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Let's value what we have

One morning three young friends, who are in their third year of high school, undertook a very
exciting trip with their classmates to a museum, where the security police say that the
mummies come to life at night, and you can also find from the customs and traditions of
different cultures to the jewels owned by Atahualpa himself. The latter caught the attention of
the three boys who, out of curiosity, separated from their classmates and their teacher to
explore the museum in their own way. Thus began the adventure of Alexis, José Arturo and
Juan Diego.

- Look guys, that painting of Atahualpa is very cool! Alexis said in amazement.

- Yes, it looks very colorful and striking, I love it - said José Arturo

- I would put it in my living room – said Juan Diego

Shortly after, his teacher and classmates noticed the absence of his three classmates, they
looked for them until they found them

- Alexis, José Arturo, Juan Diego May this be the first and last time you do that! - said the
teacher very angry

And so it was, no one separated again; then when everything seemed to be going well, the last
in line began to make a mess, throwing tomatoes at the windows and paintings that exhibit
the cultural diversity of our country. Suddenly the doors of the museum closed, mummies such
as the one from Pachacamac, unwrapped their bandages, ran around and turned the
companions who threw the tomatoes into stone. When Alexis, José Arturo and Juan Diego saw
this, they felt chills run through their bodies and decided to get closer to save their

- Forgive them please, what they did was very wrong, we can help them change their attitude -
Alexis begged

- No, they have disrespected us terribly - said the mummy of Pachacamac

- Can't we do something for you? - Asked Jose Arturo

- Please, they are our companions - said Juan Diego

- If they clean the museum we will let them go - said the mummy of Pachacamac

- What's more, we'll even leave it shining - Alexis said smiling

The three friends, with the help of their teacher and classmates, cleaned up the remains of the
tomato. The Pachacamac mummy and the other mummies were happy and immediately
released those responsible for the incident.

Finally, things returned to their place, the doors of the museum opened. The last in line
reflected while they were turned into rock, they realized the cultural richness of our country
and why we should value it and be proud; and it is that they are our roots, our history.

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