Second Mid-Term Evidence Portfolio

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Student´s name: Diane Edith Luna Topete

Semester: 5th

Group: 6

English IV A2.1

L.E.L.I. Paola Ángeles Solís

Sync Number 1

Date: Saturday, September, 10th, 2022

Date: Satuday, September 17th, 2022

To start with your online activities, click here Present simple

1. Read Presentation / Objective. In every language, grammar represents
qualities of its components.

Activity 1_Weather. Answer and paste a screenshot of your results

Activity 2_Read and relate. Answer and paste a screenshot of your results
Activity 3_Listening for specific information. Answer and paste a screenshot of your

2. Activity 4_Places around the world. Writ down the activity on your notebook,
take a photo and paste your evidence here below
Date: Saturday, September 24th, 2022
To start with your online activities, click here QUANTIFIERS
1. Read Presentation / Objective.
2. Answer the Exercise and paste a screenshots of your results

3. Read the information about Countable nouns, Uncountable nouns and

4. Answer the Exercise 1 and paste a screenshots of your results
5. Answer the Exercise 2 and paste a screenshots of your results

6. Answer the Exercise 3 and paste a screenshots of your results

7. Activity 1_ What people eat for dinner around the world. Answer Activity 1
and paste a screenshot of your results

8. Activity 3_ Let’s do some grocery shopping! Answer Activity 3_Let’s cook
now! and paste a screenshot of your results
9. Activity 4_What people eat for dinner in Mexico. Write on your notebook two
paragraphs (80-100 words) giving a general description of the types of food
Mexican people usually eat for dinner. Don’t forget to include the name and
a brief description of some traditional dishes. Remember to include as many
quantifiers as possible in your description. Finally take a photo and paste it
here below.

How much / how many
10. Answer and paste a screenshot of your results
Date: Saturday, October, 1 st, 2022

To start with your online activities, click here Modal Verb Will and Idiomatic Future
Going to
1. Read Presentation / Objective and Content. In every language, grammar
represents qualities of its components.

2. Activity 1. Read Technology in the future, answer and pastre a screenshot

of your results below.

I cant open the page

3. Activity 2. When I’m sixty-four. Answer the questions
How good are you at predicting?
Would you like to predict the future?
Do you know who Nostradamus was?
Do you like songs? Do you enjoy singing?

4. Answer Activity 2- Part 1 and paste a screenshot of your results below.

5. Answer Activity 2- Part 2 and paste a screenshot of your results below.

6. Activity 3.Fortune telling
Let’s suppose Nostradamus is coming to Mexico City. Predict the activities
he is going to do, and the places he is going to visit. Also what kind of food
he will eat. Try to use true information about the city and use the correct
tenses when writing about predictions: will and going to. Write a minimum of
60-70 words.

You can help yourself by using the following expressions to talk about the
future and will:

I think he’ll, He’ll probably, I don’t think he’ll, I doubt he’ll, Maybe he’ll, I’m
sure he won’t, I hope he will, I’m sure he will


7. Activity 4. My life
Can you imagine where you will be in ten years’ time? What will you be doing? Are
you going to be married? Have children?
Time to talk. Predict your future life. You are going to talk about your future. Think
about the following aspects: get married, have children, doing a masters, get a
good job, learn to drive, become famous and live abroad.
Your audio should last from 1:30 to 2 minutes.
Upload it to your Drive folder
8. A bit of grammar?? Training exercises . Complete the sentences
using will (‘ll) or going to, then paste a screenshot of your results

Evidence Portfolio and Speaking – October 8th Before 11AM
Garza Platform Test – October 8th it opens at 7AM and closes at 8PM

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