#3 Test For Kids

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Nama :

Tanggal :


Let’s Go to The Fair~
Write the names of the rides according to their own pictures.
(Tuliskan nama-nama wahana berdasarkan gambarnya masing-masing.)
1. 2.

3. 4.

1. 6.
What are Their Feelings?
Answer the questions below according to each pictures. If the answer is
“NO”, please give the correct answer.
(Jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah berdasarkan masing-masing
gambarnya. Jika jawabnnya “TIDAK”, berikan jawaban yang benar.)
7. 8.

Is she excited? Is he hungry?

9. 10.

Is he happy? Is she hot?

11. 12.

Is he sad? Is she tired?

13. 14.

Is she thirsty? Is he scared?

15. 16.

Is he happy? Is she sleepy?

17. 18.

Are they scared? Are they tired?

19. 20.

Are they hungry? Are they angry?

Look at the Pets!
Describe the pet in the pictures with full sentence.
(Deskripsikan hewan peliharaan di gambar dengan kalimat yang lengkap.)

21. 22.

23. 24.

25. 26.

27. 28.
Hey, Mr. X!
Look at the picture of Mr. X with his pets, then answer the questions
(Lihat gambar Barbie bersama hewan peliharaanya, kemudian jawab
pertanyaan di bawah.)

29. Does Mr. X have sheep? ________________________

30. Does he have a cat? _______________________

31. Does he have pigs? ________________________

32. Does Mr. X have a dog? ________________________

Look at Our Pets!
Look at the picture below, then answer the questions.
(Lihat gambar di bawah, kemudian jawab pertanyaannya.)

33. Which pet is big?

34. Which pet is in the water?

35. Which pet is green?

36. Which pet has yellow eyes?

My Body
Write the words for each picture.
(Tuliskan kata-kata untuk setiap gambar).

37. 38.

39. 40.

41. 42.
Hey, Sophia!
Look at the picture of sophia, and write down 4 things she has.
(Lihatlah gambar, dan tuliskan 4 hal yang dia punya.)

43. Sophia has _______________________________

44. She has _________________________________
45. ________________________________________
46. ________________________________________
Hey, Robot!
Look at the picture of a robot, and write down 4 things it has.
(Lihatlah gambar, dan tuliskan 4 hal yang ia punya.)

47. The robot has _______________________________

48. ________________________________________
49. ________________________________________
50. ________________________________________

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