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Exercise 1:

1. From my perspective, this massage is originally appeared in a newspaper.

2. The event takes place in the Santos family’s apartment.

3. Carmelita is two-year-old daughter of Mrs. Santos.

4. She was locked in the neighbor’s apartment due to a suddent gust of wind.

5. Alfonso is Santos family’s son and he timely caught Carmelita in his arms when
she fell from the fifth floor apartment.

Exercise 2:

1. The article is about how women have a longer life expectancy.

2. The first biological factor is hormones produced which are involved in fertility,
this has a good effect on women’s heart and the blood flow; help the body defend
itself against some kinds of infections.

The second factor is female gene which makes woman age more slowly than man.

3. Other reasons consist of the cultural context and the lack of stress.

4. Yes, he is. Because nowadays young women are smoking and drinking more than
they used to. They also hold more responsible positions in work.

5. Yes, it is. As I rarely read any information about the reasons for women’s long

Exercise 3:

1. C 6. A

2. B 7. B

3. A 8. B

4. C 9. A
5. C 10. B

Exercise 4:

1. B 6. A

2. B 7. A

3. C 8. A

4. B 9. C

5. A 10. B

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