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Unit name: Module code and title: LVL 4 Introduction to People Management

 CW1 - Individual Research Portfolio

ID: 22026179
Leadership and management in Nissan Motor....................................................................................2
Leadership style that Nissan follows....................................................................................................3
Training and development in Nissan....................................................................................................4
Talent management underpin performance management in Nissan..................................................4
Recommendation and conclusion........................................................................................................5
Every business need to give their highest concern over the management practices.
management is the bigger picture and practice in the business that make connection of all the
department, make solid use of resources, making decision for the future growth and
implement the planning too. Management need to play the eldership role in different
condition according to the situation. Different leadership model and management function
need to understand by the business. Also, they are playing key role of doing talent
management that includes right recruitment process, provide training and development
program to employees, employee management, conflict management etc. to ensure better
growth of the business. For this paper, Nissan motor chosen as the business to define the
overall management approach that connects with leadership, management, talent
management, training and development programs etc.

Leadership and management in Nissan Motor

Nissan motor started their journey since 1934as Japanese brand. They are having global
operation and presence with their variety design of cars and automobile products and service.
This business is having effective growth against their competitors in whole world as they
produced over 4757000 units and more than 23000 employees in all over the world in their
manufacturing, sales, service team (Nissan, 2021). It is more important for this business to set
the right management strategy to adapt the best strategy and make further progress to reach
the goals and objectives of the business.
There are some major features does the Nissan is having in their operation management
functions that includes planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling. Nissan is
operating with manufacturing and selling their automobiles products and service. This
industry is much more competitive than previous because of globalization large access does
all the automobile business are having. It is not only limited with the manufacturing the
product but also making promotion, sales, custom attachment, employee’s management with
reflective R&D with skilled manpower to reach the goal of the business. Henri Fayol’s five
function of management that shows planning, organizing, command, coordination and control
that use b this business. It starts with planning where this business sets up the certain plan of
action and attach all the function under the plan (Ward, 2021). For this business
manufacturing is not just the fact because they are direct seller. They need to understand the
market first. It reflects with analyse over the current market and get clear understanding over
the concept. It is also important to analyse the right market demand to set the manufacturing
unit and design & quality of products and service that the business is going to offer. It is also
important to attach marketing, finance and HR function with the production planning to get
the right number of skilled people, having proper knowledge over the market demand and the
financial backup to run the project for this business (Bright & Cortes, 2019)
Organizing is the second phase of this plan that shows the helps to provide everything with
the plan of action where business need to give highest concern over adapting the right skilled
manpower and financial backup. They need to determine over the right number and deskill
manpower to reduce the cost and increase productivity of the business. At the same time, they
should arrange the fund for making further progress of the business plan. Command is one of
the stage and step that shows the management leadership approaches where management
should stay with their rules and regulation and policy of the business (Ward, 2021). At the
same time, they also should provide the right guidelines to their team to reach the further
growth of the business. Management should have competent personnel, they should know
their strength and limitation and set the plan and also make attachment of the target
employees. They should give more supportive command and direction to their team with
setting the goal and show the implementation plan to reach the goal for the business (Witzel,
Management also need to give more concern over the coordination that shows understanding
responsilbities and resource of each other and also give concern over the activities of the
business to set the right strategy to reach the goal for the business. Management also need to
set the controlling approaches that helps to make control over the work and plan and also
measure the progress of their employee’s activities under the plan implementation policy.

Leadership style that Nissan follows

There are different leadership style does the business need to concern and should utilize the
best suitable for them. Transformational Leadership style that is using by Nissan at the
present time. This is one of the effective leadership style that shows management playing the
leadership role and they are keep motivating their employees and also concern over the
morality of their employees. Transformational leadership shows some characteristics like
high margin of charisma to understand the follower and make something interesting to keep
involving employees with the strategy and get best out of from theme. There are some major
concerning areas does the transformational leadership is having like idealised influences to
the employees, personalise the consideration, motivational approaches etc. (Manzoni, 2003)
By utilizing the Transformational Leadership, this business is having strong and motivated
employees team that faces different difficulties and set their approaches to reach the goal of
the business. It is also helps this business to get solution of different complex issues and
situation to define the problems and set the right approaches to reach the goal. It also promote
the creative environment for the business that is more effective to reach the goal for them.
Transformational Leadership increase the efficiency of employees to build strong team and
secure better management of the business to reach the goal. Transformational Leadership
helps to set a vision and make attachment of all the employees with the vision. It helps to
develop the effective leadership approaches to set the challenging vision, an attached all the
employees with the objective to reach the goal. Inspiration and motivation is the base form to
increase potentials of employees and reach the goal (Schminke, 2011).
There are different limitation does the Transformational Leadership is having under this
business too. It need more time to adapt the strategy and also some uncertain sues can be
occurs due to the different external environmental practices and factor that makes impact in
the business strategy and approaches. It is more important to have the right skilled leadership
in this Transformational Leadership because negative leader’s does makes negative impact on
the business. Nissan is run-in with efficient leadership with positive manner that ensure
positive Transformational Leadership practices (Sims, 2002). Transformational Leadership
increase morale and create the ethical environment but sometime leaders lose focus on the
individuals that make impact on getting the right output form them. It is important for this
business to give better concern over different other leadership style where they can adapt the
transformational leadership too. Different external issue makes changes in the operational
process of this business and the business need to adapt the changes and set the right strategy
to reach the goal

Training and development in Nissan

Training and development process is one of the key practices of the business that helps to
improve performance of individuals and groups of employees according to the need of the
business to reach their goal. Training and development process sets up with the systematic
process that helps to transfer technical and management skill to reach the potentials of
employees. It helps to develop employee skill level to make best use of their employees to
increase performance and reach goal and objectives of the business (Laura, 2013)
There are certain strategy and steps does the Training and development process is using by
Nissan management. They determining the need of Training and development process for the
teams and the individual employees by reflecting the performance management. It helps to
identify the employees lacking according to the responsibility given to them. Also, all the
new employees of this business is getting the primary training form the management to
understand and adapt the organizational policy and approaches. It is effective to establish the
specific objective and goals too. There are different training ethos doe she business can use.
Due to Covid, Nissan is offering the online training session also they are having the course
with certification as providing professional certification over different training program, It
also improve the motivation and inspiration of each employees to get the certificate over any
professional term. Due to the Training and development process, this business salsa monitor
and control activities of employees that getting Training and development process. They sets
the evaluating process to measure the progress of sill of each employees or group. It shows
the evaluation process of performance that the employees receives Training and development
process (Satyendra, 2014)
Effective Training and development process helps to make solid use of reargues o the
business. It also increase item management, team management, eldership skill of employees
and management too. Training and development process helps to increase the performance
and productivity with right motivation that helps to reach the higher quality service former
employee to make best use of manpower to reach the vision of the business

Talent management underpin performance management in

Talent management is one of the effective strategy that helps to set better program and
process that helps to attract, select and retaining best skilled employees in the business. There
are certain combination of HR process that helps to make solid progress of the business.
Workforce planning, employee engagement, learning and development, different
performance management, recruiting, retention all comes under this talent management
approaches. It is important for Nissan to do better Talent management that starts with job
description where management defines the job role to the employees. They also concern to
define the skills of people that relates with their job responsilbities to get final selection.
Management also need to check the person-organization fit according to their appearance,
values and thinking perception. Talent management reflects with right colalboriaton of
employees to the business and provide the right reward and recognition of the business to
reach the higher growth and ensure better continuous development (Otiondo, 2004)
The model of Talent management shows the right planning of the employee manement where
performance management plays major role to value skill of employees and set the right
strategy goof attracting employees with right strategy and select the best approaches. They
also need to run the continuous development program to keep employee motivate Dn provide
right reward against the performance evaluation

Recommendation and conclusion

This paper describes different terms of management and leadership where it defines Nissan is
using the transformational leadership strategy while they can update their approaches by
adapting the transformational leadership too. Due to the Covid 19, disposal income margin
down and also Customer preferences changes too. Due to the environmental safety issues,
Customer are giving more concur over environment sustainable automobile products and
services and to do this, Nissan need to give more concern over R&D and coming up with
innovative approaches in their product and services. They also need to give more concern
over their talent management as re retiming the right skilled people and also offer them right
training and development program to make slid attachment with their innovative progress.
They also need to use the performance management strategy that twill help to define the skill
level of their employees at present and set the plan of progress with more control and monitor
the progress to reach the goal of the business

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