distributions; row 2, parameters l1, l2, r1 and r2 of double-normal distributions; row 3, parameter p (proportion ‘tall’)
of double-normal distributions; row 4, parameters l and r of log-normal distributions; row 5, parameters k and b of gamma
distributions; row 6, parameters c, b and a of Weibull distributions. Measurements were made during 2001 and 2002.

distribution was marginally worse than the double- gamma and the Weibull distributions each had low AIC
normal with a mean difference of 78 AIC units. The best statistics.
average improvement over the single-normal distri- In the 8-cm swards, the parameters of the distribu-
bution in the 4-cm swards was for the log-normal tions varied over time and between paddocks (Figure 1,
distribution with a mean improvement of 52 AIC units. Tables 1 and 4). The parameters of the log-normal
Figure 4 shows examples of distributions from the 8-cm distribution appear to be the most stable although this is
swards where the double-normal, the log-normal, the likely to be mainly an effect of the log-scaling. The

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8 G. T. Barthram et al.

Table 1 Parameter estimates for five theoretical distributions A B

fitted to sward height distributions, and coefficients of variation
(CV), from swards with 4-cm target heights at the Hartwood 50
site. 40
1 30
Paddock no. 20
Distribution 2 6 7 9 0

l 4Æ10 3Æ72 3Æ54 3Æ98
r 1Æ45 1Æ56 1Æ75 1Æ29 30
Double-normal 2 20
p 0Æ273 0Æ181 0Æ173 0Æ030 10
l1 5Æ49 5Æ65 5Æ97 7Æ71 0
r1 1Æ53 1Æ94 2Æ25 0Æ38
l2 3Æ58 3Æ29 3Æ03 3Æ84 50

r2 1Æ00 1Æ07 1Æ07 1Æ10
Log-normal 3 30
l 1Æ35 1Æ23 1Æ15 1Æ33
r 0Æ363 0Æ408 0Æ466 0Æ330
k 8Æ09 6Æ21 4Æ76 9Æ62 50
b 1Æ97 1Æ67 1Æ34 2Æ42 Frequency 40
Weibull 4 30
c 2Æ33 1Æ85 1Æ55 2Æ19 20
b 0Æ277 0Æ323 0Æ345 0Æ328 10
a 0Æ897 0Æ968 0Æ931 1Æ270 0

CV (%) 35Æ3 42Æ1 49Æ6 32Æ5 50


Parameter p is the proportion that is ‘tall’.

shape parameters for the gamma and Weibull distribu- 10
tions (k and c respectively) for the most part followed 0
similar trends.
The AIC statistics were related to the distributions of 50
observed heights by comparing differences in AIC 40

statistics in relation to the coefficient of variation. This 30

6 20
allowed a determination of whether the fits changed
with this measure of variability. When the coefficient of 10
variation was relatively high, the log-normal distri-
bution tended to have the lowest AIC statistics
(Table 2). Indeed, out of the twenty instances when 40

the coefficient of variation was greater than 50%, the 30

log-normal distribution had the lowest AIC statistic on 7 20
eighteen occasions. The lower coefficients of variation 10
were mostly associated with the swards at the wetter 0
Hartwood site, with there being only one instance
where a sward from the Hartwood site had a coefficient 50

greater than 55%. At both sites, elevated coefficients of

8 30
Figure 2 Frequency histograms of sward height measure- 10
ments made in an 8-cm sward (paddock 4 at Sourhope) during 0
2001 (column A) and 2002 (column B). Rows 1–8 show 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
histograms from measurements made monthly during March Height (cm) Height (cm)
to October of each year.

 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Grass and Forage Science, 60, 4–16
Frequency distributions of sward heights under grazing 9

(a) 60 overfitted the central portion of the distribution, as it

did at the Sourhope site. The log-normal and gamma
distributions showed least bias, but at the Sourhope site
40 the gamma distribution tended to overfit both tails.
Overall, the log-normal distribution had a tighter
cluster of points around the 0% line. The data from
the 4-cm swards were consistent with these observa-
tions from the 8-cm swards.
(b) 60
The distributions

40 The parameters of the single-normal and double-

normal distributions, describing location and scale,
can be interpreted easily. However, a potential issue
in the fitting of these distributions to biological data is
that neither distribution can be constrained to fit to
0 positive data only. This issue is relevant to sward height
data where, although the data can never be negative, a
(c) 60 substantial proportion of recorded sward heights may
be relatively close to zero. In such cases, the mean
height may be low relative to the standard deviation,

40 resulting in the left tail of the distribution containing

unrealistic negative values if a single-normal distri-
20 bution, or double-normal distribution, are fitted (e.g.
Figure 4). In an attempt to address this issue, the log-
normal, gamma and Weibull distributions can also be
0 considered. They are all appropriate for fitting to
frequency distributions showing positive skewness
(d) and, in addition, naturally fit to positive data, usually
requiring an additional parameter to achieve a fit to
negative data. The log-normal distribution is normally

40 distributed on a log-transformed scale rather than the

measurement scale. As a consequence, it can only be
fitted to data exhibiting positive skewness and is not
20 appropriate where data show negative skewness or a
symmetrical distribution. When it is fitted to nearly
symmetrical data, the fit is poor as a result of this lack of
0 10 20 30 40 flexibility and this explains some of the poor fits in the
data of this paper, particularly in paddock no. 1 at the
Height (cm)
Hartwood site in April 2002 (Table 2). However, when
Figure 3 Frequency histograms of sward height measure- data are positively skewed, this distribution is especially
ments made in 4-cm swards in (a) paddock 2, (b) paddock 6, suitable where the frequency histogram shows a long
(c) paddock 7 and (d) paddock 9 at Hartwood. right tail. The two-parameter gamma distribution as
used here is described in terms of shape and scale
(parameters k and b). When k is large (and b ¼ 1), the
variation were generally associated with the drier gamma distribution closely approximates a normal
midsummer months. distribution, but with the advantage over the normal
Figure 5 shows differences between the fitted density distribution that it can be fitted to positively skewed
functions and the observed frequency distribution of data and can be constrained to fit only to positive
the height measurements. In the 8-cm swards, the observations. The three-parameter version of the
single-normal and Weibull distributions overfitted the Weibull distribution, as fitted in this paper and by
left tail and had a bias that changed along the x-axis. At Remington et al. (1992), is defined in terms of shape,
the Hartwood site the double-normal distribution scale and location parameters (c, b and a). When c is

 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Grass and Forage Science, 60, 4–16
10 G. T. Barthram et al.

Table 2 Coefficients of variation (CV) of sward height data and Akaike information criteria (AIC) statistics for five theoretical
distributions fitted to sward height frequency distributions measured in paddocks with target sward heights of 8 cm.


Date n CV (%) Single-normal Double-normal Log-normal Gamma Weibull

Hartwood paddock no. 1

May 2001 398 41Æ1 1887 1855 1861 1845 1850
June 2001 394 62Æ2 2220 2047 1969 2007 2002
July 2001 394 54Æ4 2183 2083 2051 2059 2075
August 2001 396 44Æ6 1929 1891 1882 1870 1880
September 2001 388 42Æ2 1884 1816 1812 1816 1824
October 2001 388 37Æ0 1918 1888 1886 1879 1892
March 2002 380 38Æ8 1778 1749 1754 1744 1745
April 2002 387 33Æ4 1989 1992 2062 2016 1989
May 2002 387 40Æ5 1970 1959 1968 1948 1943
June 2002 388 45Æ9 1762 1706 1707 1695 1714
July 2002 390 44Æ2 2007 1956 1961 1943 1969
August 2002 386 42Æ6 2125 2083 2083 2074 2082
September 2002 380 50Æ4 2126 2074 2062 2054 2059
October 2002 378 50Æ9 1949 1867 1856 1858 1866

Hartwood paddock no. 10

May 2001 358 43Æ3 2006 1964 1975 1957 1975
June 2001 353 54Æ8 1855 1734 1697 1718 1735
July 2001 356 48Æ2 1917 1838 1788 1806 1804
August 2001 346 45Æ4 2095 2035 2020 2022 2035
September 2001 336 50Æ1 1980 1882 1865 1873 1894
October 2001 340 50Æ4 1882 1797 1771 1780 1790
March 2002 340 45Æ4 1574 1518 1496 1500 1499
April 2002 336 35Æ4 1648 1632 1622 1618 1619
May 2002 334 38Æ0 1711 1695 1693 1682 1684
June 2002 344 41Æ4 1657 1613 1594 1595 1596
July 2002 338 40Æ6 1728 1712 1724 1708 1702
August 2002 330 36Æ0 1727 1711 1725 1710 1711
September 2002 321 41Æ0 1756 1740 1742 1728 1728
October 2002 296 43Æ2 1494 1479 1500 1474 1477

Sourhope paddock no. 4

May 2001 368† 36Æ6 2012 1991 1990 1980 1985
June 2001 62Æ7 2219 2041 2012 2045 2037
July 2001 60Æ0 2069 1909 1866 1899 1891
August 2001 44Æ9 2179 2120 2106 2106 2109
September 2001 54Æ3 2103 1991 1974 1983 1989
October 2001 43Æ8 1895 1816 1795 1807 1811
March 2002 40Æ4 1710 1686 1676 1666 1678
April 2002 33Æ2 1789 1753 1737 1740 1745
May 2002 39Æ6 1984 1942 1934 1934 1932
June 2002 63Æ1 2073 1873 1833 1875 1861
July 2002 67Æ4 2209 1908 1893 1957 1927
August 2002 57Æ0 2247 2104 2066 2095 2089
September 2002 53Æ2 2258 2112 2076 2107 2105
October 2002 48Æ6 2007 1941 1915 1918 1927

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Frequency distributions of sward heights under grazing 11

Table 2 (Continued)

Sourhope paddock no. 11

May 2001 306† 38Æ5 1629 1546 1550 1559 1590
June 2001 60Æ7 1773 1606 1580 1613 1616
July 2001 60Æ5 1948 1747 1723 1770 1742
August 2001 67Æ4 1897 1705 1665 1704 1685
September 2001 51Æ4 1600 1513 1481 1496 1499
October 2001 38Æ2 1507 1457 1439 1447 1453
March 2002 42Æ4 1457 1402 1449 1413 1439
April 2002 33Æ5 1531 1520 1709 1587 1545
May 2002 47Æ5 1689 1613 1670 1631 1654
June 2002 56Æ3 1571 1437 1413 1439 1430
July 2002 57Æ6 1756 1626 1691 1648 1678
August 2002 44Æ1 1665 1581 1653 1611 1641
September 2002 42Æ0 1751 1662 1745 1698 1733
October 2002 43Æ6 1594 1562 1561 1551 1558

The number of height measurements is shown under n; †At Sourhope the same number of measurements was made on each date.
A CV (%) above 50% is shown in italics. The lowest AIC statistic on each occasion is shown in bold.

Table 3 Akaike information criteria

(AIC) statistics for five theoretical distri- Paddock
butions fitted to sward height frequency no. n Single-normal Double-normal Log-normal Gamma Weibull
distributions measured in paddocks with
target sward heights of 4 cm at the 2 283 1016 995 996 990 999
Hartwood site. 6 305 1142 1095 1073 1079 1084
7 288 1144 1065 1046 1057 1056
9 305 1025 999 1003 999 1005

The number of height measurements is shown under n. The lowest AIC statistic for
each paddock is shown in bold.

approximately 3Æ5, the Weibull distribution approxi- very sensitive to data values very close to zero, with
mates to a normal distribution, while lower values of c changes to these data leading to quite large changes
are associated with positive skewness and higher values in the parameter estimates (this, combined with
with negative skewness. The b parameter is a scaling the effect of a symmetrical frequency distribution,
factor, which is a measure of the variability in the data, resulted in the poor fit of the log-normal distribution
and the location parameter, a, indicates the minimum in paddock no. 11 at the Sourhope site in April
theoretical value of the distribution. The three-param- 2002). In this respect, parameter estimates for the
eter Weibull distribution is more appropriate than the normal and double-normal distributions will be much
two-parameter version which, for the right-skewed more stable. The double-normal distribution has the
data, fitted a longer left tail than is justified by the data additional advantage of being able to take account of
because the location parameter (a) is effectively con- both positive and negative skewness and bimodality.
strained to be zero. In cases where the minimum data The above characteristics alone of the tested five
value is not close to zero, allowing the location distributions do not suggest that any one distribution
parameter to vary, allows for an improved fit in the should be an obvious choice for modelling sward
left tail of the distribution. The Weibull distribution has height frequency distributions.
the general advantage, over the normal distribution, in Shiyomi et al. (1984) derived the gamma distribution
that it can be fitted to data showing positive or negative analytically for herbage mass by assuming that growth is
skewness and, when the location parameter is positive logistic, defoliation is constant per unit time and that the
or zero, does not produce unrealistic negative values. herbage mass without grazing is normally distributed. By
Although the log-normal and gamma distributions analogy, this will also apply to sward height distributions.
have the advantage that they naturally fit to positive There does not seem to have been an analytical deriva-
data, they, and the Weibull distribution, appear to be tion for sward height data of any of the other distributions

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12 G. T. Barthram et al.

1 Frequency 30


2 30


3 30


4 30


5 30
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Sward height (cm) Sward height (cm) Sward height (cm) Sward height (cm)

Figure 4 Illustrations of the fit of single-normal (row 1), double-normal (row 2), log-normal (row 3), gamma (row 4) and Weibull
(row 5) distributions to sward height frequency distributions. The sward height frequency distribution shown in column A is from
paddock no. 11 at the Sourhope site in May 2002, in column B is from paddock no. 4 at the Sourhope site in June 2002, in column C is
from paddock no. 1 at the Hartwood site in June 2002 and in column D is from paddock no. 10 at the Hartwood site in July 2002.

that were tested in this paper. Although the double- spatial variability rather than spatial pattern (see Adler
normal distribution does not appear to have been et al., 2001).
supported empirically, it is qualitatively satisfying be- On average, the variance (r2 of the single-normal
cause it is consistent with the observed patchy sward distribution) of the heights in the 4-cm swards was less
height distribution (Gibb and Ridout, 1988). than that of the 8-cm swards (2Æ3 cm2 vs. 13Æ6 cm2) and
with no overlap in the values. However, the coefficients
of variation of the 4-cm swards largely overlapped those
Sward heterogeneity
of the 8-cm swards (Tables 1 and 2). Correll et al. (2003)
Like all grazed swards the swards studied showed observed a similar overlap in cattle-grazed swards
structural heterogeneity. The variance (Morris et al., maintained at 5 and 10 cm. This result indicates that
1999; Hutchings and Gordon, 2001), the standard the magnitude of the variability changed with the mean
deviation (Correll et al., 2003) and the coefficient of height. It is noteworthy that the 4-cm fertilized swards
variation (Hirata, 2000) have all been used as measures were less variable than the 4-cm unfertilized swards
of sward heterogeneity. These measures correspond to (Table 1), perhaps as a consequence of the fertilizer

 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Grass and Forage Science, 60, 4–16
Frequency distributions of sward heights under grazing 13

Table 4 Average estimated parameter values for five intensely the pasture is grazed, the more heterogeneous
theoretical distributions fitted to sward height distributions, the spatial pattern of herbage biomass can become
and coefficients of variation (CV), from swards with 8-cm (Shiyomi et al., 1983), with the structure changing from
target heights at Hartwood and Sourhope. homogeneous to a random spatial pattern (Shiyomi
et al., 1984).
The results also suggest that there can be detailed
Distribution Sourhope Hartwood differences between sites (the Hartwood site was less
variable and had a greater proportion of tall material
Single-normal than the Sourhope site although the maximum heights
l 7Æ94 7Æ48 tended to be greatest at the Sourhope site). The reasons
r 3Æ89 3Æ29 for the site differences were not examined but may be
Double-normal related to differences in species composition, seasonal
p 0Æ21 0Æ36 growth patterns or diet selection.
l1 13Æ1 10Æ7
r1 5Æ23 3Æ66
l2 6Æ74 5Æ97 Best fit
r2 2Æ24 1Æ97 The superior fit of the double-normal, rather than the
Log-normal single-normal, distribution to sward height data ob-
l 1Æ95 1Æ90 served by Gibb and Ridout (1988) has been referred to
r 0Æ47 0Æ45 many times as evidence of the heterogeneous nature of
Gamma swards grazed by cattle. However, its fit does not appear
k 5Æ18 5Æ52 to have been tested in swards grazed by sheep. Neither
b 0Æ66 0Æ75 has the Weibull distribution which, like the double-
Weibull normal distribution, has only been compared with the
c 1Æ83 2Æ02 single-normal distribution (Remington et al., 1992). The
b 0Æ145 0Æ149 authors are not aware of any previous instance where
a 1Æ46 1Æ24 the fit of the five distributions to observations from a
CV (%) 49Æ6 44Æ4 single sward, grazed by cattle or sheep, has been
Parameter p estimates the proportion that is ‘tall’.
In the sheep-grazed swards, as in swards grazed by
cattle, the frequency distribution of sward heights was
swamping the effects of patchy nutrient returns from most poorly described by the single-normal distri-
dung and urine. bution. The fit was particularly poor during the
Intensively grazed sheep and cattle swards in the summer months when coefficients of variation in
sourveld of South Africa can have both a lower variance sward height were high. This corresponds to periods
and a lower proportion of tall material than less when plant growth rates are high, and small differ-
intensely grazed swards (Morris et al., 1999). In tem- ences in defoliation frequency can generate larger
perate regions, similar responses to intensity of cattle differences in sward height than at other times of the
grazing have also been observed in sown swards in the year; excluding the inadequate single-normal distribu-
UK (Gibb and Ridout, 1988) and in Arrhenatherion tion, which had the best fit? Considering only the AIC
grassland in continental Europe (Correll et al., 2003). statistics, the log-normal distribution commonly had
The results from swards grazed at different stocking the best fit in the 8-cm swards, but the magnitude of
densities of sheep in this study are consistent with these the differences in AIC statistics between the distri-
observations. Sward height in the cattle studies was butions, when compared with the difference between
measured using a rising plate meter, which sampled a them and the single-normal distribution, was small.
much larger area (710–930 cm2) than the sward stick Thus, no distribution had clearly and consistently the
(2 cm2) used in this study. Due to its smaller sampling best fit to the data based on the AIC statistics. From
area, the sward stick is likely to be more sensitive to the inspection of the pattern of deviances over the range
small-scale horizontal variability in sward height found of heights (Figure 5), the Weibull distribution can be
in swards grazed by sheep. The differences between rejected because of bias in its fit although it offers
sward heights (or grazing intensities) are compatible considerable flexibility in determining the shape of the
with the observation that grazing livestock are more distributions, at the expense of an extra parameter.
selective and patch grazing is more prevalent under low Overall the log-normal distribution showed bias least
than high grazing intensities (Edwards et al., 1996). often, closely followed by the gamma distribution and
However, in rotationally grazed cattle swards, the more then by the double-normal distribution. There was no

 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Grass and Forage Science, 60, 4–16
14 G. T. Barthram et al.

8 cm-Hartwood 8 cm-Sourhope 4 cm-Hartwood


Difference (%)
1 0


Difference (%)

2 0


Difference (%)

3 0


Difference (%)



Difference (%)

5 0

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

Midpoint of theoretical interval Midpoint of theoretical interval Midpoint of theoretical interval

(%) (%) (%)

Figure 5 Differences between the percentage of the observed data and the percentage of the distributions that fell in
rounding intervals of the height data. The x-axis shows the midpoint (%) of the rounding intervals calculated for the relevant
distributions, and the y-axis shows the difference between the percentage of the observations and the percentage of the fitted
distributions lying in each interval. Points that lie on the horizontal 0% line show perfect correspondence between fitted and
observed distributions. A point below the line shows that there were fewer observed heights than in the fitted density function
(overfit) and a point above the line shows that there were more heights than the fitted density function (underfit). The
left-hand column shows combined data from the 8-cm swards at the Hartwood site, the central column from the 8-cm swards
at the Sourhope site and the right-hand column from the 4-cm swards at the Hartwood site. Rows one to five show
single-normal, double-normal, log-normal, gamma and Weibull distributions respectively.

 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Grass and Forage Science, 60, 4–16
Frequency distributions of sward heights under grazing 15

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16 G. T. Barthram et al.

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