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Young Christian Students Forum

Seminar on Holistic Growth, Health, Hygiene & Holiness for Teenage Boys

Venue : Manalikarai
Date : 05 Feb 2023
Time : 10.00 am to 1.00 noon
Seminar given by : Dn. Vivin Rodrigues OCD
TRUST BUILDING & ICE BREAKING GAME: Save the ballon in a group, without falling

I. GROWTH & HEALTH - 6 factors

PESRIS (MSk; tsuDk; mwpTk; tsuDk; mJ jhd; lh tsHr;rp)

(cly;> czHT> ghypay;> cwT> mwpT> Md;kpf tsHr;rp & ey tho;T)
P – Physical E- Emotional S- Sexual R-Relational I-Intelligence S- Spiritual
Self Evaluation (Questionnaire to be prepared and given)

1. Food: Junk Food, Snacks, Fast Food, Soft Drinks

2. Sleep: What you do half an hour before sleep influences your brain
Statistics (2022) : Boys: PUBG, Reels, Porn & Girls : Korean love series
Body will sleep, mind will not sleep. It takes 4hrs to settle.
What to do? Replace junk with fruits. Do book reading or bible reading before sleep.
Don’t keep the cell phone in vibrating mode. Drink a lot of water. Urinate well.
Emotions – Outer ME Feelings – Inner ME
Unexpressed Emotions will never die
Negative emotions : Fear , Anger, Grief, Guilt ( gak;> Nfhgk;> tUj;jk;> Fw;w czHT)
Emotional Black mailing ( Very Dangerous)
Fear : flight – fright – fight – fit responses.
Anger : 90% suffer from anger. Healthy ways to handle anger
 Cooling off period. (sit in a chair with arms tight)
 Express the object of anger (write it in a paper and burn it)
Grief (tUj;jk;> ,og;G) – Mourning time – Relive the event.
Guilt – Compensate with something else
 The most beautiful & wonderful gift of God.
 Sexual attraction : Hormones - Testosterone, androgen. Oestrogen in female
 Attraction towards other sex
 How long it will last?
 Adoloscent Age: tsH ,sk; gUtk;. (Pimples, Pubic hair, Voice break,
 Process
ATTRACTION : A human gets connected with 83 lakh people in his life time.

Animus – male energy Anima – female energy ( 51% animus & 49% anima in

Sexual orientations: LGBTQI

Myths to be destroyed: Wet dreams are sin and bad. Fearful of Morning
Sexual Deviations:
1. Masturbation : Wasting our energy. Once or twice a day.
Reasons: Loneliness, Childhood unmet needs, stress, fear, anger, porn usage – phone
Types: Occasional, Habitual, Compulsive, Therapeutic
How to Overcome? Good Hobbies , Music, dance, Sports, Studies, Being Busy , Being
Creative (gilg;ghw;wy;> gzpahw;wy;)> Fspj;jy;> Urinate immediately.
2. Pornography: (jtwhd ghy; czHit J}z;Lk; glq;fs;)
%isia kYq;fbf;Fk;> ,iwtd; je;j ghYzHit jtwhf rpj;jhpj;jy;)
3. Homosexuality : Be Careful. ,iwtdpd; jpl;lj;jpw;F vjpuhdJ. Hostels, Jail,
4. Pedophilia / Child Abuse : POCSO rl;lk;. Know about Good touch, Bad

 Game : Save the Human race : Doctor(M), Engineer(M), Scientist (F), Child (F),
Farmer(M), Teacher(F), Priest(M), Architect(F), Old woman(F), Sick patient(M)
You can save only 4 persons. Discuss in Group
Types of Persons in Relationship:
 TURTLE (Mik) – fz;Lf;nfhs;shky; tpofp epw;Fk; cwT
 SHARK (Rwh) – rz;il Nghl;L jd;id Kd;dpiyg;gLj;Jk; cwT
 TEDDY BEAR (fub nghk;ik) – vLg;ghH ifg;gps;is (Mkh rhkp NghLgtH)
 FOX (ehp) – je;jpukhd cwTfs;
 OWL (Me;ij)- ntw;wp ngw itf;Fk; cwtfs;
3 types of groups – lion, sheep, dolphin
 HETERO SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP : mLj;j ghypdj;jhUld; el;GwT
3 epiyfs;
1. <Hg;G epiy (romance stage)
2. rz;il my;yJ ntWg;G epiy (hatred stage)
3. tsHr;rp epiy (growth stage)
Infatuation : intense bodily experience. (clypd; <h;g;G)
Love : 2 types – Genital Love, Affectionate love
Affection: Concern for other’s welfare -mLj;jtH eyd;
ngz;fis kjpj;jy; : ek;ik Nghd;wtHfs;

fz;fs; ghHit (Eyeing) - Business Eyeing, Social Eyeing, Intimate Eyeing

A- Accept (Vw;Wf; nfhs;Nthk;)
B- Befriend (ez;gdhf;FNthk;)
C- Channelise (gilg;ghw;wNyhL gf;Ftg;gLj;JNthk;)
How to see Women? Triangle forehead model

 INTELLECTUAL – mwpT tshr;rp

 czHr;rp (Gyd; mwpT)
 rpe;jidAk; fw;gidAk;)
 fz;-if xd;wpj;j nray;ghL
 IQ, EQ, SQ
 Practical tips : Sit in a place for 3 hrs . Repetition – Knowledge
 Time management : Sit and write before sleep. What you did? Calculate how
much time you wasted?
 Book Reading : Best friend in our life. Gj;jfNk

 SPIRITUAL – Md;kpfk;

- Y}f;fh 2:52 ( Qhdj;jpYk;> clypYk;> tsh;r;rp ngw;W)

- Y}f;fh 7: 11-16 ( ,isQNd vOe;jpL)
- Bl. Carlo Acutis, Internet-d; ghJfhtyh;
- Personal prayer to Jesus( ,NaRtplk; ez;gid Nghy NgRjy;)
- Personal Rosary (nrgkhiy)
- Atleast One chapter Bible reading (tptpypak; thrpj;jy;)
II. STRESS – gak;> gjl;lk;> jw;nfhiy czHT
Stress in Relationship
Stress in Studies
Stress in Love
Stress in Family, Parents
In order to remove stress , youth become addicted.

III. ADDICTION : continuous practice of a thing makes addiction ( what you see,
Why Addiction?
- Fear of pain
- Fear of Failure
- Fear of Loneliness
5 stages of addiction: 1. Interest 2. Experiment 3. Regular Use 4. Dependency 5.
Types of Addiction : Alcohol, Drug, Cell Phone, Masturbation, Pornography, Social
Media, Video Games. ( Cool lips, Hans, Kanja)
clypy; tUk; Mgj;jhd tpisTfs; : %is jpwd; nrayghL FiwT> ,ja Neha;fs;> kwjp> gbg;gpy;
ftdkpd;ik> euk;G jsHr;rp.


Cleaniless is next to Godliness.
Rj;jk; NrhW NghLk;.
- How to clean your body? Clean your private parts
- Bad smell – in our Body
- Clean your dresses and inner wears properly
- Body mannerisms before girls – be careful (sweat smell, etc.)
- Touch mannerisms, smell mannerisms, eye mannerisms, mouth mannerisms,
blowing nose
- Way of dressing matters (clues for others – pant loop holding, low hip, ear
- Shaking legs, restless, cackling the throat, nose drilling.
xUq;fpize;j tsh;r;rpAk; eytho;Tk; jhd; ek;ik Gdpj tho;tpw;F miog;Jr; nry;Yk;. ek;ik
ehk; mwpNthk;. ,NaRit Nghy tsHNthk;.

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