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Powder Metallurgy

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Dilatometric sintering study of titanium–titanium

nitride nano/nanocomposite powders

V. V. Dabhade, T. R. Rama Mohan & P. Ramakrishnan

To cite this article: V. V. Dabhade, T. R. Rama Mohan & P. Ramakrishnan (2007) Dilatometric
sintering study of titanium–titanium nitride nano/nanocomposite powders, Powder Metallurgy,
50:1, 33-39

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Dilatometric sintering study of titanium–
titanium nitride nano/nanocomposite
V. V. Dabhade1, T. R. Rama Mohan2 and P. Ramakrishnan2
The sintering behaviour of titanium–titanium nitride nano/nanocomposite powders has been
investigated by dilatometry. The nanosized titanium powders (40 nm) were produced by the
attrition milling of micron sized titanium powders (12 mm) in Ar atmosphere while the nanosized
titanium nitride powders (50 nm) were as procured. Two compositions of the nano/nanocomposite
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powders, i.e. Ti–8TiN and Ti–15TiN (wt-%) were produced by physical mixing and ultrasonifica-
tion. Dilatometry was carried out at a constant rate of 10 K min21 heating to various temperatures
in the range of 450–1250uC followed by holding for 1 h. The effect of nanoTiN reinforcement on
the sintering onset temperature, linear shrinkage, shrinkage rate, activation energy for sintering,
microstructure and grain growth has been reported and discussed.
Keywords: Nano/nanocomposite, Dilatometry, Sintering, Activation energy, Grain growth

List of symbols The development of nanocomposites and nano/

nanocomposites by the consolidation of nanocomposite
Ao frequency factor (constant) and nano/nanocomposite powders has emerged as an
Q activation energy for sintering, kJ mol21 important technique in the processing of these compo-
r shrinkage rate, 1 s21 sites. The most challenging problem in nanocomposite
R universal gas constant, J mol21 K21 powder consolidation is grain coarsening which results
t time, s in the loss of the desired nanostructure, high tendency
T temperature, K for the nanocomposites powders to agglomerate, sig-
Tm absolute melting temperature, K nificant interparticle friction, and high reactivity and
y5(Dl /lo) linear shrinkage associated contamination.9
Consolidation of nano/nanocomposites powders is
even more difficult as compared with that of nanocom-
Introduction posites as both the matrix and reinforcement phase are
Nano/nanocomposites in general are those composites nanocrystalline. In nano/nanocomposites grain coarsen-
in which both the reinforcement and the matrix are in ing of both the nanocrystalline matrix and the nano-
the nanometric range (,100 nm), while nanocomposites crystalline reinforcement takes place during sintering, so
are those in which either the reinforcement or the matrix it is necessary to optimise a sintering cycle for retention
is in the nanometric range (in most cases the reinforce- of nanocristallinity of both the matrix and reinforce-
ment is nanometric).1,2 The development of nanocom- ment. Also during sintering the densification rate of
posites and nano/nanocomposite has emerged as an nano/nanocomposites is not a linear function of the
important step in creating a new generation of materials. densification rates of the two components and each
These composites have shown improvement in strength/ phase has its own densification rate. The impurity
hardness,3–5 creep resistance6 and fracture toughness.7 levels in nano/nanocomposites are in general higher as
Contrary to the drop in the ductility of conventional compared with nanocomposites owing to the nanocrys-
composites with increasing strength/hardness, certain talline matrix phase (nanocrystalline powders in general
studies have indicated a retention/adequate level of have a larger amount of impurities owing to contamina-
ductility in nanocomposites4,5,8 with improvement in tion from the processing). These impurities can lead to a
strength/hardness. deleterious effect during the sintering process and affect
the properties of the sintered composite. Interparticle
friction and the tendency for agglomeration are also
Eco-Materials Lab, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and higher as both the powders are nanocrystalline.10,11
Technology (KICET), Seoul, South Korea (formerly Department of Although several studies have been conducted on the
Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay, Mumbai 400076, India) densification of nanocomposites,7,12–21 there is scarce
Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, Indian work available on the densification of nano/
Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai 400076, India nanocomposite powders. The present investigation aims
*Corresponding author, email at studying the sintering behaviour of titanium–titanium

ß 2007 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute
Received 24 May 2006; accepted 23 July 2006
DOI 10.1179/174329007X186390 Powder Metallurgy 2007 VOL 50 NO 1 33
Dabhade et al. Titanium–titanium nitride nano/nanocomposite powders

1 Photograph (TEM) and selected area electron diffrac- 3 DTA and TG plots of nanoTi
tion (SAED) pattern of nanoTi
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nitride nano/nanocomposite powders by dilatometry. instrument (9900 model) using a-alumina as the
The effect of nanosized titanium nitride reinforcement reference, while the TG was carried out in a Shimadzu
on the sintering onset temperature, linear shrinkage, thermal analyser (DT-40). Both DTA and TG were
shrinkage rate and activation energy, microstructure carried out employing a heating rate of 10 K min21 in
and grain growth of nanosized titanium has been high purity Ar atmosphere, passed over heated (1000uC)
investigated. titanium getter to remove the traces of oxygen. The
heating rate and the atmosphere were similar to that
employed during the dilatometry. The chemical analysis
Experimental of the powder as obtained by the inductively coupled
Raw material plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICPAES) showed
major impurities to be that of 0.62Fe, 0.16Cr, 0.1Ni and
Synthesis of nanosized Ti was carried out on a
0.1Mn (wt-%). A Plasmalab 8440, Labtam Ltd, instru-
laboratory scale by the attrition milling of micron sized
ment was used for the ICPAES analysis.
Ti for 40 h under high purity Argon, as reported earlier
In the present investigation, nanosized TiN powders
in a separate study.22 The average particle size of the
of average particle size of 50 nm were used. The particle
40 h milled nanosized Ti powder produced was y40 nm
size was determined by TEM (Fig. 4) as explained
as determined from TEM (Fig. 1). The particle sizes of
above. The XRD pattern of the nanosized TiN powder
over 100 particles were determined individually from the
is shown in Fig. 5. The chemical analysis of the powder
TEM, and their average was taken as the average
as obtained by ICPAES indicated no impurities in the
particle size. A Philips (CM 200) make instrument was
detectable limits (,0.01 wt-%).
used for the TEM analysis. The XRD pattern of the
nanosized Ti powder is shown in Fig. 2. A Philips make Compaction and Sintering procedure
X-pert pro XRD with X’celerator instrument was used Since nanosized powders were involved, extra precau-
in the present investigation with Cu target (l51.54 Å). tions were taken during powder mixing to ensure that
Figure 3 shows the differential thermal analysis (DTA) proper mixing of the reinforcement powder took place
and thermo gravimetric (TG) curves of nanosized Ti
powder. The DTA was carried out in a Du pont

2 X-ray diffraction pattern of nanoTi 4 Photograph (TEM) and SAED pattern of nanoTiN

34 Powder Metallurgy 2007 VOL 50 NO 1

Dabhade et al. Titanium–titanium nitride nano/nanocomposite powders

temperature for nanoTi and the Ti–TiN nano/nanocom-

posites). Sintering was carried out at various tempera-
tures in the range 450–1250uC.
In the subsequent sections, the samples of nanosized
Ti powders are referred to as nanoTi, nanosized TiN as
nanoTiN, nanosized Ti–8 wt-% nanoTiN as nanoTi–
8TiN, nanosized Ti–15 wt-% nanoTiN as nanoTi–
15TiN and Ti–TiN nano/nanocomposites as Ti–TiN
nnc respectively (where nnc implies nano/nanocompo-
sites) as an abbreviated form.

Results and discussion

Powder characterisation
The powder morphology of nanoTi powders was
irregular while that of nanoTiN powder was angular
as seen in the TEM photographs in Figs. 1 and 4. The
SAED of both the powders (Figs. 1 and 4) exhibited a
5 X-ray diffraction pattern of nanoTiN
diffraction ring along with the diffraction spots reveal-
ing the partial amorphous nature of the powders. The
Downloaded by [University of Saskatchewan Library] at 06:35 26 February 2016

and that minimum agglomeration was present in the

XRD pattern of nanoTi (Fig. 2) shows all major peaks
powders before compaction. The two individual pow-
of Ti along with some minor peaks of TiO2. It is
ders were mixed in a mortar and pestle for 5 min
reported23 that Ti powder particles have a thin oxide
followed by ultrasonic agitation in high purity propanol
film of the order of 100 Å on their surface. The XRD
followed again by mixing in a mortar and pestle for
pattern of nanoTiN (Fig. 5) shows all major peaks of
3 min. The second mixing in the mortar and pestle was
TiN along with one minor peak of Ti2N. The non-
carried out since the two powders owing to difference in
stiochiometric Ti2N phase may be present owing to the
density settled differentially in the propanol after the
metastable/non-equilibrium state of the powder. The
ultrasonic agitation. These treatments were carried out to
impurity content in nanoTi as explained in the section
minimise the agglomerates in the powders and to ensure
on ‘Raw material’ was from the milling media and the
maximum homogeneous mixing of the powders. Two attritor vessel.
compositions of Ti–TiN nano/nanocomposites were
The DTA curve for nanoTi (Fig. 3) shows two
prepared by the above method, i.e. nanoTi–8 wt% TiN exothermic peaks at 264 and 574uC. The peak at
and nanoTi–15 wt% TiN. 264uC is most likely due to the relieving of stresses in
Cylindrical green compacts (0.4 g) of 6 mm in the milled powders. It should be noted that the attrition
diameter and 4 mm in height were prepared from the milled powders were highly cold worked owing to the
powders by uniaxial compaction in a rigid die at a milling process. The peak at 574uC in nanoTi is most
pressure of 600 MPa. The green compacts were heated likely due to the a–b transition. The drop in the
to a fixed temperature at a constant heating rate of transition temperature (from 882uC for microcrystalline
10 K min21, maintained at that fixed temperature for titanium) can be attributed to the impurities, especially
1 h and then were allowed to cool to ambient under to Fe (0.62 wt-%), a b stabiliser. Fe was reported to
argon flow. A high purity Ar gas (XL-grade; impurities lower phase transformation temperature to 590uC at
O251 ppm, H2O51 ppm, N252 ppm; BOC, Mumbai, very low concentration level.24 The other impurities, i.e.
India) was used, passed over heated (1000uC) titanium Cr and Ni are also b stabilisers. This temperature also
getter to remove the traces of oxygen before introduc- corresponds to the deviation in the slope of the
tion in the dilatometer. A Shimadzu (TMA-30) system shrinkage/shrinkage rate curves (Figs. 6 and 7) owing
was used to perform the dilatometric analysis. The to a–b transformation in nanoTi. The TGA of nanoTi
change in length could be measured with an accuracy of (Fig. 3) exhibited a slight weight loss initially, which
¡1 mm and the temperature of the sample could be may be due to the evaporation of the residual stearic
controlled within ¡1uC. acid (PCA) present in the powder as well as due to
The nanoTi and Ti–TiN nano/nanocomposite pow- evolution of the adsorbed gases. Stearic acid was added
ders were heated in two steps: in the titanium powder during the attrition milling
(i) the first step of heating was carried out up to process as a process control agent (PCA). A small
300uC without allowing any holding time and amount of it might be present in the milled powder in
then the furnace was switched off. The sample spite of the degassing treatment carried out as explained
was allowed to cool to room temperature in the in the earlier investigation.22 The TGA curve showed a
furnace itself weight gain at y400uC which stabilised at y700uC
(ii) in the second step, the sample was heated to the which may have been due to oxidation. This also
required sintering temperature and held for 1 h corresponds to the DTA peak observed at y700uC
before furnace cooling. which also seems to be due to oxidation.
The first step of heating was carried out to remove the
adsorbed gases in the powders (which lead to huge Sintering onset temperature
expansion during the first heat) and the stresses induced The sintering onset temperature for nanoTi was found
in the specimens during compaction. The 300uC to be 400uC (0.344Tm), that for nanoTi–8TiN to be
temperature was chosen as to avoid sintering that can 406uC (0.347Tm) while for nanoTi–15TiN to be 415uC
take place (this temperature is below the sintering onset (0.352Tm) respectively. The sintering onset temperature

Powder Metallurgy 2007 VOL 50 NO 1 35

Dabhade et al. Titanium–titanium nitride nano/nanocomposite powders

6 Variation of linear shrinkage (%) with temperature dur- 8 Variation of linear shrinkage (%) with temperature dur-
ing constant rate of heating at 10 K min21 (left side)
Downloaded by [University of Saskatchewan Library] at 06:35 26 February 2016

ing CRH at 10 K min21 (left side) and linear shrinkage

and linear shrinkage (%) with time during isothermal (%) with time during isothermal holding (right side) for
holding (right side) for specimens made from nanoTi specimens made from nanoTi–8TiN

was determined from the point at which deviation from right side portion represents dilatometric data during
linearity during thermal expansion occurred in the holding at sintering temperature.
dilatometric curves. The reported onset temperatures It can be noticed that during CRH, the observed
are the average of all the samples heated in the shrinkage for all the specimens showed two distinct
temperature range of 450–1250uC. The addition of slopes. The slope in the first region (450–550uC)
nanoTiN in nanoTi led to an increase in the sintering corresponds to a-Ti where the shrinkage was lower,
onset temperature, which could be attributed to the and the slope in the second region (575–1250uC)
lower sinterability of the nanoTiN as compared with corresponding to b-Ti where the shrinkage was higher.
that of nanosized Ti. This is most likely due to the open structure of the b-Ti
phase (bcc) compared with the a-Ti phase (hcp) which is
Linear shrinkage and shrinkage rate close packed.
During the constant rate of heating (CRH) the linear All powders, i.e. nanoTi, nanoTi–8TiN and nanoTi–
shrinkage was determined as a function of temperature 15TiN, showed considerably large amount of shrinkage
while during isothermal holding it was determined as a during CRH than that during isothermal holding.
function of time. Figures 6, 8 and 9 show the dilato- Figures 6, 8 and 9 indicate that for nanoTi, nanoTi–
metric curves obtained for heating at a constant rate of 8TiN and nanoTi–15TiN specimens, the shrinkage rate
10 K min21 up to various sintering temperatures during CRH varied with respect to temperature and
followed by holding at that temperature for 1 h for therefore this parameter was plotted as a function of
specimens of nanoTi, nanoTi–8TiN and nanoTi–15TiN temperature. Since the individual curves shown in
respectively. The left portion of Figs. 6, 8 and 9
represents the dilatometric data during CRH while the

9 Variation of linear shrinkage (%) with temperature dur-

ing CRH at 10 K min21 (left side) and linear shrinkage
7 Variation of shrinkage rate during CRH with sintering (%) with time during isothermal holding (right side) for
temperature for nanoTi, nanoTi–8TiN and nanoTi–15TiN specimens made from nanoTi–15TiN

36 Powder Metallurgy 2007 VOL 50 NO 1

Dabhade et al. Titanium–titanium nitride nano/nanocomposite powders

Table 1 Activation energy values obtained from plots of

ln r versus 1/T for nanoTi, nanoTi–8TiN and

System Q (a-Ti), kJ mol21 Q (b-Ti), kJ mol21

NanoTi 69¡3 37¡4

NanoTi–8TiN 51¡3 36¡3
NanoTi–15TiN 78¡6 40¡4

nanoTi led to a decrease followed by an increase in the

activation energy.
In the case of nanoTi sintering is only between Ti–Ti
contacts while in the case of nanoTi–8TiN and nanoTi–
15TiN, it is between the Ti–Ti, Ti–TiN and TiN–TiN
contacts. The number of Ti–TiN and TiN–TiN contacts
in nanoTi–15TiN is larger than that in nanoTi–8TiN.
In nanoTi the sintering is only between the Ti–Ti
10 Variation of logarithm shrinkage rate r with inverse
contacts while in the case of nanoTi–8TiN apart from
absolute temperature during CRH for specimens
the Ti–Ti contacts (self-diffusion); the diffusion of
nitrogen also takes place into Ti from TiN at the Ti/
Downloaded by [University of Saskatchewan Library] at 06:35 26 February 2016

made from nanoTi, nanoTi–8TiN and nanoTi–15TiN in

the a-Ti and b-Ti range
TiN interfaces. Diffusion of nitrogen is rapid (interstitial
diffusion) as compared with the Ti self-diffusion. The
diffusion of nitrogen into Ti particles from the
Figs. 6, 8 and 9 represent the shrinkage obtained at a interfacial TiN is likely to create new Ti–Ti contacts
single constant heating rate of 10 K min21 ideally all and enhance sinterability (lower activation energy).
these should represent a single curve. Therefore averages TiN–TiN contacts are also present but to a lesser extent.
of all the shrinkage values at a given temperature were NanoTi–15TiN system is similar to nanoTi–8TiN
obtained and were used to determine the shrinkage rate. system, and the difference is that the TiN–TiN contacts
The latter is shown as a function of temperature in are likely to be considerable in number which lead to
Fig. 7 for nanoTi, nanoTi–8TiN and nanoTi–15TiN. lower sinterability with subsequent increase in activation
The shrinkage rate was found to decrease with the energy as observed. It is also evident that the sintering
addition of nanoTiN to nanoTi owing to the lower required lesser energy in b-Ti region as compared with a-
sinterability of the nanoTiN as compared with nanoTi. Ti owing to the more open structure of b-Ti (bcc) as
compared with a-Ti (hcp).
Activation energy Apart from the role of Ti–Ti, Ti–TiN and TiN–TiN
Logarithms of shrinkage rates corresponding to a-Ti contacts, titanium also has a thin oxide layer on its
region and b-Ti regions are plotted as a function of surface which influences sintering. It is reported23 that
inverse absolute temperature as shown in Fig. 10. The titanium has a thin oxide layer (100 Å) on its surface. In
curves obey the equation the present case, the oxide content is expected to be
larger (since the titanium powder is nanocrystalline), as
~r~A0 e{Q=RT (1) evident in the XRD pattern (Fig. 2). So in the case of
t nanoTi apart from the self-diffusion of Ti, diffusion of
The values of activation energy Q obtained from the oxygen also takes place in to titanium while in the case
Arrhenius plot of the ln r versus 1/T are shown in of Ti–TiN nnc self-diffusion of Ti and that of nitrogen
Table 1. The addition of nanoTiN reinforcement in and oxygen into titanium takes place.

a 61000; b 620 000

11 Photographs (SEM) of nanoTi–8TiN at two magnifications

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Dabhade et al. Titanium–titanium nitride nano/nanocomposite powders

a 61000; b 620 000

12 Photographs (SEM) of nanoTi–15TiN at two magnifications
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The activation energy values, although are valuable, compacts are nanocrystalline even after the sintering
cannot point out the mechanisms responsible for process.
sintering. The latter are studied with the help of sintering
models suggested by Johnson and co-workers in another Conclusions
study by the same research group.25
The onset of sintering temperature for nanoTi powder
Microstructure and grain growth was found to decrease with the addition of nanoTiN
which has been attributed to the poorer sinterability of
Figures 11 and 12 show the SEM photographs of
the nanoTiN powder at lower temperatures. The linear
nanoTi–8TiN and nanoTi–15TiN compacts sintered at
shrinkage as well as the shrinkage rate during CRH was
1000uC respectively. The microstructure of both the
found to decrease with the addition of nanoTiN to
compacts at lower magnification shows a well densified
nanoTi. The addition of nanoTiN in nanoTi led to a
structure while that at higher magnification shows a
decrease followed by an increase in the activation
structure of sintered agglomerates and clusters (agglom-
energy. The microstructure showed a structure of
erates of agglomerates). Porosity is also seen between
sintered agglomerates and clusters (agglomerates of
the agglomerates and clusters in the structure in the agglomerates) with porosity between the agglomerates
form of inter agglomerate space. It was not possible to and clusters in the form of inter agglomerate space. The
distinguish the nanoTiN reinforcement phase in the addition of nanoTiN reinforcement in nanoTi did not
microstructure possibly owing to lower magnifications affect the grain size of the nanoTi.
Figure 13 shows the variation of grain size (obtained Acknowledgements
from X-ray line broadening) with sintering temperature
for nanoTi, nanoTi–8TiN and nanoTi–15TiN. The The author, V. V. Dabhade, wishes to acknowledge Dr
slight drop in the grain size up to 700uC may be due B. B. Panigrahi and Professor M. M. Godkhindi for
to recrystallisation, as the nanoTi powder is in a highly their help in carrying out the dilatometric experiments at
cold worked state owing to the attrition milling. Grain the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineer-
growth takes place beyond 700uC (0.5Tm) for all the ing, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India.
powders and reaches a maximum of y88 nm at 1200uC.
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