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BSIT203 March 8, 2023

1.Lack of Emphaty
The foundation of creating genuine social bonds is empathy. Nonetheless, some people could find it
difficult to develop it. Even if the other person's sentiments and experiences are different from our
own, we may be able to respond in a supportive manner and control our own emotions if we can
understand them.

2.Physical Environment
Those who are communication vulnerable might be encouraged to participate more actively in talks by
using very basic and straightforward physical environment modification tactics (such as giving pen and
paper, enough lighting, and a quiet atmosphere). The possible impact of environmental factors on
talks should be generally understood by health care practitioners.

3.Inusfficient Information
Bad communication typically develops when there's a gap between what one person says and what
another person hears. In other words, the person being communicated to misunderstands what you're
attempting to tell them, therefore there's no mutual understanding. It can also happen when there's a
lack of communication, such as when management doesn't offer staff the information they need.

4.Not Listening
Not listening is one of the problems in communication because not listening is an insult to the speaker
The reason for not listening is distracting things like talking on the cell phone while someone is talking,
sleeping while someone is talking, etc.

5. information overload
When information overload occurs, trying to manage information can deplete and demoralize you,
nformation overload can lead to real feelings of anxiety, feeling overwhelmed and powerless, and
mental fatigue.

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