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1. The researchers recommend Modular Learning to the Students for the

reason that Modular Learning is more flexible in their time and for

other activities other than school activities.

3. The researchers recommend Modular Learning to the Parents in the

reason that the students can help them with the chores in every house

and also Modular Learning will not cost more money.

4. The researchers recommend Modular Learning to the Teachers

because most of the teachers can do outside tasks during vacant time

and can help students develop their learning in terms of written works.

5. The researchers recommend Modular Learning to the School

Administrator because it could not cause money on the transportation

fee, and it can help them on reading.

6. The researchers recommend Modular Learning to the Future

Researchers because it will also be a key to the Future Researchers to

develop some of their skills.


1. The researchers recommend Face-to-Face Classes to the students

because a teacher is present to teach lessons to the students in

person in the reason that the students can learn more.

2. The researchers recommend Face-to-Face Classes to the Parents

in the reason that some of the parents could not help the students in

the performance tasks because some of them are busy and did not

experience better education.

3. The researchers recommend the Face-to-Face Classes to the

Teacher since they can help students assess lessons that the

students are struggling to learn.

4. The researchers recommend the Face-to-Face Classes to the

School Administrator because it will also be a key to them to

determine excelling students in the school.

5. The researchers recommend Face-to-Face Classes to the Future

Researcher because it will be easier to learn lessons because the

teachers are present to explain the lessons and activities.

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