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Henrique Centieiro

Jan 30

8 min read

The Ultimate Cheat Codes to

MidJourney Prompting — Part 2
Here comes Part 2 of “The Ultimate Cheat Codes to MidJourney Prompting” — I
promise it’s going to be even more exciting than Part 1!

In Part 1 of the article, I have received lots of positive feedback, and readers are
hungry for more juicy cheat codes. Let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to save some
effort on prompting and, most importantly, be able to bring out the best of the best of

The huge varieties and art styles of the images MidJourney is capable of generating
still had me in awe. These cheat codes and tricks I’m going to share with you in this
article are going to help you achieve that in a smart way, without having to create
prompts that contain hundreds of words with the hope that the AI is able to catch what
you want… Remember, lengthy and complicated prompts are not necessary to
generate high-quality images!

I guess most of us have been there, done that:

Looks painful to create such a lengthy prompt just to generate an image

In case you are new to MidJourney and not sure where to start, check out Part 1 of
this article where I explain the initial steps and settings needed to get ready for
MidJourney step-by-step:

 The Ultimate Cheat Codes to MidJourney Prompting — Part 1

 Emojis & AI — From History to Prompting on MidJourney

Let’s dive right in!

Emojis & AI — From History to

Prompting on MidJourney
Let’s dive right in!

Cheat Code: “as xxx”

If you have a specific character/ style in mind and want to generate some images
based on that, you can use “as xxx”.
Prompt: “A rabbit as Harry Potter”
Prompt: “Angelina Jolie as Joker”

Cheat Code: Generate new images

based on your own images
1. First, you need to upload your own image in the chat box by double-clicking the
2. After uploading your image, right-click that image and click “Copy Link” at the
bottom. (don’t confuse it with “Copy Message Link”):

3. Paste the image link to your prompt:

/imagine (image link) (your prompt)

Example 1:

This is the image of Keanu Reeves that I’ve uploaded and copied the image link of:
This is the prompt I’ve used:

“(image link) as Mona Lisa”

As you can see these 4 images are generated based on the image that I’ve uploaded!

Example 2:

This is the image that I’ve uploaded and copied the image link of:
The prompt I’ve entered:

“(image link) as The Dark Knight”

Pretty cool, isn’t it?!

Midjourney Cheat Code: Mixing 2

images together
You can upload 2 images and blend them together:

1. First, upload 2 images.

2. Copy both of their image links as mentioned in the previous cheat code.

3. Paste them both together in the prompt and enjoy the result!

Example 1:

These are the 2 images I’ve uploaded and copied the image links of:
This is the prompt I’ve entered: (pasting 2 image links together)

I had a good laugh on this one…

Example 2:

These are the 2 images I’ve uploaded and copied the image links of:
Not bad eh? Lol.

Cheat Code: “ — — SEED”

If you really like specific images that you have generated and want to use the same
seed for future Midjourney prompt images that will have a similar-looking style, you
can use the seed parameter.

How to retrieve the Midjourney image seed:

1. First, you need to make sure your privacy setting allows direct messages from
server members:

2. Click “Add reaction” on the right side of the images you’d like to retrieve the seed
3. Click the ✉️emoji / type “:envelope:”:

4. A new message will be sent to you from the MidJourney Bot which tells you the
5. Copy the seed and paste it at the end of the prompt:

6. Result — A new image is generated based on the seed (style) of your chosen
Cheat Code: “ — — No xxx”
This is what’s called Negative Prompts by using this cheat code “ — — No xxx” will
tell Midjourney AI to remove certain content of an image.

1. First you need to make sure you have activated “Remix Mode”: (You can find
details on how to activate that in Part 1 of this article)
Make sure you have selected “MJ version 4” and “Remix mode” to enjoy the latest
features: (They’re not selected by default)

2. Let’s say I really like this image on the top left corner but I don’t want to see the
tiger there, go ahead and click “V1”:
3. After you click “V1”, a “Remix Prompt” will prompt. I’ll then add “ — — no tiger”
at the end of the original prompt and click “Submit”:

4. A new set of images based on the image I chose will be generated, but this time
without the tiger as I instructed:
Cheat Code: Add content and remove
content on an image at the same
Based on what I’ve taught you on how to use “ — — No xxx” to remove certain
content on an image, you can also add certain content at the same time.

1. Let’s use the same previous image as an example. Click “V1”:

2. This time, other than not wanting to see the tiger, I also want to see some plants in
the image so I add “with plants — —no tiger” to the end of the original prompt:

3. A new set of images based on the image I chose will be generated, but this time
without the tiger, and plants are also added as I instructed:
Cheat Code: “::”
Do you know you can add Text Weight to your Midjourney prompt? If you want
certain content on an image to be more emphasized, you can add the ratio you want to
see of that content by using “::” in your prompt.

Use that with caution, though, as the images can go completely off-scale if you put
extreme ratios.

Confused?! Let’s check out some of these examples if I want to generate an image of
a cat eating ice-cream on the beach.

Example 1:

Prompt used: “cat::1 eating ice-cream::1 beach::1”

By using the same ratio for all 3 contents, the images will be generated with all 3
contents in equal proportion like this:
Example 2:

Prompt used: “cat::3 eating ice-cream::1 beach::1”

This time I want the image to emphasize more on the cat so I put a “3” for the cat.
However, MidJourney has generated an image that focuses solely on the cat (as
instructed) and threw the other 2 elements “eating ice-cream” and “beach” away:
A couple more examples to show you that went off-scale based on the extreme ratio I

Prompt used: “cat::1 eating ice-cream::3 beach::1”

Prompt used: “cat::1 eating ice-cream::2 beach::3”
To wrap up…

I hope you’ve enjoyed this Part 2 of the article and learned some new tricks when
prompting on MidJourney. Do share with me other cheat codes you use that I haven’t

Last but not least, let’s look at these few images I have generated using the picture of
my cats which I had a good laugh of. Enjoy!

Original image that I uploaded:

Prompt: “(image link) as last cat gang on earth”:
Prompt: “(image link) as Egypt prince ”:
Prompt: “(image link) as superhero”:
Here’s a special shoutout to Ms. Bee Lee, for her crucial effort that contributed to
creating this article.

If you’re interested in Blockchain, Crypto, NFTs, Metaverse, Fintech and DeFi, don’t
forget to check out my highly-rated and super fun courses:

 DeFi — Decentralized Finance — Future of Finance Masterclass

 The Ethereum Merge Upgrades Masterclass
 Metaverse For Businesses — How to Benefit from the Metaverse
 Create NFTs, Tokens and DAOs — Smart Contracts Masterclass
 Metaverse Masterclass — Learn Everything about the Metaverse!
 NFT Investing Masterclass — Pro-Tips about NFT Investing
 Cyber Security Masterclass — All about IT Security
 The First Complete Dogecoin Course — Everything about DOGE
 Fintech Overview: AI, Blockchain, Cloud, Data, Cybersecurity
 The Complete NFTs Course — Learn everything about NFTs
 ⛓️Blockchain Deep-Dive: from Bitcoin to Ethereum to Crypto
YouTube: Crypto Henri
Twitter: @henriquecentiei
LinkedIn: Henrique Centieiro



Ai Image Generator

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