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CS401 (Practical) Assignment # 1


VUID: BC210415570

Write an assembly language program that calculates the sum of all even
numbers from 1 to N, where N is the largest digit of your VUID. Use jumps
and labels to implement the necessary loops and conditionals. Store the final
sum in a variable named sum?
We write the code for display the result in the compiler your vu id sum:

Assembly language code:

[org 0x0100]
jmp start

number: db 7
sum: db 0

mov bx,[number]
mov cx,7
mov ax,0

and bx,1
cmp bx,0
jnz skip
add ax,cx

sub cx,1
mov bx,cx
cmp cx,0
jnz checking

mov [sum],ax

mov ax,0x4c00 ;termination of program

int 0x21

sample screenshot with last four digits is as :

Sample screen shot of original vu id greatest number with sum:

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