Durant Trails Hoa August 2011 Minutes

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DURANT TRAILS HOA, INC. Meeting minutes for August 16, 2011 Homeowner Forum: I.

Call to order Meeting called to order at 6:03pm(Matoka held meeting because Bebee was not present) II. Designation of Quorum/Election of Officers Attendees: Board Members Mark Eisele, Jennifer Hicks, David Jares, Johnny Popson, Sue Reynolds and Matoka Snuggs from Charleston Management. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes a. July minutes were approved. 1st motion by Johnny and a 2nd by Mark and all were in favor. Sue will send to Kevin to post. Treasurers Report a. If you would like to see the report call Charleston Management. Management Report a. The management company continues to strive to have a small amount of delinquent dues. Currently there are seven HOA foreclosures in the neighborhood. Homeowners are encouraged to contact Charleston management if they are having issues with paying dues. A payment plan can be set up to avoid additional costs from the lawyer. Committee Reports a. The Reserve, not present. b. Architectural Review, Bebee Arnold and Jennifer Hicks i. 2905 Hiking Trail needs another follow up. Jennifer suggested we need to have a fine hearing. Matoka will follow up with Bebee c. Communications, Sue Reynolds i. Fall newsletter/ if anyone has anything to add please let Sue know ii. Resent summer newsletter and the minutes from April, May, and June to Kevin. Bebee will talk with Kevin to come up with a more consistent procedure for posting to the website in a timely manner. d. Landscaping and Grounds, David Jares i. Evergreen Lawn Service submitted a yearly quote of $22,800. Johnny motioned to accept them as our new landscaper and Jennifer seconded with all in favor. ii. We will draft their contract dated until December of 2012 so we can get all of our contracts on the yearly calendar. This will help with budgeting purposes. iii. Mark reported that it is not possible into to stripe the street at the Litchford/Scouting entrance because it is not a wide enough area.


IV. V.


e. Activities, Rebecca Kaiser i. Rebecca is planning the Fall Festival, Movie Nights and the fall Yard Sale. Dates will be in the upcoming newsletter. f. Pool i. The pool will remain open if construction is not ready to start. ii. Mark did not report the glass at the pool due to the fact that we do not have hours posted and if someone was at the pool then there is really no way of saying they were trespassing since the hours are not posted. Matoka will go up and post the hours. g. Tennis Courts i. A letter was sent to a homeowner who has been teaching lessons at the tennis courts on a daily basis. We asked that he stop teaching lessons due to liability issues as well as not communicating clearly with the board. He is invited to come to a board meeting to discuss the issue. VII. Unfinished Business: a. Clubhouse i. Dan Huffman presented his options for repairing/replacing the exciting retaining wall. We all decided that the best option would be to replace the entire retaining wall so that it would look more finished instead of pieced together. Dan will get the additional quotes. ii. There are still many unknown that can cause issues with the quotes; retaining wall and parking lot. The 5% contingency should cover it but we should expect some additional costs. iii. Right now we still do not have a break down of costs from either contractor. We suggested to Dan that we give them another week so we can get the permit requests into the city. Since the other contractors have not followed through Jennifer Hicks will contact Richard Kolarov to see if he is interested. Dan has his contact information and he will get the plans to him ASAP. Another contractor Woodard backed out of the project. iv. Current Quotes(includes 5% contingency) 1. Gary Judy $358, 323 (could possibly shave about $10000) 2. Solid Builders $379,172(possible $6000)

VIII. Next Board MeetingSeptember 20th 6pm IX. Meeting adjourned around 7:00

ACTION ITEMS: Matoka: Talk with Bebee about 2905 Hiking Add hours to the pool sign

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