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Objective: To understand how ears receive sound.

Code: S7LT-IIId-7

Grade Level: Grade 7

Subject: Science

(1) Review: Ask the students to recall what they know about sound waves and how they travel.

(2) Motivation: Play a video or audio clip of different sounds and ask the students to identify them. This
can be done in pairs or groups.

(3) Activity:

a. Build a model ear: In groups, have the students create a model ear using materials such as clay, paper,
and straws. Have them label the different parts of the ear and explain their functions.

b. Sound scavenger hunt: In pairs, have the students go on a sound scavenger hunt around the school.
Give them a list of sounds to find and record, along with a description of where they heard it and what it
sounded like.

c. Hearing test: Have the students take a hearing test to determine their hearing range. Use an online
hearing test or create your own using different frequencies of sound.

(4) Analysis: Discuss the results of the hearing test, and have the students compare their results with
their classmates. Ask them to reflect on how their hearing range affects their daily lives.

(5) Abstraction: Introduce the concept of sound intensity and how it affects our hearing. Discuss the
dangers of exposure to loud noises and how to protect our ears.
(6) Application: Have the students research and present on a real-life problem related to hearing loss,
such as noise pollution or hearing loss in the workplace.

(7) Assessment:

a. How do sound waves travel?

Answer: Sound waves travel through a medium, such as air or water, by vibrating particles in the

b. What is the function of the eardrum?

Answer: The eardrum vibrates when sound waves hit it, which sets the bones in the middle ear in

c. What is the danger of prolonged exposure to loud noises?

Answer: Prolonged exposure to loud noises can cause permanent hearing loss.

d. What is the range of human hearing?

Answer: The range of human hearing is typically between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz.

(8) Assignment: Have the students write a reflection on what they learned about how ears receive sound
and how they can protect their hearing.

Interactive activities:

1. Virtual ear dissection: Have the students explore a virtual ear and identify the different parts and their

2. Sound wave simulation: Use an online simulation to show how sound waves travel through different
3. Hearing loss simulation: Have the students experience what it's like to have hearing loss by using
earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones during a class activity.

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