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I have a very fulfilling feeling about what I have been able

to accomplish in my life so far. I want the absolute be for myself and
those close to me. I often go above and beyond to help those around
me succeed and be the best version of themselves that they can
possibly be. My life is a mixture of moments, some happy moments
and others not so much, but regardless, these moments have made me
the person that I am today and I don’t regret anything that had
happen. I consider myself a strong, and a very determined person, I
have dreams to fill the world and I am willing to do the necessary
efforts to attain those dreams.

I am Jalia A. Kadir 19 years of age and this is my life. I was born

in Manila Philippines on January 15 2003. That time my mom is a
house wife while my father is working overseas, I never ever saw my
father till I was 15. When I was 7 years old my mom decided to follow
my father because of financial crisis, when my mom decided to go
abroad, My mother decided to leave me to my lola who was so very
sweet and caring to me. It was actually nice hangging out with your
lola, anyways. After a year my mom decided to came back, and It was
the best moment of my life because I can finally hug her again, and
she talks about the amazing view she saw in abroad, talk about her
experience being there, and how she miss me so much and then she
drop the biggest news!! she is pregnant to my sister Mishael.

After she gave birth and recover we decided to go back to

Mindanao and also to start a new beginning. We go to Tacurong City to
visit my father’s relatives but I didn’t expect that my mom is going to
leave me and my sister to my Tito who was my father’s brother. It
wasn’t actually that bad because they don’t have a son nor a daughter.
They actually treated us like there own. But there is some point of my
life thinking “i wish my mom was here” but I know it’ll never happen. I
was mad at first for leaving us, but when I grew older I finally
understand why they did that because it is for “Us” to survive and also
to give us a better life. And now me my mom and my two siblings are
finally got our own house and lot here in Cotabato city. But my father
is still in Saudi Arabia till now. Because of this unfavorable
circumstances, little by little, my heart felt distant from my father. But
I never ever be mad to my father It just makes me sad because almost
half of my life I never saw him. I remember the first time I saw him, I
was 10 years old that time and it was a mixed emotions because I am
happy and I can finally talk

with him, bond with him, and do all those father and daughter
activity. And I also feel sad because of those wasted years that I didn’t
get a chance to know him. Till now I didn’t know his attitude, his
favourite food etc. But i still love my father he sacrifice all those years
to be with his daughters but chooses to flew abroad just to give us a
better life and I hope he will come back soon and never come back.
My parents is my inspiration to be successful in life because they
sacrifice too much just to give us a proper education and give us the
best life. And I promise once I become successful they are the first
person that I will spoil with my money. How beautiful it must be, if
no family would ever need to be separated from each other. I pray that
the Philippines would arise from poverty and have a better economy.
So that fathers and mothers would not need to go abroad and leave
their children. I wonder when will that be? I salute all the fathers and
mothers who have the heart and mind that truly cares first for his or
her family
PS. Apparently authobiography cant
have pictures, but I added pictures for

This is my mom in abroad

This is me and my sister

when our mother left us in
Tacurong City and been This is my tito and
taking care of our tito. tita who takes
care of us when
our parents are in

This is my mother and

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