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Solid Mechanics

Prof. Sam Fragomeni

Session 11
Stress Transformations
(Mohrs circle)
(Ch 14 Statics & Mech of Materials, 4 Ed by Hibbeler)
14.1 Plane-Stress Transformation
 General state of stress at a point is characterized by
6 independent normal and shear stress components.
 It can be analyzed in a single plane of a body, the
material can said to be subjected to plane stress.
14.1 Plane-Stress Transformation
 Stress components from one orientation of an
element can transform to an element having a
different orientation.

Example 14.1
The state of plane stress at a point on the surface of the airplane fuselage is
represented on the element oriented as shown. Represent the state of stress at the
point on an element that is oriented 30°clockwise from the position shown.

The element is sectioned by the line a–a.

The free-body diagram of the segment is as shown.

Applying the equations of force equilibrium in the
x’ and y’ direction,

+ ∑ Fx ' = 0; σ x ' ∆A − (50∆A cos 30°) cos 30° + (25∆A cos 30°)sin 30°
+ (80∆A sin 30°)sin 30° + (25∆A sin 30°) cos 30° = 0
σ x ' = −4.15 MPa (Ans)

+ ∑ Fy ' = 0; τ x'y' ∆A − (50∆A cos 30°)sin 30° − (25∆A cos 30°) cos 30°
− (80∆A sin 30°) cos 30° + (25∆A cos 30°)sin 30° = 0
τ x'y' = 68.8 MPa (Ans)
Repeat the procedure to obtain the stress on the perpendicular plane b–b.

+ ∑ Fx ' = 0; σ x ' ∆A − (25∆A cos 30°)sin 30° + (80∆A cos 30°) cos 30°
− (25∆A cos 30°) cos 30° − (50∆A sin 30°)sin 30° = 0
σ x ' = −25.8 MPa (Ans)
+ ∑ Fy ' = 0; - τ x'y' ∆A + (25∆A cos 30°) cos 30° + (80∆A cos 30°)sin 30°
− (25∆A sin 30°)sin 30° + (50∆A sin 30°) cos 30° = 0
τ x'y' = 68.8 MPa (Ans)

The state of stress at the point can

be represented by choosing
an element oriented.
14.2 General Equations of Plane-Stress
 Positive normal stress acts outward from all
faces and positive shear stress acts upward on
the right-hand face of the element, as below.

σ x +σ y σ x −σ y
σ x' = + cos 2θ + τ xy sin 2θ
2 2
σ x −σ y
τ x' y' = − sin 2θ + τ xy cos 2θ
Example 14.2
The state of plane stress at a point is represented by the element (as taken from
example 14.1). Determine the state of stress at the point on another element
oriented 30°clockwise from the position shown.

From the sign convention we have,
σ x = −80 MPa σ y = 50 MPa τ xy = −25 MPa θ = −30°

To obtain the stress components on plane CD,

σ +σ y σ x −σ y
σ x' = x + cos 2θ + τ xy sin 2θ = −25.8 MPa (Ans)
2 2
σ −σ y
τ x' y' = − x sin 2θ + τ xy cos 2θ = −68.8 MPa (Ans)
To obtain the stress components on plane BC,

σ x = −80 MPa σ y = 50 MPa τ xy = −25 MPa θ = 60°

σ x +σ y σ x −σ y
σ x' = + cos 2θ + τ xy sin 2θ = −4.15 MPa (Ans)
2 2
σ x −σ y
τ x' y' = − sin 2θ + τ xy cos 2θ = 68.8 MPa (Ans)

The results are shown on the element as shown.

14.3 Principal Stresses and Maximum In-Plane Shear
In-Plane Principal Stresses
 Orientation of the planes will determine the
maximum and minimum normal stress.
τ xy
tan 2θ p =
(σ x − σ y )/ 2

 The solution has two roots, thus we obtain the

following principle stress.
σ x +σ y  σ x −σ y 

σ 1, 2 = ±   + τ xy 2 where σ 1 > σ 2
2  2 
14.3 Principal Stresses and Maximum In-Plane Shear
Maximum In-Plane Shear Stress
 Orientation of an element will determine the maximum
and minimum shear stress.

− (σ x − σ y ) / 2
tan 2θ s =
τ xy

 The solution has two roots, thus we obtain the

maximum in-plane shear stress and averaged
normal stress.
 σ x −σ y 
σ x +σ y
τ max in -plane =   + τ xy 2
σ avg =
 2  2
Example 14.5
When the torsional loading T is applied to the bar it produces a state of pure shear
stress in the material. Determine (a) the maximum in-plane shear stress and the
associated average normal stress, and (b) the principal stress.

From the sign convention we have, σ x = 0 σy =0 τ xy = −τ
a) Maximum in-plane shear stress is

 σ x −σ y  σ x +σ y

τ max in -plane =   + τ xy = ±τ
σ avg = = 0 (Ans)
 2  2
b) For principal stress,
τ xy
tan 2θ p =
(σ x − σ y )/ 2 ⇒ σ p 2 = 45°,σ p1 = 135°
σ x +σ y  σ x −σ y 

σ 1, 2 = ±   + τ xy 2 = ±τ (Ans)
2  2 
14.4 Mohr’s Circle—Plane Stress
 Plane stress transformation is able to have a graphical
solution that is easy to remember.
Example 14.8
The state of plane stress at a point is shown on the element. Determine the
maximum in-plane shear stresses and the orientation of the element upon which
they act.

We first construct of the circle, σ x = −20, σ y = 90 and τ xy = 60
− 20 + 90
The center of the circle C is on the axis σatavg = = 35 MPa

From point C and the A(-20, 60) are plotted, we have R = 60 + 55 = 81.4 MPa
2 2

Max in-plane shear stress and average normal stress are

τ max in -plane = 81.4 MPa , σ avg = 35 MPa (Ans)
The counter-clockwise angle is
 20 + 35 
2θ s1 = tan −1   ⇒ 21.3° (Ans)
 60 
Example 14a
An axial force of 900 N and a torque 2.5 Nm of are applied to the shaft. The shaft
diameter is 40 mm, find the principal stresses at a point P on its surface.

The stresses produced at point P is
Tc 2.5(0.02) P 900
τ= = = 198 .9 kPa, σ = = = 716.2 kPa
2 (0.02 )
J π 4
A π (0.02 )2

The principal stresses can be found using Mohr’s circle,

0 + 716.2
σ avg = = 358.1 kPa
Principal stresses are represented by points B and D,
σ 1 = 358.1 + 409.7 = 767.7 kPa (Ans)
σ 2 = 358.1 − 409.7 = −51.5 kPa (Ans)

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