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Case Study IELTS

Speaking 1: Pronunctiation

Cobalah baca paragraph di bawah sembari melatih stress, intontation, dan chunking!

Well, there are many technological items that I use on a daily basis that make my life easier, but I’d
have to say that the one that I use most frequently is my laptop. Well, as you know, laptops are very
convenient they are small and light, so it’s very easy and convenient to carry and take them with
you. Uhm, I bought my laptop about two years ago when I first arrived in Sydney, and I bought for
several reasons. The first reason, and perhaps the most important one, was for my studies. I use it a
lot to do my assignments and I know I will use it even more when I start my Master’s degree.
Another reason was for entertainment. So, for example, I use it to watch TV series online, to watch
movies and to listen the news. Actually, I watch the news from my country every night from my

Contoh jawaban:

Well, // there are many technological items that I use on a daily basis that make my life easier, // but
I’d have to say that // the one that I use most frequently // is my laptop. // Well, // as you know, //
laptops are very convenient // they are small // and light, // so it’s very easy and convenient to carry
and take them with you. // Uhm, // I bought my laptop about two years ago // when I first arrived in
Sydney, // and I bought for several reasons. // The first reason, // and perhaps the most important
one, // was for my studies. // I use it a lot to do my assignments // and I know I will use it even more
when I start my Master’s degree. // Another reason was for entertainment. // So, // for example, // I
use it to watch TV series online, // to watch movies // and to listen the news. // Actually, // I watch
the news from my country every night from my laptop.

//  pause

Bold  stress/intonation

Speaking 2: Speaking Part 1

Coba jawab pertanyaan part 1 di bawah ini (boleh dengan partner) dan rekam jawabanmu!

Speaking test part 1

Let’s talk about your home town or village:

what kind of place is it?

what’s the most interesting part of your town/village?

what kind of jobs do the people in your town/village do?

would you say it’s a good place to live? (why?)

Let’s move on to talk about accommodation:

tell me about the kind of accommodation you live in?

how long have you lived there?

what do you like about living there?

what sort of accommodation would you most like to live in?

Case Study IELTS

Contoh jawaban dapat diakses pada audio pada link di bawah ini:

Speaking 3: Speaking Part 2

Coba jawab pertanyaan part 2 di bawah ini dan rekam jawabanmu!

Speaking test part 2: candidate task card

Describe something you own which is very important to you. You should say:

 where you got it from

 how long you have had it
 what you use it for; and
 explain why it is important to you.

You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

Rounding off questions

Tell me

 is it valuable in terms of money?

 would it be easy to replace?

Contoh jawaban dapat diakses pada audio pada link di bawah ini:

Speaking 4: Speaking Part 3

Coba jawab pertanyaan part 1 di bawah ini (boleh dengan partner) dan rekam jawabanmu!

Speaking test part 3

Let’s consider first of all how people’s values have changed.

 What kind of things give status to people in your country?

 Have things changed since your parents’ time?

Finally, let’s talk about the role of advertising.

 Do you think advertising influences what people buy?

Contoh jawaban dapat diakses pada audio pada link di bawah ini:
Case Study IELTS

Speaking 5: Checking Assessing and Correcting

1. Dengarlah rekaman latihan Part 1, 2, dan 3, dan coba evaluasi berdasarkan 4 band descriptor
IELTS Speaking!

Fluency and coherence:

Grammatical range and accuracy:

Lexical resources:


2. Lakukan hal yang sama pada IELTS simulation pada akhir bagian lesson ini!

Speaking 6: Strategies and tips

Tulislah kelemahan-kelemahanmu dalam speaking dan startegi untuk menanggulanginya!

Tips: jangan terlalu terobsesi dengan grammar sempurna, tujuan utama speaking adalah untuk
menyampaikan sesuatu yang dimengerti lawan bicara.

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