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Report on Internship with Odyssey Dance Theatre Pte Ltd

3 October 2022 - 17 February 2022

Name: Chau Sheung Foo Stanley (4)

Class: BVW2104P
1. Acknowledgements
First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Danny
Tan, the founder of Odyssey Dance Theatre and my internship mentor, for
providing me with the opportunity to complete my 6-month internship within the
organization. Without his support and guidance, this experience would not have
been possible.

I would also like to extend my thanks to my supervisor, Mr. Calvin Goh, for his
patience, expertise, and unwavering support throughout my internship. His
guidance has helped me to learn and grow both personally and professionally.

I am grateful to all the people I worked with during my time at Odyssey Dance
Theatre. Your support, kindness, and encouragement have made this a stress-
free and enjoyable experience.

I would also like to thank all the directors, assistant directors, and course
managers of the Higher Nitec Event Management course for their guidance and
support throughout my education. Your teachings have been instrumental in
preparing me for this internship.

I am especially thankful to Ms. Lyana, my internship attachment coordinator from

event management, for her continuous support, valuable advice, and guidance
throughout my attachment with Odyssey Dance Theatre.

Lastly, I want to thank all my lecturers who have equipped me with the skills and
knowledge necessary to succeed in my internship. Their guidance and
mentorship have been invaluable to my growth and development.

In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who has

supported me in the successful completion of this internship. Thank you for your
unwavering support, guidance, and encouragement. I am honored and grateful
for the opportunity to work with such amazing people.
2. Table of Content

No. Content Page

1 Acknowledgement 1

2 Table of Contents 2

3 Background Information 3-5

4 Description of Learning Experience 6 - 10

5 Reflections on Learning Experiences 11 - 12

6 Recommendations for Self-Improvement 13

7 Appendices 14

3. Background Information
3.1 Vision & Mission
Odyssey Dance Theatre is a non-profit and charitable dance company that offers
artistic and educational programs in the field of contemporary dance and related
arts. The company envisions becoming a leading global contemporary dance and
arts institution, while striving to inspire lives, celebrate moments, and promote
excellence in the world of dance and the arts.

The company's values embody professionalism, quality, innovation, trust, and

leadership. Odyssey Dance Theatre has a relatively small organization, with
around 20 interns during the first three months of my internship and 4 interns
during my last three months.

3.2 Organisation Chart

3.3 Size of Company

The company consists of Dr. Danny Tan as the founding artistic director, Ms. Lo
Pui Sze, Mr. Calvin Goh, Mr. Kim Yong Chul, Mr. Raffaele Irace, and Ms.
Roberta Ferrara as associate artistic directors. They are the main 5 people
managing the company.

3.4 Nature of Business

The nature of the business pertains to arts and dance.

3.5 Company Strength

Odyssey Dance Theatre demonstrates a variety of strengths that set it apart from
its peers, including its ability to maintain personal relationships with customers
and donors, efficiency and productivity, cost-effectiveness, and the dedication
and time management of every staff member. Furthermore, the management
shows a keen understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each intern,
and assigns them to tasks that best suit their skills. The company prioritizes the
emotional wellness of interns.

3.6 Areas of Improvement

The company has certain areas that require improvement, particularly
communication. At times, interns are expected to complete tasks without prior
knowledge or experience.
Additionally, the company could benefit from diversifying its resources to prevent
repetitive event designs and decorations. Company can also give interns
opportunity in responsibilities such as booking facilities and resources. Lastly,
focus on more brand awareness and marketing.

3.7 Overall
In conclusion, Odyssey Dance Theatre is a remarkable organization dedicated to
promoting dance and the arts. While there are certain areas that could be
improved, the company provides an enriching environment for interns to grow.

4. Description of Learning Experiences

4.1 Paint a Galaxy
4.1.1 Work Activities
My team and I were tasked with finding potential leads to market the event to.
We sent out marketing emails and followed-up, and conducted logistic counts to
sort out required items. I was assigned as the In-Charge for the event..

On the day of the event, I was responsible for collating and analyzing stocks,
preparing the necessary items for production, reception, and front of house, as
well as assisting the dancers during their rehearsals. I also ensured the timely
bump-in of the event space and took care of the dancers' welfare by providing
them with refreshments and water. I also assisted with the production by placing
stage tapes, setting up the reception, and ushering attendees to the reception
area. Finally, I served as a reliable support for my supervisor, handling any
issues that arose during the event.

At the end of the event, I was responsible for the tear-down and bump-out of the
event space, ensuring the safe return of all items to the office, and conducting a
stock take and cleaning of the venue and office space. My contributions were
essential to the event's success.

4.1.2 Observations
- Supportive donors
I was impressed by the level of engagement and support shown by donors and
supporters towards the dance culture, which showed that there are still people in
Singapore who appreciate and support the arts.

- Teamwork
The interns displayed excellent teamwork despite long hours and stress,
providing comfort and support during challenging times.

- Perspective
I had the pleasure of meeting an artist who I invited. The artist had a unique and
special understanding of the performance, inspiring the speaker and reinforcing
the importance of the arts in society.

4.1.3 Learning Points

I learned the importance of assigning tasks to interns that align with their skills
and interests. I also learned that before planning the arrangement and
positioning of the logistics, I should have a draft in mind of what it should be like
instead of rearranging back and forth. Additionally, contingency planning is
essential to ensure smooth event operations in unexpected situations. For
example, I was instructed to set up the front of house in advance of the event,
leading to dismantling and resetting hours later.

4.1.4 Suggestions for Improvements

- Task allocation and Teamwork
During Day 1, I assigned tasks to interns based on their abilities. However, as
there was an incharge (of daily intern activities), who is also an intern, kept
wanting to change the task that was given by me before.
I had to remind them to stick to the allocated tasks from me to prevent things
from going astray.

- Communication
Hiccups and last minute changes occurred during the event, such as the sudden
delay of other events using the location before us and the lack of instructions
from the boss and supervisor, resulting in issues coming up a few hours before
the event.

- Time management
Due to the many hiccups and last-minute changes, it disrupted our plans.
Improper time management resulted in the team not being able to spend more
time socializing with the guest we have invited, which is crucial as we the ones
inviting the guest. Another issue is that we do not have enough time to have our

4.2 Moments for Silver Heart

4.2.1 Work Activities
I was involved in coordinating leads, sending emails, preparing and rehearsing
performances, conducting stock analysis, and managing logistics for a charity
event. I also served as an usher, managed interns, kept time, performed for the
elderly, served food and beverages, and took photos. After the event, I
participated in tear-down, clean-up, and stock taking activities.

4.2.2 Observations
During the event, I saw how my mentor Dr. Danny and the other colleagues
engaged themselves with the elderly. Where they sincerely aim to impart a happy
and interactive experience.

4.2.3 Learning Points

Organizing a charity event for the elderly taught me the importance of empathy
and resourcefulness. I used available resources like interns to cut costs and
transformed offices into three event spaces. Planning for accessibility, seating,
rest areas, and avoiding loud noises is essential, as well as planning for
contingencies such as inclement weather or technical issues.

4.2.4 Suggestions for Improvements

Personally, I believe that the scope for improvement is relatively limited given the
success of the event. However, the sound system can be upgraded, as the
current did not meet expectations.

Secondly, I suggest providing additional rehearsal time for performers to refine

their acts, allowing more practice could elevate the quality of the event.

4.3 A Christmas Dazzle

I assisted in the event planning, but was unable to participate due to contracting

4.4 Spring Reunion Reception

4.4.1 Work Activities
The aim of this activity was to celebrate Chinese New Year and thank ODT's
supporters with a program including lion dance, LAO YU SHENG, and a reunion
dinner. I was responsible for logistics, including setting up the reception area,
event space, and serving wine to guests. After the event, I helped with tear down,
cleanup, and stock taking.

4.4.2 Observations
I saw how people from different industry backgrounds socialized and planned the event,
such as manpower planning, logistics planning, and contacting activities personnel.

4.4.3 Learning Points

My mentor and supervisor used their social skills to bond with their invited guest,
demonstrating their ability to form positive relationships and conversations. This
taught me that having well developed social skills not only helps to better
communicate, but also leads to improved mental capacity and cognitive abilities.
I also learnt to be more sensitive to people's emotions and feelings, such as
creating conversations with guests who are alone.
4.4.4 Suggestions for Improvements
I would recommend assessing the situation before proceeding. Despite my
suggestion that the constant rain throughout the day would damage the props, I
was instructed to decorate the garden with LED flower lights and lanterns.
Unfortunately, my request was rejected, resulting in damaged props and wasted

My internship colleagues could be more proactive. During an event with around

70 guests, the space became overcrowded and some colleagues refused to help
serve food and drinks. Despite my encouragement, I was rejected. It would be
helpful for the supervisor to monitor and assign tasks to ensure everyone helps

4.5 Bonus
4.5.1 Yoga
During my internship, my boss surprised us with an outdoor yoga session in the
office garden. It was a refreshing break from our usual routine and showed that
he cared about our well-being. The session helped to relieve stress and create a
sense of community among us interns, making a positive impact on our overall

4.5.2 Staff Bonding BBQ

I organized a staff bonding barbecue event held outside my office at the garden.
The event took place from 4 to 6 and featured barbecue pits set up outside my
office. Despite organizing alone, I managed to single-handedly bring everything
required for the event to the office. The garden was half sheltered, so I planned
for contingencies in case of rain. half of the food was cooked, so that other
participants would have something to eat if it rained. Additionally, I considered
dietary restrictions and chose halal, and avoided beef and seafood. The budget
provided was $150, but I was able to get more food than necessary as I shopped
around at different supermarkets to compare prices. However, I did end up
surpassing the budget by $20. I needed to purchase more drinks, ice, and other
necessary items. Despite the budget constraints, everyone had their fill of food
and drinks, and the event brought our team closer together

4.5.3 Staff Farewell Party

As the internship period for my colleagues came to an end, I decided to organize
a Staff Farewell BBQ party to bond one last time. This time, the planning and
preparation process was different, as I had assistance from other staff members.
People came forward to help plan the event and accompanied me to purchase
the items needed for the BBQ. We avoided wholesale shops as they were
expensive and focused on providing everyone with a satisfying meal.

During the event, we enjoyed good food and played various games. Some of us
stayed later and continued bonding.

The farewell BBQ party allowed us to come together and celebrate the time
spent together while creating memories. Everyone left feeling happy and grateful
for the experience.

5. Reflections on Learning Experiences

- Being Adaptable
In a busy work environment, things change quickly, so adaptability is very crucial.
I myself, being adaptable, can quickly pick up new tasks, change priorities for the
day, and do so with a good attitude. An example of how I adapt at work include
being willing to adjust my plans in response to shifting company priorities. A great
example that I did was prioritizing last minute overtime hours, accepting and
adapting to task allocation changes.

- Being Self-sufficient
I'm dependable and consistent in every task given to me at work, without
requiring constant management oversight. This shows my discipline and self-
motivation. I'm also able to calmly brainstorm and utilize resources to complete
new tasks that I'm not familiar with.

- Leadership skills (strength)

Working in ODT provides many opportunities for me to showcase leadership
skills. As one of two interns in the events management course, I'm often in
charge of planned events. Through these experiences, I've become skilled at
motivating the team and keeping everyone organized and focused on achieving
our goals.

- Multitasking
Due to the nature of work, multitasking is often a necessary trait to get many
things done in a short span of time.
However, it’s unlikely for me to complete a task that involves multitasking which
often can result in careless mistakes.

- Procrastination
At times, I tend to leave work till the very last minute. Even though I've always
submitted my work on time, I’m often spotted on slight small careless mistakes.
This does not affect the whole work process but it is something that I felt to be a
weakness at work.

- Lack of on-job experience

At ODT, my boss and supervisor are always generous in giving us opportunities
to take up leadership roles. The first event that I’m in charge of was to come up
with a 50 attendees dinner and performance session, where the attendees
should be from art related backgrounds. Where everything should be done within
4 days.
Due to my inability to generate leads and plan the event on time, I’m unable to
produce the DND as given. I personally think that the lack of on - job experience
resulted in an unfinished task.
6. Recommendations for Self-Improvement
Firstly, to improve my ability to multitask. Some ways that I've researched would
be to work in blocks of time, work on related tasks together, learn to supervise,
plan ahead, take breaks, keep my brain sharp, make a to-do list, and use online
tools to stay on track.
To successfully be able to multitask better, I should focus on prioritization. As
multitasking is a combination of tasks, breaking each task down into smaller
tasks and setting them into a priority sequence would be of great help.
Another way is to Clarify priorities. Clarifying priorities is a good anti-
procrastination method because it helps to identify which work is most important
and why it matters. This helps to ensure that when deadlines and timelines shift,
it allows me to have the clarity to deliver the work that drives meaningful results.

Lastly, something that inspires me most about my supervisor and employer is

that they are always eager to learn new innovative things through their daily lives.
Even though the things they are engaged in now is not of any relation to their
work, they are still willing to put in time and effort to learn. Where this comes to
my point of learning new things day to day to gain more experiences. I can
consider taking up part time jobs related to the event field so that I will have more
chances to learn new things in this industry after internship in preparation of my
further job opportunities in the future.

7. Appendices (Photos)

7.1 Event : Spring Reunion (Feb)

7.2 Event : Spring Cleaning
7.3 Event :Moments for Silver Heart
7.4 event : Going to Parkinson Society Singapore to help out

7.5 Event : Paint @ Galaxy

7.6 BBQ Event
7.7 Other Activities

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