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Nombre: Jhon Cristian Mamani valencia Código: 222124
1.Complete the sentences by using a verb in the present simple. Here is a list of verbsto
Arrive cry earn eat Flow freeze go Kiss
Learn live play skate snow watch
1. Lions live in Africa.

2. The Thames flows through London.

3.The English eat a lot of potatoes.

4. My mother works in an office.

5. That student arrives late every morning.

6.Doctors earn high salaries.

7.My grandmother kisses all her grandchildren every morning.
8.My sister always cries when watching a sad film.
9.My parents go on holiday to Spain every year.
10.It snows a lot in Sweden.
11.One of my brothers plays the violin.
12.Children learn foreign languages easily.
13.The lake freezes every winter, and children skate on the ice.
2.Now look at this information about Joe Sutton and underline all the Present Simple
Joe Sutton is a professional boxer. He enjoys his job. He works very hard and earns a lot
of money. He lives in a small town but he trains in London. He lives a very healthy life. He
goes to bed early, gets up early and runs twenty kilometers at 6 every morning. His friends
watch all the fights on TV. They like boxing and they want Joe Sutton to be the world
1.Does Joe enjoy boxing? Yes, he does.

2.Does he earn a lot of money? Yes, he does.

3.Does he live in a big city? No, he doesn't.
4.Does he train in London? Not mentioned in the information.5.Does
he arrive late? No, he doesn't.
6. Does he wake up early? Not mentioned in the information.

7. Does he run a hundred kilometers every morning? No, he doesn't.

8.Are his fights broadcasted on TV? Yes, they are.

9.Do his friends like boxing? Yes, they do.
10.Does she like boxing? No, she doesn't.
11.Does she go to his fights? No, she doesn't.
12.Does she watch them on TV? Yes, she does.
13.Do they like boxing? No, they don't.
15.Do they go to his fights? Yes, they do.
16.Is she the referee? Yes, she is.
4.Correct these facts by making the verbs negative
1.The sun doesn't go round the earth.
2.The Nile doesn't flow through Moscow.
3.English people don't eat a lot of pasta.
4.It doesn't rain a lot in the Sahara.
5.Wine doesn't come from apples.
6.Petrol doesn't cost a lot in Saudi Arabia.
7.Kangaroos don't live in Africa.
8. Stars don't shine during the day.

9. I don't live in Australia.

10.Our teacher doesn't give us homework every day.

11.The government doesn't cut taxes every year.

12.Italian footballers don't play badly.
13.James Bond doesn't work for the Russians.
5.Write a oar an in each gap. (complete in red color)
1.An English book
2. An apple

3. A university

4.An elephant
5.A European city
6.A house
7.A hospital
8.An hour
9.An atom
10.An onion
11.A yacht
12.A helicopter
13. An eagle
14.An old man
15.An uncle
16.An excellent student
6.Write a or an or one in each gap. Complete in red color

1.He has a brother and three sisters.

2. Can you lend me a pen?

3. He is wearing only one shoe.

4.She is wearing a new dress.

5.He gave a diamond ring.
6.I mustn't eat more than one biscuit.
7.The lessons cost $25 an hour.
8.My uncle is an engineer.
7. Make sentences about these famous people from the past, using word from the list. Use
a or an.
1. Charlie Chaplin was a comic actor.

2.Cleopatra was an Egyptian queen.

3.Dante was an Italian poet.
4.Einstein was a scientist.
5.Hitler was a dictator.
6.Sherlock Holmes was a detective.
7.John F Kennedy was a politician.
8.John Lennon was a singer.
9.Marilyn Monroe was an actress.
10.Mozart was a composer.
11.Florence Nightingale was a nurse.
12.Picasso was an artist.
13.Shakespeare was a dramatist.
8. Look at this example:

• Town/park/lake/ducks
There is a town In the town there is a park In the park there is a lake. On thelake,
there are some ducks.
Now write four sentences for each item. There is/are + a or an or the or some
• Town/bank/secret room/ diamond
• Computer/data/file/virus/
• Square/museum/tomb/Egyptian queen
• Old house/dark room/cupboard/ghost
• In the town, there is a bank. In the bank, there is a secret room. In the secret room,there
is a diamond.
• There is a computer. On the computer, there is data. Within the data, there is a file.
Within the file, there is a virus.
• In the square, there is a museum. In the museum, there is a tomb. Within the tomb,
there is an Egyptian queen.
• Inside the old house, there is a dark room. In the dark room, there is a cupboard.
Within the cupboard, there is a ghost.
9. Put a, an, the in the gaps in sentences 1-7.

1) There is………. Good film at ………. Cinema. ..The….. film is about …a…. bank robbery.
2) Susan has…….. dog and ………. Cat ……….. dog is friendly but ... Cat doesn’t like me.
3) I went to ……. Post office to buy ........ stamp.
4) Last night, she made……… sandwich and left it in… .... kitchen. This
wasn’t there. Perhaps… ...mouse ate it!

1) There is a good film at the cinema. The film is about a bank robbery.
2) Susan has a dog and a cat. The dog is friendly but the cat doesn't like me.
3) I went to the post office to buy a stamp.
4) Last night, she made a sandwich and left it in the kitchen. This morning, it
wasn't there.
5) Perhaps a mouse ate it!
10. Maria, Richard and Sam are talking about themselves. As you read, underline all the
present forms of be. (underline and write in blue color)
My name is Maria. I am from Spain. Ia m fifteen years old and I am a student..My
father is a taxi driver and my mother is a cook. My family is not very big.
We are not rich but we are happy.
My name is Richard. I am from Manchester. I am twenty-six years old and I am an
engineer. My father is a doctor and my mother is a dentist. They are always very busy. Our
house is very modern but it is not very big.
My name is Sam. I am from Glasgow. I am seven years old and I am a schoolboy. My
brother and sister are very young. My sister is three years old and my brother is a baby.
They are very nice children but they are very noisy.
A. ¿How many forms of be? ………….
B. Now write the information again, using the short form where possible.My
name’s Maria
11.Look at this information about Rocio, Tom, Pedro, Karla and Tim and write a
description of the people.
Rocio Germany 20 years old Doctor Short/blondeTom
France 23 years old Student Thin/elegant
Pedro London 24years old Pilot Tall/fat
Karla United Kindom 26 years old Chef Tall/ thin
Tim Austria 28 years old Guide Dark/handsome
- Rocio is a 20-year-old doctor from Germany. She has short, blonde hair.
- Tom is a 23-year-old student from France. He is thin and elegant.
- Pedro is a 24-year-old pilot from London. He is tall and fat.
- Karla is a 26-year-old chef from the United Kingdom. She is tall and thin.
- Tim is a 28-year-old guide from Austria. He has a dark and handsome appearance.
12.Complete these examples of song titles and expressions. (Is or are)
1. Roses………… red, violets…………… blue, sugar ………….. sweet, and you tool
2. Diamonds …………….. a girld’s best friend. 3.the best thing in life……….. free 4. You………..
the sunshine of my life 5.No man ……… an island 6. Love ………….. everything. 7. I
………….. Nothing
1.Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and you are too.
2.Diamonds are a girl's best friend.
3.The best thing in life is free.
4.You are the sunshine of my life.
5.No man is an island.
6. Love is everything.

7. I are nothing.

13. Put my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their in the gap (in red color)

Mary is Jhon and Joe’s mother. She is their mother.

Tina is Bob’s sister. She is his sister.
Pete is Angela’s son. He is her son.
Stella and Maria are Andrew’s cousins. They are his cousins.
These dogs belong to Dave. They are his sisters.
This car belongs to my parents. It is their car.
The cat eats from this dish. It is its dish. It is its dish. Anne
and Emma are Tom’s sisters. They are his sisters.Jhon and
Joe are Mary’s sons. They are her sons.
Marilyn lives next door to us. She is our neighbor.
Marilyn lives next door to us. We are her neighbors. Mr.
Jones teaches you. He is your teacher.

14. Rewrite the underlined phrases, using mine, yours, his, hers, ours or theirs in red
"It is your car?" "No, it isn't my car." .............. it isn't mine...............
Don't take the money. It isn't your money. ....................... it isn't yours...................
They drink my wine but they don't give me their wine. ....................... their wine...................
We can eat all this food. It's our food. ....................... it's ours...................
The key didn't open the door. It wasn't her key. ....................... her key...................
We found his passport but we didn't find my passport
She lost her ticket. Can you give her your ticket? ....................... your ticket...................
I recognize that voice. It's her voice. ....................... her voice...................
"Let me drive." "No, it's my car, not your car." ....................... your car...................
My flat is near the station but I don't like her new clothes. .......................... her new
I like my new clothes but I don't like her new clothes. ........................ her new
She can't sell you this house. It isn't her house. It's my house! .................... her
Don't tell lies. That wallet isn't your wallet, is it? ....................... your wallet...................

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